Sox Ownage thread ALCS


on indefiniate mod break
this thread is where I will plan to rub everything in rstrings face when he gets back from his honeymoon or wherever he is.
I was just getting on to see how long you guys think it will take for ESPN (and to a lesser extent TBS) to spit out the Red Sox dick. I am guessing they will keep it in well after the Red Sox are sent home as the Yanks were and they are still sucking on that one.
What's your team Stringy? Or, who are you supporting in the event that your team sucks like mine and didn't go to the playoffs?
I was just getting on to see how long you guys think it will take for ESPN (and to a lesser extent TBS) to spit out the Red Sox dick. I am guessing they will keep it in well after the Red Sox are sent home as the Yanks were and they are still sucking on that one.

you must not be watching the game very much. Every time the rays come up to bat there is a montage of how much they rocked this season. Everytime they get a hit, tie it up/take the lead the announcers go apeshit.
Were you watching the TBS broadcast? Before the game they were talking about how the Rays had lost 7 of 9 in Fenway, failing to mention that Boston lost 8 of 9 in Tropicana. They were talking about how Lester was going to really get tough, then BJ hit the three run bomb. They continued talking about how the Red Sox could put up runs in bunches at any moment. In the post game they were talking about how they were surprised by Garza, because they had never seen him pitch before.

Only Eck really seemed to see the problem in sending out Wakefield. I think Francona is crazed to pitch him.

ESPN is nothing but a bunch of homers for the Red Sox and Yanks.

The Rays are treated as the Cinderella story who are out of their league and will be shown reality at any moment.
I'm rooting for the Rays because I think that a team with such a relatively cheap lineup winning is a good thing.
rays are best team this year and deserve to win. Disgusting how many fair weather rays fans there are tho.
rays are best team this year and deserve to win. Disgusting how many fair weather rays fans there are tho.

Not as disgusting as the Red Sox fans who went from being rather humble to a bunch of arrogant asses.

The Rays had little to cheer for prior to this season. The management was schizophrenic and did not appear committed to winning. They spent too much on washed up free agents. And there was no history of success, not talking about a World Series, but just a year where they were remotely competitive.

But they have been doing things right the last few years. Hopefully they will do better in coming years, but their location is not great. They are in the middle of a bunch of retirees, many living on fixed incomes.
tampa will collapse in a year or two cause they are going to be ripe for harvest. They are going to be a major league farm team.
red sox blew game two. having masterson going for only 2 outs resulting in us having to go to timlin in the 11th was the dumbest idea ever.
tampa will collapse in a year or two cause they are going to be ripe for harvest. They are going to be a major league farm team.

Maybe, but we still have a great farm system. Longo is wrapped up for years. CC and Rocco have already been here for a long time. Maybe, we'll get some loyalty out of a few of these guys and there is incredible depth. I think Kazmir will likely leave, but we have Price to step in for him. Perez and Aybar are guys that could be solid players.