SR did you ever admit to being wrong?

Also at this time, for the record I wish to just bring to everyone's attention that this thread is taking place in the equivalent of an off topic forum.
Oh, and there was nothing secretive about my intentions. I quite openly stated anyone who nominated CK for troll would get my vote. The hell if I cared what your political ideology was.
tianabautre said:
Immy, at best the entire ordeal would have exploited a weakness in SR's construct. An obvious one that which he refused to acknowledge. There was no destroying about it. The entire concept of "destroying" the site is one that SR and his ass kissers have fallaciously perpetuated.


It doesnt matter what system anyone puts in. We could have had an at large election and the top five vote getters could have won, and ALL of them may have intended to make sure the feature was ruined. thats what seems to be over your head.

Obviously youre a scumbag, but at the time some people may not have thought you were, and had someone come to you and said "hey, im running for the SC and I intend to provide gridlock", you may have looked at that and said to yourself that you really didnt want someone like that on the council, that you wanted to give it a chance, that you were a member of the forum and wanted it to work. I dont know you may have been the opposite, as a scumbag its completely possible that you would have. I just dont know.

However, I dont think you knew thats what the purpose was. I think you were willing to do anything to get CK nominated as a troll, maybe they offered you some watermelon, hell I dont know, what I do know is that I cant design a system that would keep people from being assholes. It doesnt matter how you elect them, if they have a desire to be decietful and to do harm then theres nothing you can do to stop them.

You seem to think that if we elected members differently than somehow that would prevent ANYONE from doing the exact same thing.

Thats why I said numerous times that it takes a little faith in the member base that they would take pride in the forum and want to actually be involved in the administration of it. I was wrong for placing that faith in people.

Grind said:
There you have it sr, douchebag.

You KNOW dixie was talking about that stuff for a MONTH.

(dixie I am not pinning anything on you, it's just that sr is trying to find the best reason for banning me, so he wants to pretend that i started all the shit.. which we know isn't the case).

Grind, dixie wasnt talking about that stuff for a month. Hell I didnt even start to change anything until a few weeks ago.

Before that I was in Tulsa for a month, i wasnt even checking in but maybe a few times in that entire month.

why are you still lying?

sr... you know for a fact that dixie has been against this security council for a LONG ASS time, and he mentioned on the board multiple times about how he was going to obstruct. This was before any type of 'underground' was ever set up.

Again, you have the dates. You are the one lying, as usual.
SR_ said:
However, I dont think you knew thats what the purpose was. I think you were willing to do anything to get CK nominated as a troll, maybe they offered you some watermelon, hell I dont know, what I do know is that I cant design a system that would keep people from being assholes. It doesnt matter how you elect them, if they have a desire to be decietful and to do harm then theres nothing you can do to stop them.SR

LOL, you know, you may think your watermelon and fried chicken comments get to me, but in reality, they expose you as racist jackass I've always known your were. And you little hitleresque running of the board, also proved my point that over the last few months, you have been losing it. Where did you learn such hateful rhetoric SR? Your grandfather?

Let's tally up:
I was right about the Iraq War
I was right about your little failed experiment
I was also right about your propensity to ban members in an unprincipaled manner.

In closing, you can kiss my natural black ass.
Grind said:
sr... you know for a fact that dixie has been against this security council for a LONG ASS time, and he mentioned on the board multiple times about how he was going to obstruct. This was before any type of 'underground' was ever set up.

Again, you have the dates. You are the one lying, as usual.

you may believe this, I have no way of knowing. But i mentioned the council a few times in the last few months, and I never had any neverending debates with Dixie about the council until a week and half ago.

maybe he shared his intentions with you, but he never did with me. I hadnt even started to modify things until a few weeks ago.

tianabautre said:
Immy, at best the entire ordeal would have exploited a weakness in SR's construct. An obvious one that which he refused to acknowledge. There was no destroying about it. The entire concept of "destroying" the site is one that SR and his ass kissers have fallaciously perpetuated.

