SR did you ever admit to being wrong?

maineman said:
in retrospect, the only flaw was unanimity in lieu of a supermajority..... imho

There are two that I thought of one is the unanimity requirement which I mentioned very early on, the grouping into "parties" when there was no reason for one to belong to a party and the number of members.

Again, it was SR's system and he had the right to set it up however he wanted, but unless he did simply want a puppet governing body he should have let things flow as they would. To use the old cliche, he should have simply "let the chips lie where the fell."

Neither one of these flaws made itsy bitsy bit of difference to the functionality of the board.

The damage done to the board was caused by the personal attacks on the administration.

SR_ said:

your opinion of how i feel and my own personal thoughts is of no relevance to me, or do you think i should listen to you and feel the way you keep projecting i feel in order to keep you happy?

Tell me you don't want an answer to that stupid question.


PS Hell yes you should listen to how I feel to keep me happy. :)
Dixie, again, youre confused. On an anonymous message forum the only interests are that of good debate and fairness in moderation.

No, I am not confused, nor have I ever been confused about this issue, other than being confused as to why you wanted to make it so difficult for yourself. I really do resent your continued 'backhanding'. If the only interests are that of good debate and fairness, why does ideological viewpoint have a thing to do with how a council should be selected?

I don't need irrelevant analogies to regional divisions and concerns, because we are not talking about dividing the board by regions, rather partisan ideology. For the record, I consider myself Conservative because of my strong fiscal conservative economic convictions, and really nothing more. In other areas, I might have a Libertarian ideology, or my views might be considered moderate to some conservatives, and some things I am quite radical and unorthodox. I don't think you can really confine anyone to a particular ideology across the board, unless they are simply partisan ideologues. Perhaps you are one of those type people, and just can't understand the concept of being open-minded? I don't know. What I do know is, if you establish a body based on ideological viewpoints as opposed to integrity and honesty of character, that is what you are most likely going to have, a group of partisan ideologues.
Dixie said:
Dixie, again, youre confused. On an anonymous message forum the only interests are that of good debate and fairness in moderation.

No, I am not confused, nor have I ever been confused about this issue, other than being confused as to why you wanted to make it so difficult for yourself. I really do resent your continued 'backhanding'. If the only interests are that of good debate and fairness, why does ideological viewpoint have a thing to do with how a council should be selected?

I don't need irrelevant analogies to regional divisions and concerns, because we are not talking about dividing the board by regions, rather partisan ideology. For the record, I consider myself Conservative because of my strong fiscal conservative economic convictions, and really nothing more. In other areas, I might have a Libertarian ideology, or my views might be considered moderate to some conservatives, and some things I am quite radical and unorthodox. I don't think you can really confine anyone to a particular ideology across the board, unless they are simply partisan ideologues. Perhaps you are one of those type people, and just can't understand the concept of being open-minded? I don't know. What I do know is, if you establish a body based on ideological viewpoints as opposed to integrity and honesty of character, that is what you are most likely going to have, a group of partisan ideologues.

well in terms of debate partisan ideologues would be great as there is nothing to debate with people who are all of the same bend. Then it wouldnt be a debate site, it would be more like what DU is, a group of people to come together and reassure each other how right they are.

And yes, you are a conservative and should be proud to be so. Taking a different side on certain issues in no way makes you "less" conservative, so im not sure why it would matter to you what bloc you were in.

but, you have a no label option available to you.

i dont have desire for to be "free" from partisan ideology. If I offer the elections at large, than one ideology could represent the board on council, i dont want that, if i offered no ideology, then why really have a political debate forum if you want to escape partisan arguments?

If I offer the elections at large, than one ideology could represent the board on council, i dont want that, if i offered no ideology, then why really have a political debate forum if you want to escape partisan arguments?

