SR did you ever admit to being wrong?


on indefiniate mod break
Dear SR,

I read your incredibly biased post to immie on the boards.

First lets get some facts straight.. i messaged BRENT first.. not dixie. When I messaged brent, i wasn't serious. But THEN brent and DIXIE set things up behind my back for real and THEN I joined them for FUN. I was NEVER the driving force. Tiana will attest to that, and I think brent and dixie would too. Yes I was involved but I wasn't the "puppet master" that you claim me to be.

Dixie was WAY more involved than I EVER was.

Secondly, and this is the most important, the thread of which you finally banned me for, I laid out a solid case. I do believe you were lying. But lets just stipulate for arguments sake that you weren't lying. At the very least you were flat out WRONG about the admin's ability to read u2u's in version 1.9.2. I am just wondering, how come you never admitted to being incorrect in that thread?

Face it, the real reason you banned me was because I schooled you in that thread, and you simply couldn't take it anymore. At that time you still had to have Adam come and back you up. I can't imagine the look on your face when you realized how owned you were.

For someone that is continually posting about how I 'desire to be the smart one', you sure are doing a shitty job at knowing the facts.

- Grind
Grind said:
Dear SR,

I read your incredibly biased post to immie on the boards.

First lets get some facts straight.. i messaged BRENT first.. not dixie. When I messaged brent, i wasn't serious. But THEN brent and DIXIE set things up behind my back for real and THEN I joined them for FUN. I was NEVER the driving force. Tiana will attest to that, and I think brent and dixie would too. Yes I was involved but I wasn't the "puppet master" that you claim me to be.

Dixie was WAY more involved than I EVER was.

Secondly, and this is the most important, the thread of which you finally banned me for, I laid out a solid case. I do believe you were lying. But lets just stipulate for arguments sake that you weren't lying. At the very least you were flat out WRONG about the admin's ability to read u2u's in version 1.9.2. I am just wondering, how come you never admitted to being incorrect in that thread?

Face it, the real reason you banned me was because I schooled you in that thread, and you simply couldn't take it anymore. At that time you still had to have Adam come and back you up. I can't imagine the look on your face when you realized how owned you were.

For someone that is continually posting about how I 'desire to be the smart one', you sure are doing a shitty job at knowing the facts.

- Grind

grind youre never getting back on, im not sure why you still feel the need to lie. ALL of the people over here dont care one way or the other. No need to keep cowering and lying.

I made it no secret that i knew and know nothing about the coding or all the abilities of xmb, i even posted where i didnt know how to install it. When I spoke of the ability in the older version I truly had never seen any features for such and represented it as such. Yes, i was incorrect, big deal, i responded to your "case" with honesty in that I didnt know enough to address it one way or the other.

I didnt have Adam come back me up, I asked him if the old board had the feature he said that it did. That was the end of it. ? Im not sure if he feels it would embarrass me or something if he told you guys just how ignorant of the system i am, but thats his call. I ask him if something is possible, he says yes, and then a few hours later he tells me its done and, and gives me a link and directions. i give the vision, he makes it happen.

I posted why you got banned, it was the truth we both know it no matter how much you cower like a pussy. You arent ever going to post over there again, why not just act like a man and take account for your ignorance?

I feel sorry for Damo that he's forced to have you continue your little tirades on his new board. Its pathetic.

Dixie was WAY more involved than I EVER was.

Grind? Dude? It sounds to me like you are trying to grovel your way back into SiR's good graces by throwing me under the bus. We were ALL involved equally. I was the one who spoke the loudest on the board, and I might have originated the master plan, but you were the one who came up with Brent, and I was not real hot on that idea, as you'll recall. It actually took Tiana supporting him, to convince me to go along with it, and even then I was reluctant.

It doesn't really matter now anyway, what's done is done. You were banned by the King because you dared to reveal his lies. I have enormous respect for you in doing that, and others do as well, because you helped to open some eyes as to what kind of megalomaniac SiR really was, which is something I could have never done alone. For god's sake, Immie is still over there slobbering around trying to give him the benefit of the doubt! Some people just don't see, no matter what you do to show them, but that is not our problem.