Lady T,

I realize that. Nothing you guys threatened to do would have hurt the site. In fact, it simply would have made things more interesting. That is not what I am talking about.

Dixie began bad mouthing SR when SR would not bow down to him and believe me people began to feel the tension and I would not be surprised if some had not left the site because of it. It went on for quite some time and then Grind came up with the possibility of reading our U2U's. As far as I was concerned Grind made a good case for it. But things were pushed too far. SR said he had not read our U2U's and did not know how to, then Grind showed us all that it could be done, then SR posted those U2U's. He never should have done that. A simple admission that he was wrong and that yes it was possible would have been better.

I didn't care about your little conspiracy to get someone elected to the SC. That was interesting drama. Could you do it? Would you succeed? Would some dark knight come in at the last minute to defeat you? It was very interesting to me. I told Care that if it looked like the council was going to be able to vote to ban individuals and that it looked like Dixie might be banned, I would run to stop that.

I don't think this started out as an attempt to destroy SR's site. I do, however, believe that Dixie got pissed and decided to show the world who was boss.

What about your ego problem? Do you lose sleep when people don't pay attention to you as much as you think they should?

OMG, I doooo Immie! I swear... If I think I haven't gotten enough attention, I might get up in the middle of the night and write a long-ass post about it, just so I can get a little rest! It consumes me to the point that I am nearly suicidal sometimes! That's what I really loved about SiR, he was always so concerned with giving me attention and making me happy! He literally would kiss my ass in front of you all, and I know that made you so jealous, but hey... I was getting my attention, so wtf? right?

You fucking dufuss! Get your head out of your ass for once and wake up! I don't know what the hell I ever did to you for you to just despise me so much, maybe it stems from when you were jealous of me talking to Care on Yahoo? Beats me! I've always kind of liked you, because you didn't seem to be as stupid as most pinheads, and we could actually have intelligent convo's. Here lately, you're a whiny liberal ass kiss, and that's about it, unless you're busy blowing SiR or trying to get people to sing Kumbaya with the kiddie diddlers! I think you must have talked to Care so long you turned into a Jackass! Beware, you need to change your Group Affiliation before the King locks you in! Run along now!!

tianabautre said:
LOL, you know, you may think your watermelon and fried chicken comments get to me, but in reality, they expose you as racist jackass I've always known your were. And you little hitleresque running of the board, also proved my point that over the last few months, you have been losing it. Where did you learn such hateful rhetoric SR? Your grandfather?

Let's tally up:
I was right about the Iraq War
I was right about your little failed experiment
I was also right about your propensity to ban members in an unprincipaled manner.

In closing, you can kiss my natural black ass.

I explained why grind was banned, and it was all based on principle, the principle that private property is not open for vandalism, that personal attacks on the ability of anyone to succeed with their own ventures using such private property should not be tolerated.

What principle were you using for supporting your decietful behavior? That you dont agree with someone and feel they shouldnt have the same opportunities or rights you have? How KKK of you.

SR_ said:
I explained why grind was banned, and it was all based on principle, the principle that private property is not open for vandalism, that personal attacks on the ability of anyone to succeed with their own ventures using such private property should not be tolerated.

What principle were you using for supporting your decietful behavior? That you dont agree with someone and feel they shouldnt have the same opportunities or rights you have? How KKK of you.


Is that best you got? :readit:
"How KKK of You" Goooooooood one. You really put me in my proverbial place. Man, I'm going to log off and cry now.
You banned me because I proved you wrong SR.

By the way, maybe you should tell the board you were wrong?
Dixie said:
What about your ego problem? Do you lose sleep when people don't pay attention to you as much as you think they should?

OMG, I doooo Immie! I swear... If I think I haven't gotten enough attention, I might get up in the middle of the night and write a long-ass post about it, just so I can get a little rest! It consumes me to the point that I am nearly suicidal sometimes! That's what I really loved about SiR, he was always so concerned with giving me attention and making me happy! He literally would kiss my ass in front of you all, and I know that made you so jealous, but hey... I was getting my attention, so wtf? right?