Why would you fear one ideology representing the board on council, if that is who the board felt was the most qualified people of honor, trust, integrity and fairness? Why do you continue to assume such a person's political ideology would play any role at all in their objectivity and impartiality on a council? And even more importantly, what difference does it really make anyway, if the council isn't going to have the final say? It seems to me, any questioning of partisanship will be directed at the person responsible for the final decision, not the council which merely suggested action. So, you are going to all these great lengths to have a SC appear fair and impartial from an ideological standpoint, yet in the end, any charges of impartiality will be directed toward you and your own partisan ideology. You can't avoid that, if someone wants to make the charge.

Let's look at an example here... say you have a "Josef" troll appear one day, and he is clearly a right-wing religious zealot, and he has been skirting the edge with regard to posting personal info on the board, so he has been brought before the council for recommendation. Let's say that I am on the council. Everyone would consider me to be as close to Josef's ideological group than anyone on the council, but if the evidence showed he had violated the rule, I would have to vote to take action, and my personal ideological views, or how closely they matched Josef's, would never be a consideration. Subsequently, let's say the Libertarian bloc had elected a representative with deep-rooted Libertarian views, and because of his partisan ideological views on personal freedom, he didn't want to take action against Josef. Here you have a perfect example of what I am trying to say, strong ideological views are not always condusive to fairness and impartiality. Ethics, morals, integrity, honesty, and honor, have a far greater significance in the process. This is the criteria you should establish for candidates to serve on a council, and it should have absolutely nothing to do with what the person's politics are, that is completely irrelevant.

I get where you are coming from, I understand what you are trying to do, but I fundamentally disagree with your assumptions and I think you are making a grave mistake in judgement. You've gone out of your way to prove, you can most certainly do whatever the hell you want to do and you don't have to listen to me or anyone else. In the end, you will be the one to deal with the consequences of your actions, not me, so it really doesn't matter one way or the other to me, at this point.
Why would you fear one ideology representing the board on council, if that is who the board felt was the most qualified people of honor, trust, integrity and fairness? Why do you continue to assume such a person's political ideology would play any role at all in their objectivity and impartiality on a council?

This is a good question answered several times previously.

I dont fear one ideology representing the board on the council at all. I feel that having a political debate forum shouldnt appear to be "governed" by one ideology or the other. Thats just an appearance desire, I dont want new members to get the impression that if the entire council was liberal that this was somehow a liberal board. That defeats the purposes im trying to make. In addition any fully partisan council composed of one ideology would allow if not encourage accusations of impropriety. As we've seen, the mere accusation of wrong doing isnt good for the board.

Their ideology doesnt play any role per se in the council, and Ive mentioned several times that there are people of integrity in every group. Their ideology only goes to decide what district they are in, and that their ideology has a place on the governing body. Its not in the interests of conservatives to have ZERO conservatives on the council, etc... It doesnt mean that conservative ideology helps or hinders them in deciding whether or not a thread should be deleted, as most all issues before the council are not formed in terms of an ideological debate, but its how we're split and the fringies having two members enables them to have the same representation as the cons, or libs, regardless of member totals.

Let's look at an example here... say you have a "Josef" troll appear one day, and he is clearly a right-wing religious zealot, and he has been skirting the edge with regard to posting personal info on the board, so he has been brought before the council for recommendation. Let's say that I am on the council. Everyone would consider me to be as close to Josef's ideological group than anyone on the council, but if the evidence showed he had violated the rule, I would have to vote to take action, and my personal ideological views, or how closely they matched Josef's, would never be a consideration.

perfect example: If you were to vote to take action upon Josef, there would be no possibility of him/her accussing the council of anything. Why? Because even a fellow conservative voted for it.

Subsequently, let's say the Libertarian bloc had elected a representative with deep-rooted Libertarian views, and because of his partisan ideological views on personal freedom, he didn't want to take action against Josef. Here you have a perfect example of what I am trying to say, strong ideological views are not always condusive to fairness and impartiality.

yes, but if that person was elected, then thats what the libertarians wanted. However, their ideological view doesnt pertain to the charge and charter of the council, it just allows them representation as their district. If that libertarian was elected at large it still wouldnt change anything.

