Specialization degrades society

Don't believe in mass production, AssHat? Then do something about it. Start manufacturing everything by hand.

It's bigger than that chumsky. I cannot deny that some assembly line techniques are obviously beneficial, and that sometimes maybe management can give their two cents into the production process, but the underlying philosophy of "Scientific Management" techniques assumes that management is ALWAYS smarter than the worker and that workers will be deceptive. This paranoia and contempt "the man" has for his workers is the emotional underpinning of the "Scientific Management" movement. And his workflow analysis approach is less valid in a non-manufacturing society, and in the information age, when the problem solving abilities of the workers may, in fact, surpass those in management positions. These fearful managers therefore redouble their efforts in applying the negative aspects of taylorization to reseize control of the workplace, but the techniques fail. They think they can hire personnell on the cheap, with no contextual knowledge of the business or processes, or can barely speak english, because they think they have "deskilled" the job, by reducing it to an oversimplified description, as per the instructions of h.r.

It's all based on cheapness.
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Oh, Taylorism. Synonymous to Fordism. I forgot you mentioned that.

I was merely commenting on the article, itself.

The goal of business is to provide wages to people in exchange for performing a task - if they employ people. Who ever said they had to provide minimum living wages, aside from legislation? Cheaper labor, minimum inputs equating maximum outputs ETC. Unless they're a not-for-profit organization.

In the world as constructed people depend on corporations for livelyhood. Therefore a job is an economic resource for an individual, just like an enivironmental resource is, we all need air to breathe, we all need a job. There's nothing wrong with basic protections on either.
In the world as constructed people depend on corporations for livelyhood. Therefore a job is an economic resource for an individual, just like an enivironmental resource is, we all need air to breathe, we all need a job. There's nothing wrong with basic protections on either.

But that doesn't change that fact that the majority of businesses are in business to maximize profits - often at the expense of their employees. Not unlike people (corporations) maximizing what they can suck out of the environment at the expense of the environment - present environmental protections not withstanding.

I think we agree here anyway. You just want to argue.
In the world as constructed people depend on corporations for livelyhood. Therefore a job is an economic resource for an individual, just like an enivironmental resource is, we all need air to breathe, we all need a job. There's nothing wrong with basic protections on either.

So you think the government should 'guarantee' one a job? Sort of like the old USSR, where 'we pretend to work, they pretend to pay us.' ?
But that doesn't change that fact that the majority of businesses are in business to maximize profits - often at the expense of their employees. Not unlike people (corporations) maximizing what they can suck out of the environment at the expense of the environment - present environmental protections not withstanding.

I think we agree here anyway. You just want to argue.

No. You want to argue. lol. the "scientific management" revolution has some good things, but more bad things associated with it, namely a hostile and paternalistic attitude towards workers. it's not JUST about efficiency. It's about human relationships.
No. You want to argue. lol. the "scientific management" revolution has some good things, but more bad things associated with it, namely a hostile and paternalistic attitude towards workers. it's not JUST about efficiency. It's about human relationships.

I would say it's more about human relationships or better - how to manipulate human relationships within the work place. I'm too rebellious for that, it makes me do the opposite of what it's intended to do.

My work place it totally designed around it. You should see our time keeping system, ... phone calls, computer use and other things you couldn't imagine. Not time clock though!
I would say it's more about human relationships or better - how to manipulate human relationships within the work place. I'm too rebellious for that, it makes me do the opposite of what it's intended to do.

My work place it totally designed around it. You should see our time keeping system, ... phone calls, computer use and other things you couldn't imagine. Not time clock though!

Exactly. ANd it's premised on a kind of paranoia that management MUST seize control of every facet of everything because workers are inherently deceitful. The knowledge of a trade or crafstmen is to be maligned and mistrusted. It's explicitly dehumanizing.
Exactly. ANd it's premised on a kind of paranoia that management MUST seize control of every facet of everything because workers are inherently deceitful. The knowledge of a trade or crafstmen is to be maligned and mistrusted. It's explicitly dehumanizing.

I will admit that I enjoy watching the drama it creates. The ironic part is that it actually creates an atmosphere of decite and mistrust simply because you never know who's watching until the next staff meeting or quarterly revue. I suppose that's the point......stupid worker bees.
Exactly. ANd it's premised on a kind of paranoia that management MUST seize control of every facet of everything because workers are inherently deceitful. The knowledge of a trade or crafstmen is to be maligned and mistrusted. It's explicitly dehumanizing.

I think it's premised on the idea that one should be doing what one is paid to do. Now there are companies that believe and practice the idea that 'happy' employees are more productive. They tend to make the list of most desirable employers. All one needs to do is get qualified and be there when the opportunities arise.
I will admit that I enjoy watching the drama it creates. The ironic part is that it actually creates an atmosphere of decite and mistrust simply because you never know who's watching until the next staff meeting or quarterly revue. I suppose that's the point......stupid worker bees.

All kinds of sick shit. People being the worst. Reason takes a backseat to hierarchy. This is why the anti-christ sytem of totalitarianism will fail. We see from the internet that the optimum architecture is p2p. But of course, they will shut that down soon too. Remember these days. We are lucky to live in exciting times, regardless of the horror.;)
I think it's premised on the idea that one should be doing what one is paid to do. Now there are companies that believe and practice the idea that 'happy' employees are more productive. They tend to make the list of most desirable employers. All one needs to do is get qualified and be there when the opportunities arise.

Ok. Richie Cunningham.