SiR will lie about it from now on, you can count on that! He has no intention of ever being "proven wrong" about any damn thing, he thinks he is perfect in every way, and that is fine, let him go on thinking that, as he sits at his dead board, wondering how he fucked it up so badly. I plan to move on with my life, his ego problem is not worth me losing sleep over, to be honest. I just hate to see you acting like Immie about it. You did the right thing, I did the right thing, Tiana did the right thing... SiR was the one who fucked up and blew any credibility he had. He will have to live with that, and that is plenty good enough for me.
"I didnt know enough to address it one way or the other."

But you did just that in thread of which I quoted. You spoke with authority and conviction trying to convince the board members that the reason you didn't know about it was that it was a new feature. The funny thing is, I stated it was an old feature in my first thread discussing u2u's.

You could have easily googled, or checked the forums as well. You did none of that. You also never admitted to being wrong.

Secondly SR, I am confronting you right here, and right now, he'll I just started this thread addressing you.

It must be easy being at fullpolitics and making statements about me without having to worry about me schooling you again and again.

And thirdly, I will post there again. I'll wait a little bit, get a new proxy, and sign up a new account. Of course, I wont admit to who I am...but I'll be there.

Or, you can just start banning everyone who you THINK might be me, lol.
Dixie said:
Dixie was WAY more involved than I EVER was.

Grind? Dude? It sounds to me like you are trying to grovel your way back into SiR's good graces by throwing me under the bus. We were ALL involved equally. I was the one who spoke the loudest on the board, and I might have originated the master plan, but you were the one who came up with Brent, and I was not real hot on that idea, as you'll recall. It actually took Tiana supporting him, to convince me to go along with it, and even then I was reluctant.

It doesn't really matter now anyway, what's done is done. You were banned by the King because you dared to reveal his lies. I have enormous respect for you in doing that, and others do as well, because you helped to open some eyes as to what kind of megalomaniac SiR really was, which is something I could have never done alone. For god's sake, Immie is still over there slobbering around trying to give him the benefit of the doubt! Some people just don't see, no matter what you do to show them, but that is not our problem.

SiR will lie about it from now on, you can count on that! He has no intention of ever being "proven wrong" about any damn thing, he thinks he is perfect in every way, and that is fine, let him go on thinking that, as he sits at his dead board, wondering how he fucked it up so badly. I plan to move on with my life, his ego problem is not worth me losing sleep over, to be honest. I just hate to see you acting like Immie about it. You did the right thing, I did the right thing, Tiana did the right thing... SiR was the one who fucked up and blew any credibility he had. He will have to live with that, and that is plenty good enough for me.

I am sorry dixie, I didn't mean to 'throw' you under the bus. I meant to say that you were the most passionate about the whole security council thing.

But we all know I wasn't the ringleading puppet master like sr likes to pretend. That was my point really.
Grind said:
"I didnt know enough to address it one way or the other."

But you did just that in thread of which I quoted. You spoke with authority and conviction trying to convince the board members that the reason you didn't know about it was that it was a new feature. The funny thing is, I stated it was an old feature in my first thread discussing u2u's.

You could have easily googled, or checked the forums as well. You did none of that. You also never admitted to being wrong.

Secondly SR, I am confronting you right here, and right now, he'll I just started this thread addressing you.

It must be easy being at fullpolitics and making statements about me without having to worry about me schooling you again and again.

And thirdly, I will post there again. I'll wait a little bit, get a new proxy, and sign up a new account. Of course, I wont admit to who I am...but I'll be there.

Or, you can just start banning everyone who you THINK might be me, lol.

Why wouldnt I speak with conviction and authority? I had never read anyone's u2u, i had never seen the features you spoke about, I didnt know if what had been installed was what you were referring too. I didnt ask adam whether or not the old version from xmb had it, I asked him if what was on my server included it. Why would i need to google something I "knew" was the truth (it turned out I was mistaken).

