Specialization degrades society

Assh wants all to go back to subsistance farming, you know, that which is at the cusp, though not quite there, of civilization...

Subsistence farming implies agricultural failure. For centuries mankind has lived on succesful single family farms. But Im not advocating, forced single family farms in some sort of maoist deurbanization campaign.

I'm saying the oversimplified ecosystems of the RATIONALIZED corporate farm creates a toxic state.
I'm saying maybe we should not be dependant on hostile foreign powers for our food supply. Can your idiotic binary mind even comprehend something so simple as NON-extremism?
You know what I do, AssHat?

I do something useful to society in my time. Then I go, recieve money for this, and pay for my food. It's more efficient than me wasting my time growing food in this clay.

It seems that way, until the UN uses control of your food supply to dictate policy.
This is hysterical. "Civilization degrades society" -- what a hoot. It's not original -- Luddism is hardly new -- but the golden moldies are often some of the best.

Specialization of labor is the driving force behind ALL of technological advancement and social evolution. One might as well rail against encouraging adaptability.

This is not to say that there's anything wrong with the concept of sustainable farming. Far from it: it's one of the keys to the survival of our civilization. Its just that sustainable farming practices have nothing to do with rolling back "specialization" in any way.

AssHat needs to stop reading the rambling pseudo-thought of religious nuts.


You haven't sufficiently studied "Scientific Management" from it's roots. It has a hostility toward and dehumanization of workers as overtly stated values. And it's posits that management IS always right, no discussion. Long term, this attitude leads to an institutional blindness and totalitarian groupthink. When efficiencies were obvious and as easy as using a stopwatch on individual manufacturing actions, management could make obvious improvements and their tyrannical control was justified, as least from an effieciency perspective, but still disregarding the mental health of workers.
In the information age, however, this model breaks down, as those in management are no longer capable of properly assessing and breaking down the tasks for specialization and deskilling. They think they accomplish things by insisting on formatting standards, or choosing a framework, but what they fail to understand is that what you really need is a smart ass motherfucker who can think on his feet. This is atomic and cannot be decomposed.
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I feel degraded taking this huge profit from Microsoft today. After I sell the specialization wonder for 10% profit in two weeks I'll need a shower.
I feel degraded taking this huge profit from Microsoft today. After I sell the specialization wonder for 10% profit in two weeks I'll need a shower.

Ok. Then when they dump our dollar you'll be just as screwed as the rest of us, but just more unprepared. Congratulations, fool.
spinner the upper income classes or wannabe rich are the ones whining about this.
Only a moron would think those making under 150K would whine about those making over 150K paying more taxes.