You fucking dufuss! Get your head out of your ass for once and wake up! I don't know what the hell I ever did to you for you to just despise me so much, maybe it stems from when you were jealous of me talking to Care on Yahoo? Beats me! I've always kind of liked you, because you didn't seem to be as stupid as most pinheads, and we could actually have intelligent convo's. Here lately, you're a whiny liberal ass kiss, and that's about it, unless you're busy blowing SiR or trying to get people to sing Kumbaya with the kiddie diddlers! I think you must have talked to Care so long you turned into a Jackass! Beware, you need to change your Group Affiliation before the King locks you in! Run along now!!

What is the matter, Dixie? People don't bow down to your sorry fucking ass and you have to attack them? It is getting to be a habit with your insecure little ass. It is what happened at SR didn't bow down and kiss your sorry little ass so you run away crying. Have you told your mommy yet? Did she coddle you? Give you a cookie to make you feel better?

Despise you? No way. I have always liked you and still do. I do, however, think you are a crybaby.

Hey, there is an edit feature! Maybe I should edit my last post? Remove the F Word. Who typed that anyway? :)
Grind, dixie wasnt talking about that stuff for a month. Hell I didnt even start to change anything until a few weeks ago....Before that I was in Tulsa for a month, i wasnt even checking in but maybe a few times in that entire month.

you may believe this, I have no way of knowing. But i mentioned the council a few times in the last few months, and I never had any neverending debates with Dixie about the council until a week and half ago.

Is this not something that SiR thinks is obvious to the reader? I don't get it! Seems to me, he is directly contradicting himself in the same post. SiR, seriously dude... I really think you need to take a break for a while buddy.

To clarify, and for the Official Record... I never have stated that I was opposed to A "security council" was always about the structure of it for me. Perhaps it was just a fundamental ideological disagreement, I don't know, but I could not sit quietly by and allow a debacle like what SiR proposed, to be forced upon the members of the board against their will, and sold with complete false advertising in the process. It wasn't a "feature" because a "feature" entails some benefit, and there simply is no benefit to the board in having a partisan UN-style council of ideologues who would never be able to reach a unanimous vote. It was a joke, and it involved all of the individuals who take their time daily to post in SiR's forum.

There is a fundamental flaw in establishing four groups of two, and splitting the board up into representative groups, and it is a major flaw that needed to be exposed, and thanks to what we did, it was. SiR is still too stubborn to fix it, because he just can't bring himself to admit his errors. But he will eventually see what I told him to start with was true, you can't control people, you can't expect people to declare an honest ideology by force, and there is simply no benefit in splitting the board up into ideological groupings to elect fair and impartial board members. You open an ideological headache you just don't need. Your posters are always going to be the best judge of who is fair and impartial, if that's the choice they are given, but if their choice is who will best represent their "group" it might be a horse of a very different color, as we also proved with our little movement.

SiR's only reasoning or rationale for having to do it this way, was to "avoid the appearances of partisanship" in decisions the board made, when the board was not ultimately going to actually MAKE real decisions, that was SiR's job. But nevertheless, what the fuck if it did give a partisan impression? We're talking about people who are trolls! We're talking about credible and legitimate concerns facing the board! If the board is 98% Liberal, maybe Liberals should be addressing those concerns? Why the hell should Authoritarians and Greens be determining 25% of any damn thing? The whole ideological structuring was whacked from the start, and that was what I opposed, and still oppose. I think the best council is the one the whole board votes on, regardless of ideology, and based on integrity.

SiR can say we never debated this, and that is a lie too. As soon as he announced what was going on, I questioned him about it, and it escalated with each conversation, into a full blown mega-disaster. He would have been so much better off if he had formed a "blue ribbon panel" and held open Q&A as to how to implement such a change. Or just a "Hey guys? What do you think?" Thread! Some sort of acknowledgement of our input and advice.. but he didn't do that. He chose to Do It His Way! It was His Property! The almighty King of Message Board Empires!