Not everyone is like you grind, not everyone lies all the time. Your infatuation with me isnt healthy, all the effort and time you spent to attack me should give you pause, especially working with brent on it? Might need to ask yourself if being my bitch is worth it?

This new board of Damo doesnt need to be used to further your intent on trying against all odds to prove youre better than me. Its a pathetic display man.

I can completely understand why you'd like to throw dixie in front of the train, to try and deflect the blame, but come on... he's over here by choice, you dont need to try and pull him down on your level so its not so lonely.

Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce
Special orders don't upset us...
All we ask is that you let us
Serve it your way...

Have it youuuuuur way.
Have it your way
Have it youuuuuur way
At Burger King.
but these guys protesteth WAY too loudly - all of them - that they were NOT involved in any conspiracy whatsoever.

They are all three of them liars...
you keep saying I 'lie all the time' but the only thing you have is my comments denying any involvment which I posted KNOWING that you were reading through my u2u's at that very moment. It was me having fun, bluffing, with nothing. I knew you were minutes away from posting my u2u's. There was never any huge massive coverup.

The evidence I presented, (screenshots, detailed analysis of the boards functions, you saying the feature was 2 weeks old) all turned out to be true. All of it.

You're excuse is that you were so convinced you were telling the truth that you didn't need to check your it's ok that you were wrong. If that's how your psychotic mind operates, perhaps you should question whether your delusional ego is ONCE AGAIN getting in the way. (Hint: it is).

I am not bringing dixie down. I already told you, I wasn't the main one in charge. You are being willfully ignorant in this matter. It is convienent for you to call me the puppet master because that gives you the best excuse for banning me, even though the real reason I was banned was because I proved you wrong.

Say it with me - the straw that broke the camels back was me proving you wrong. It's not any more complicated than that. You made a claim, I shot you down with undeniable proof.
Grind said:
you keep saying I 'lie all the time' but the only thing you have is my comments denying any involvment which I posted KNOWING that you were reading through my u2u's at that very moment. It was me having fun, bluffing, with nothing. I knew you were minutes away from posting my u2u's. There was never any huge massive coverup.

The evidence I presented, (screenshots, detailed analysis of the boards functions, you saying the feature was 2 weeks old) all turned out to be true. All of it.

You're excuse is that you were so convinced you were telling the truth that you didn't need to check your it's ok that you were wrong. If that's how your psychotic mind operates, perhaps you should question whether your delusional ego is ONCE AGAIN getting in the way. (Hint: it is).

I am not bringing dixie down. I already told you, I wasn't the main one in charge. You are being willfully ignorant in this matter. It is convienent for you to call me the puppet master because that gives you the best excuse for banning me, even though the real reason I was banned was because I proved you wrong.

Say it with me - the straw that broke the camels back was me proving you wrong. It's not any more complicated than that. You made a claim, I shot you down with undeniable proof.

Grind I get proven wrong all the time, hardly any reason to ban anyone.

Think about it dude. You took the time to get dixie on board with ruining a message board feature (which failed). I mean a message board feature. You put in the effort to get others involved. lol You then put forth the effort to attack each of them to the others after you were bluffed out. THEN you put forth the effort to try and make people believe I read their u2u's (which failed). ALL THE WHILE LYING LIKE A BITCH. Then after I explained that I couldnt and why, YOU PUT FORTH MORE EFFORT to try and make people believe that I was lying (which failed again).

Youre infatuation with me and my stuff is unhealthy grind. What kind of yahoo puts that much effort into things, i mean, taking the time to do such things demonstrates to everyone that you have a problem. I dont know if its your self esteem or that you never follow through on things and so when others do it reminds you of what a failure you are.... I mean i dont know but its pathetic.

