Specialization degrades society


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Reclaiming the Sacred:

Sustainable Farming as a Metaphor for Sustainable Living

With industrial systems, profits and growth take precedent over personal relationships and social responsibility. Specialization and standardization separate people within families and within communities and devalues human relationships. Relationships among people are reduced to buying and selling or other forms of legal transactions. As relationships become distant and impersonal, exploitation of workers, consumers, and taxpayers becomes accepted business practices. The social, ecological, and economic degradation of America is no different in concept from the demise of our family farms and the ecological, economic, and social decay of our rural communities. The linkages between cause and effect are just easier to see in agriculture.
Don't worry. You're lack of relationships won't be due to specialization. It will be due to your misogyny, racism and anti-semetism.
Who knows or cares?

Did you ever find your bong?


It was gorgeous too. Blue plateglass with reinforced clear spirals. I don't think whoever took it actually realized how expensive it was. I dropped $150 on it and I thought I had overpaid on it for a long time until I dropped it standing up and saw the bong survive the crash onto the floor. To date I've probably dropped it 5 or 6 times over the last 2 years with no damage.

Sigh... Really gonna miss it.
AssHat, if specialization of labour is such a heinous crime, quit your job and become a subsistence farmer. Then, for sure, you'll be happy.
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No no apparently it doesn't say that!! Cept it kind does. But no it doesn't!!!!

It uses the field of agriculuture to illustrate the same principles of "scientific management" which are also destroying our society.

But sure, reduce it to a promotion of "subsistence farming". I would hope for a better harvest than mere subsistence, but if you insist on calling a person growing his own food, "subsistence farming" then that only indicates the degree of your own ideological bias.