I guess some people just like bending over and taking it up the wazoo, and pretending it feels good. (sorry rob) I just couldn't do it, and that's why I did what I did, and you know what... I am damn proud of it.

"To clarify, and for the Official Record... I never have stated that I was opposed to A "security council" was always about the structure of it for me. Perhaps it was just a fundamental ideological disagreement, I don't know, but I could not sit quietly by and allow a debacle like what SiR proposed, to be forced upon the members of the board against their will, and sold with complete false advertising in the process."

lol , well lets just skip the fact that as an owner of my own property i can impose whatever i want, you arent entitled to anything no matter how badly you didnt want it.

But the larger point is that we started debating this a little over a week ago correct? It wasnt over a month was it.

"here is a fundamental flaw in establishing four groups of two, and splitting the board up into representative groups, and it is a major flaw that needed to be exposed, and thanks to what we did, it was. SiR is still too stubborn to fix it, because he just can't bring himself to admit his errors. But he will eventually see what I told him to start with was true, you can't control people, you can't expect people to declare an honest ideology by force, and there is simply no benefit in splitting the board up into ideological groupings to elect fair and impartial board members. You open an ideological headache you just don't need. Your posters are always going to be the best judge of who is fair and impartial, if that's the choice they are given, but if their choice is who will best represent their "group" it might be a horse of a very different color, as we also proved with our little movement. "

yada yada ydad, you hadnt been bitching about this for a month then right? since the system of the voting blocs wasnt installed yet? correct?


I agree there was a fundamental flaw, but so what?

Even if the venture failed and your little conspiracy worked it would only have been an interesting outcome to the experiment. It would not have hurt the board in any way. I fail to see why you think you have to be the "white knight" to save all of us.

I don't need you to save me and no one else on the site needed it as well. Well, maybe from my liberal slide, but I don't need you to protect me on the site.

Immanuel said:

I agree there was a fundamental flaw, but so what?

Even if the venture failed and your little conspiracy worked it would only have been an interesting outcome to the experiment. It would not have hurt the board in any way. I fail to see why you think you have to be the "white knight" to save all of us.

I don't need you to save me and no one else on the site needed it as well. Well, maybe from my liberal slide, but I don't need you to protect me on the site.


truth be told I don't think we ever would have gotten a unamious vote for anything, ANYWAY.
SR_ said:
"To clarify, and for the Official Record... I never have stated that I was opposed to A "security council" was always about the structure of it for me. Perhaps it was just a fundamental ideological disagreement, I don't know, but I could not sit quietly by and allow a debacle like what SiR proposed, to be forced upon the members of the board against their will, and sold with complete false advertising in the process."

lol , well lets just skip the fact that as an owner of my own property i can impose whatever i want, you arent entitled to anything no matter how badly you didnt want it.

But the larger point is that we started debating this a little over a week ago correct? It wasnt over a month was it.

"here is a fundamental flaw in establishing four groups of two, and splitting the board up into representative groups, and it is a major flaw that needed to be exposed, and thanks to what we did, it was. SiR is still too stubborn to fix it, because he just can't bring himself to admit his errors. But he will eventually see what I told him to start with was true, you can't control people, you can't expect people to declare an honest ideology by force, and there is simply no benefit in splitting the board up into ideological groupings to elect fair and impartial board members. You open an ideological headache you just don't need. Your posters are always going to be the best judge of who is fair and impartial, if that's the choice they are given, but if their choice is who will best represent their "group" it might be a horse of a very different color, as we also proved with our little movement. "

yada yada ydad, you hadnt been bitching about this for a month then right? since the system of the voting blocs wasnt installed yet? correct?


OMG SR! :eek: Someone just started a thread on basket weaving in the Politics section of your board. You better get over there and ban them. We can't have that now can we?