And now you come to this board and STILL WONT LET IT GO.

geez man, move on...

sr, you know VERY WELL that dixie was talking publically about how he was going to obstruct your SC WAYYY before I EVER messaged him. Check the dates. Sorry, that excuse wont fly.

Secondly, I told you, I NEVER CARED about the SC, I just like sticking it to you because I like to see you whine like a little bitch. If the SC was fully implemented in your original vision it would not have never bothered me the slightest.

Also, my first post was concerning proving that you COULD read u2u messages. You stipulated this yourself in your thread to immie on your own messageboard. I never once mentioned in that thread that you had for a fact read our u2u's. I merely released the knoweldge. Because I released this knowledge, you removed this feature. I bet if I mentioned it to you you would have told me to fuck off.

And now you've chased away a good deal of your prime members, or at least put them on edge:

string is uneasy
watermark is uneasy

rev is asking for me to come back
immie wanted me to be reinstated at some point


Your delusional.

You banned him for exposing you and utilizing the failed system you designed. The system failed because it was designed poorly and in your hissy fit for exposure you banned him, smeared all of our names, posted private u2u's, made racist slurs about me, became a message board nazi, and quite frankly I don't give a shit. We've got a place to post now with a principled Admin and don't need you anymore. You don't want us there, we don't want to be there. So why don't you move along......buh bye now.
He is clearly lying now suggesting I came up with the idea to obstruct before dixie did. Dixie was talking about this for a month.

The reason I was banned is because he got proved wrong. SR isn't worried about dixie, but he is worried about me and how I'll continue to own him if I stayed there.

To tell you the truth, all my favorite people are here, I like vbull better than xmb, and if this place just didn't have sr, it would be perfect.
He's a racist, lying, hypocrite. Remember when I started that post about him banning people and EVERYONE came to his defense saying that he'd never ban anyone and he even went so far as to say:

"yes, this is realistic.

lets take a vote.

who here thinks i will pull the plug on the site or your ID?

SR "

And then he threaten to take away my priveledges for posting your messages. He's a lying sack of shit.
You took the time to get dixie on board with ruining a message board feature

Another SiR lie. Actually two... he went for a double! Grind didn't take time to get me on board, I was already firing up the engines, and no one ever intended to "ruin" your "feature" as you call it. In fact, we were counting on your feature to work exactly as you designed it, so our plan would work. I'm also seeing people spout off about how we were "conspiring to bring down the board" or some such nonsense. As I have repeatedly asked... For what purpose would we want to bring down a board we posted to daily? Stupidity?

SiR proclaimed me a liar before he supposedly read my U2U's, when I denied any such conspiracy to destroy his property. He didn't say he thought I might not be telling the truth, he flat out called me a liar. I even challenged him to show me proof, and he continued to insist that he KNEW that I was lying. This is what prompted Brent to speculate that he might have read U2U's, because how else could he have been so sure of himself?

Grind and Brent busted SiR in a lie about not having that ability, and then it was one lie after another to cover himself. Now, he's got about half his cronies still believing he was the victim of this "coup" attempt to bring down his glorious board!

There was never anything "covert" about our intentions, although with the continued threats of banishment, we were forced to conduct ourselves in a clandestine manner. It should say something that this was a coalition of Dixie, Grind, Tiana, Brent, and others. Think about that combo for a sec.? Doesn't it strike you as a bit ODD that WE should form a coalition together? Do any of you really think that ME or GRIND have that kind of "mind control" ability? There was no "puppet master" or anything nefarious in what we were doing. It was people who had the same ultimate objectives, forming an alliance and making a plan of action. Nothing in that plan of action or objective was a violation of any law, rule, or guideline of SiR's or ANY freaking web site! NOTHING! It didn't damage tangible property, it didn't damage intellectual property, nor would it have.

All anyone ever really wanted, was HONESTY out of SiR, and he literally burned his house down to avoid giving us that. So be it.
Dixie said:
For god's sake, Immie is still over there slobbering around trying to give him the benefit of the doubt! Some people just don't see, no matter what you do to show them, but that is not our problem.

