Southerners, once again, fight to end the life of a minority baby

AUSTIN, Texas (CNN) -- When Emilio Gonzales lies in his mother's arms, sometimes he'll make a facial expression that his mother says is a smile........


Gee, I wonder will there be senate hearings on this and the same level of outrage as when the anorexic chic was taken off life support.
Ok I looked at the article and the crucial difference here is that the medical staff believe this boy is in immense pain, while Schiavo as we know felt no pain.
That kind of makes the choice a lot easier don't you think?
Ok I looked at the article and the crucial difference here is that the medical staff believe this boy is in immense pain, while Schiavo as we know felt no pain.
That kind of makes the choice a lot easier don't you think?

One would think, but i still maintain it is the immediate relatives decision. Unless they are overridden by a court. Some parents/spouses will not be able to make the decision. But the govt proper should not make the decision for them. That is my stand.
btw how do we know Schavio felt no pain ?
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One would think, but i still maintain it is the immediate relatives decision. Unless they are overridden by a court. Some parents/spouses will not be able to make the decision. But the govt proper should not make the decision for them. That is my stand.
I think that is what is in the works. It seems the state process is working just as it did with Schiavo.
I wonder is it time for more standardization of many state laws to make it less confusing ?
People move and travel a lot....
I wonder is it time for more standardization of many state laws to make it less confusing ?
People move and travel a lot....
I would not be for that. While the R Party seems to have abandoned state's rights lately I firmly believe that states do not need constant oversight of the federal government and have a right to make laws that they believe will attract the best citizens.
I would not be for that. While the R Party seems to have abandoned state's rights lately I firmly believe that states do not need constant oversight of the federal government and have a right to make laws that they believe will attract the best citizens.

I do agree with you in principle Damo, but think some basic rights ones should be standardized.
Ok I looked at the article and the crucial difference here is that the medical staff believe this boy is in immense pain, while Schiavo as we know felt no pain.
That kind of makes the choice a lot easier don't you think?

Apparently his mother feels differently.
So do parents who believe that their son's broken arm and cancer can be solved by praying over them. Where is your line?

Its a tough subject matter. But in general, I'd favor the side of life. In this case we know that if the kids off of life support he'd die. I'd favor the side that wants him to live. In the case of cancer, we'd know the kid would have a better chance at living if he's on chemo or radiation, I'd side with who ever wanted that. Broken arms aren't life or death so honestly I don't know. I think every situation is different in cases like so I don't think I'm comfortable drawing a line in the sand.
Then there is at least one sect of christians who refuse blood transfusions that would save their childs life....

but then the child has not yet chosen that sect...

Yes hard decisions and seldom clear cut.
Then there is at least one sect of christians who refuse blood transfusions that would save their childs life....

but then the child has not yet chosen that sect...

Yes hard decisions and seldom clear cut.

Or their own life. A friend of mine (happens to belong to the religion of which you speak) had open heart surgery. No blood please. He died with a clot when the blood would have saved him. Definitely a tough decision and one not understood by those of us who are not of that faith. Kind of like the Christian, non Christian debate that goes on in our society. One side doesn't understand the other all that well.
Oh Ifeel that any adult can make that choice for themselves. Even to assisted or non assisted suicide.
But the children are not of an age to make that decision for themselves yet....

On the issue of suicide, if the kid at VT had been allowed by society to commit suicide, 32 others might still be alive. But there is such a stigma associated with suicide....
Originally Posted by LadyT

AUSTIN, Texas (CNN) -- When Emilio Gonzales lies in his mother's arms, sometimes he'll make a facial expression that his mother says is a smile........

Gee, I wonder will there be senate hearings on this and the same level of outrage as when the anorexic chic was taken off life support.

Fuck you, nigger.

Classy, watermark
Fuck you, nigger.


Wow. You're normally pretty bright (for a southerner that is). Here's a hint: if you're trying to dispell the myth that southerners are racist hicks, you probably shouldn't assail someone and call them a nigger. But good try considering your limited educational background :).
