Specialization degrades society

For those who care, Dillo was with me when the UAE Ports Deal blewback in bush's face and I transformed from a Topspin like neocon walking character flaw into the rebel you all know now.
Still Unclear on Any Concept

This is hysterical. "Civilization degrades society" -- what a hoot. It's not original -- Luddism is hardly new -- but the golden moldies are often some of the best.

Specialization of labor is the driving force behind ALL of technological advancement and social evolution. One might as well rail against encouraging adaptability.

This is not to say that there's anything wrong with the concept of sustainable farming. Far from it: it's one of the keys to the survival of our civilization. Its just that sustainable farming practices have nothing to do with rolling back "specialization" in any way.

AssHat needs to stop reading the rambling pseudo-thought of religious nuts.

This is hysterical. "Civilization degrades society" -- what a hoot. It's not original -- Luddism is hardly new -- but the golden moldies are often some of the best.

Specialization of labor is the driving force behind ALL of technological advancement and social evolution. One might as well rail against encouraging adaptability.

This is not to say that there's anything wrong with the concept of sustainable farming. Far from it: it's one of the keys to the survival of our civilization. Its just that sustainable farming practices have nothing to do with rolling back "specialization" in any way.

AssHat needs to stop reading the rambling pseudo-thought of religious nuts.


Assh wants all to go back to subsistance farming, you know, that which is at the cusp, though not quite there, of civilization...
I certainly do not want to have to eke a living out of my acreage. I enjoy doing other things with the land I worked for.
People need to kill animals and eat raw meat, and live homelessly. The elitist intellectuals will try to tell you how stupid this is, but just think about how they'll be unable to survive without you. Come on, Asshat, trash your computer! Burn down your house! Live as a real human! Don't let us elitist intellectual zionists drag you down!