Dixie... you slobber. I don't. You slobbered for days about the travesty of the Security Council. My God the way you whined one would have thought SR had hired Osama bin Ladin or worse yet John Kerry as an administrator. You didn't even give the SC a damned chance. It was you and your ego that tried (and may have succeeded in doing) to destroy SR's site. The SC may well have failed. If it did, so what? SR would have tried something else. But, you were not happy with that. You did your damnedest to destroy not the council innitiative, but the whole damned site.

And now you are attacking everyone who did not play your little game. Whose ego are we talking about here? Yours or SR's?

I wonder why you were so deadset against even giving it a chance. Perhaps because it was not your idea? Maybe you felt others would ban you or declare you to be a troll? How foolish of you. There was no chance you would have been banned or declared a troll. Maybe because you were afraid you would not be elected King of

Today, I asked SR a simple question and expected a simple answer. I simply asked if the ban was permanent or temporary. SR responded with a full explanation as to what happened. I'm glad he did, because so many of the threads were deleted and so much has transpired. I agree with some of the things he said and others I thought he was wrong on, but he did give his side of the story.

I respect you and Grind. I was angry when I came onto the site after the banning and found out about it. I'd like to see you both back or to see you here. I did nothing but open a door for him to say that at the moment it was a temporary ban.

As for not seeing, I see enough. I don't like the fact that SR posted those U2U's. What's done is done and there is nothing I can do about it. As for reading other's U2U's, I always (and Care will back me up on this) suspected that it was possible for him to do it. I hoped he was ethical enough not to. Regardless, I didn't post things that I would have had a problem with him seeing. Anyone that posted things that they did not want others to see in the U2U system was a fool. You had to know that it was possible for an administrator to see those messages.

Is it possible that SR did not know about it? Yes it is. I have taught myself how to program in several languages and also use different software packages. I start by skimming through the manual then trying different things that interest me. I can go for months working with a system and then need to do something and have to go find the manual to see if it is possible. Was the feature available to SR? Yes. Did he know about it? He says no. I'll take his word for it because only liberals call everyone that they don't agree with "liars"

As for ethics, I wonder if you have any. You see, I believe you made it your goal to destroy SR's site when he would not play your game. That is kind of sad. SR gave us a place to go when died. You have thrown him "under the bus" after he gave us all what we wanted. The funny thing is someone went digging through some of the old treads and found one started by you thanking SR for giving us the site. My how times have changed. So, I think you have stabbed SR in the back simply because he would not play your game. The ego problem is yours as well as SR's.

Dixie said:
I plan to move on with my life, his ego problem is not worth me losing sleep over, to be honest. I just hate to see you acting like Immie about it. You did the right thing, I did the right thing, Tiana did the right thing... SiR was the one who fucked up and blew any credibility he had. He will have to live with that, and that is plenty good enough for me.

What about your ego problem? Do you lose sleep when people don't pay attention to you as much as you think they should?

I have not left I don't know that I will nor do I know if I will stay. It really depends on which site remains active with the people with whom I enjoy conversing. Until we see what happens, I'm not leaving either site.

SR has hinted at some interesting changes. I'd like to see if he implements them. If the site continues and people I enjoy posting with stay at, I will probably stay. If it dies as you tried to kill it then I will leave.

Dixie said:
You took the time to get dixie on board with ruining a message board feature

Another SiR lie. Actually two... he went for a double! Grind didn't take time to get me on board, I was already firing up the engines,

There you have it sr, douchebag.

You KNOW dixie was talking about that stuff for a MONTH.

(dixie I am not pinning anything on you, it's just that sr is trying to find the best reason for banning me, so he wants to pretend that i started all the shit.. which we know isn't the case).
Immy, at best the entire ordeal would have exploited a weakness in SR's construct. An obvious one that which he refused to acknowledge. There was no destroying about it. The entire concept of "destroying" the site is one that SR and his ass kissers have fallaciously perpetuated.