SR did you ever admit to being wrong?

also everyones donations to the site have gone to buy ladyt pairs of shoes.

sorry damo im letting the secrets out of the bag O_O
∞zo;474016 said:
also everyones donations to the site have gone to buy ladyt pairs of shoes.

sorry damo im letting the secrets out of the bag O_O

They better be Jimmy Choos or I'm kicking someone's ass.
Hmmmm, Hey Damo, you mind blocking this site from everyone else for a while so that I can stretch out and post whatever I want without any lip from anyone. Maybe I can get a "Like This" button on all my entries like Facebook. Definitely not a "Don't Like This" button though.
Dixie was WAY more involved than I EVER was.

Grind? Dude? It sounds to me like you are trying to grovel your way back into SiR's good graces by throwing me under the bus. We were ALL involved equally. I was the one who spoke the loudest on the board, and I might have originated the master plan, but you were the one who came up with Brent, and I was not real hot on that idea, as you'll recall. It actually took Tiana supporting him, to convince me to go along with it, and even then I was reluctant.

It doesn't really matter now anyway, what's done is done. You were banned by the King because you dared to reveal his lies. I have enormous respect for you in doing that, and others do as well, because you helped to open some eyes as to what kind of megalomaniac SiR really was, which is something I could have never done alone. For god's sake, Immie is still over there slobbering around trying to give him the benefit of the doubt! Some people just don't see, no matter what you do to show them, but that is not our problem.

SiR will lie about it from now on, you can count on that! He has no intention of ever being "proven wrong" about any damn thing, he thinks he is perfect in every way, and that is fine, let him go on thinking that, as he sits at his dead board, wondering how he fucked it up so badly. I plan to move on with my life, his ego problem is not worth me losing sleep over, to be honest. I just hate to see you acting like Immie about it. You did the right thing, I did the right thing, Tiana did the right thing... SiR was the one who fucked up and blew any credibility he had. He will have to live with that, and that is plenty good enough for me.

Grind FAIL.

Grind, didn't you recently negrep me for underplaying your role in the FP meltdown? Fuck you.