Specialization degrades society

I grew much of my own food this year.
Still waiting on the weather to get hog killin cold though for my winters supply of pork.
But sure, reduce it to a promotion of "subsistence farming". I would hope for a better harvest than mere subsistence, but if you insist on calling a person growing his own food, "subsistence farming" then that only indicates the degree of your own ideological bias.

Yes, I actually do insist on calling a person farming their own food subsistence farming. Apparently every dictionary in history agrees with me. Oh no! Merriam-Webster is in danger of betraying their 'ideological bias'.

Main Entry: subsistence farming
Function: noun
Date: 1938
1 : farming or a system of farming that provides all or almost all the goods required by the farm family usually without any significant surplus for sale
2 : farming or a system of farming that produces a minimum and often inadequate return to the farmer —called also subsistence agriculture
— subsistence farmer noun
It uses the field of agriculuture to illustrate the same principles of "scientific management" which are also destroying our society.

But sure, reduce it to a promotion of "subsistence farming". I would hope for a better harvest than mere subsistence, but if you insist on calling a person growing his own food, "subsistence farming" then that only indicates the degree of your own ideological bias.

Bad skin
and a slight lisp
Yes, I actually do insist on calling a person farming their own food subsistence farming. Apparently every dictionary in history agrees with me. Oh no! Merriam-Webster is in danger of betraying their 'ideological bias'.

Main Entry: subsistence farming
Function: noun
Date: 1938
1 : farming or a system of farming that provides all or almost all the goods required by the farm family usually without any significant surplus for sale
2 : farming or a system of farming that produces a minimum and often inadequate return to the farmer —called also subsistence agriculture
— subsistence farmer noun

This definition includes the presumption of poor harvest and scarcity. Individual farming could be **gasp** successful and bountiful. Look up "SUBSISTENCE" by itself if you doubt me.

I'm talking about individual farming.
So let me get this straight. You are advocating a rose-colored world in which everyone's farm yields massive harvests which they use for their own consumption and to sell to other people... who presumably also farm their own food and sell it.

What a great idea! I can't believe no respectable economist in history has advocated this? How strange.
So let me get this straight. You are advocating a rose-colored world in which everyone's farm yields massive harvests which they use for their own consumption and to sell to other people... who presumably also farm their own food and sell it.

What a great idea! I can't believe no respectable economist in history has advocated this? How strange.

Of course they haven't, they're paid by the military industrial complex to create propaganda deriding the concepts of individualism, self sovereignty, and self-determination.
Reclaiming the Sacred:

Sustainable Farming as a Metaphor for Sustainable Living

Interesting article.

The division of labor is where it all started. The ability to produce more (food) led to bigger, well fed populations, where each individual didn't have to waste time worrying about producing food. They were able to perfect their trades and make better weaponry, construct better defenses around their perimeters - protect the cheif etc, etc.........or maybe it all started with the invention of the plough? There's a bouncing ball in there somewhere. :D
Interesting article.

The division of labor is where it all started. The ability to produce more (food) led to bigger, well fed populations, where each individual didn't have to waste time worrying about producing food. They were able to perfect their trades and make better weaponry, construct better defenses around their perimeters - protect the cheif etc, etc.........or maybe it all started with the invention of the plough? There's a bouncing ball in there somewhere. :D

I know you lovee music but you're way too young and Canadian to know about Mitch Miller. :)