
I never played bid. I assume the system is similar to spades?
Yea. Pretty much. You deal 6 cards to each player. The player to the left of the dealer gets first bid and can bid up to 5 tricks. High bid gets to name trump. Player to the left of the dealer makes the first play. If the team who called the highest bid doesn't get that number or tricks or more, they they are set. Going alone is differant too. You can call a loner and have your partner pass you a card (4 pts) or you can go alone with out passing (6 pts). After the bid has been made everyone discards one card before playing the hand. In bid Euchre you can also call High or Low card as trump.
Yeah, but that different! I little cheat, you big cheat! :pke:
There is no little cheat in Euchre! LOL That's one of the fun things about Euchre. There are as many ways to cheat as doans has pills. Double dealing. Dealing off the bottom, talking across the table. Code word, hand signals, body language and on and on. Half the fun in Euchre is seeing what you can get away with. LOL

My great Uncle was an awesome Euchre player. One of his big tricks was to get an animated conversation on some topic going while playing. Then while people would be cussing and discussing the topic he'd deal, two, three, four times in a row and wouldn't get caught the devious old geezer.

Another one he would do when he was my partner is he'd call trump and then I'd lead out with the right or left bower. He pull in the cards, pick up my bower and play it again and get away with it. LOL
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and the best part about Euchre is if you get caught cheating it doesn't ruin the game and they dont' take you outside and break your hands. You just get Euchered (set) and lose two points. :)