Ethics, morals, integrity, honesty, and honor, have a far greater significance in the process. This is the criteria you should establish for candidates to serve on a council, and it should have absolutely nothing to do with what the person's politics are, that is completely irrelevant.

I understand this dixie, and i believe there are people of ethics, morals, and integirty in every bloc. having established what the duties are for the council members, it only allows for equal representation upon the designated districts which are split based on ideology. members choose which "district" best describes them, and they operate within that district. conservatives are represented by conservatives in the council, and are represented by two for the whole board.

I get where you are coming from, I understand what you are trying to do, but I fundamentally disagree with your assumptions and I think you are making a grave mistake in judgement. You've gone out of your way to prove, you can most certainly do whatever the hell you want to do and you don't have to listen to me or anyone else. In the end, you will be the one to deal with the consequences of your actions, not me, so it really doesn't matter one way or the other to me, at this point.

yes this is true. You may think that not doing what you ask is not listening, but this is the hundredth time we've discussed this, obviously you are being listened too, just not agreed with. They are not the same no matter how badly you wish they were.

There is no grave result to come from a conservative coming to and registering as a conservative, voting for conservatives to the council and being labeled as a conservative on a political debate forum. You may think there is grave reprecussions but there isnt.

Those members that have integrity, that dont campaign for sinister goals in secret, but are members of ethics are in every bloc, and will do a good job on the council, representing not only the other members of their ideology but being an offical representative of the entire board. meanwhile, every member has someone on the council that is of the same affiliation, and the board is protected from partisan accusations of impropriety.

Now, I have listened to you, I do not intend on installing the system you prefer. I am making a decision based on the fact that i believe the current method is the best route to take.

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"Now, I have listened to you, I do not intend on installing the system you prefer. I am making a decision based on the fact that i believe the current method is the best route to take."

Fine and good luck.

I am actually looking forward to it and no, not because I want to see it fail.

Do you have any idea when you expect it to be installed?

Immanuel said:
"Now, I have listened to you, I do not intend on installing the system you prefer. I am making a decision based on the fact that i believe the current method is the best route to take."

Fine and good luck.

I am actually looking forward to it and no, not because I want to see it fail.

Do you have any idea when you expect it to be installed?


i think it will be soon, we're working pretty hard on it.

SR_ said:
i think it will be soon, we're working pretty hard on it.


Are those other features coming soon too?

I'm really looking forward to the voting for the bills in the house and the Senate. That is probably the most interesting to me. I wish I could go back and see how I would have voted when I first joined to the (some say liberal) monster I have become.

SR_ said:
Dixie felt your system was flawed. He wanted to fix it for

youre right, they stopped. and i wrote several times. just stop, walk away, no one is in trouble, no action will be taken, nothing. Thats why DIXIE ISNT BANNED. wtf immie?

You can't be serious SR. After you posted our u2u's, our plans were ruined. Everything was dead in the water. Nothing was happening from that point forward.

You are saying you banned me because I was continuing to undermine the council? Dixie was right on those threads that I posted blasting you...I simply started them. My threads had NOTHING to do with the council.. My threads never MENTIONED the council.

My threads regarding u2u's, and the council, are 100% UNRELATED, other than the fact that you read our plans through u2u's.
LadyT said:
"And so they found Tiana, who naturally willingly joined.
They told me what their motivation was. I just didn't give a rats a$$. I had my agenda they had theirs.

Immanuel said:
Haven't seen your question. Where did you ask it before?
What it appears is that you wanted a puppet governing body to do your bidding. Any deliberate free will was strickly and clearly forbidden.


Immanuel said:
They did nothing at all to your site. The only harm they caused was to your precious ego. They out-thought you at your own game.

You told us you knew what was best in this petty game of yours. They showed you that you didn't know shit and you won't forgive them for that.


+10 megabomb.

immie is a grind points god.
You know what the funniest thing about all of this is? I 100% agree with SR's plan regarding dividing everyone up into categories. That made a lot of sense. Dixie obviously 100% disagrees with me. Just goes to show what a mixed bag we had.
SR_ said:
Did you mean those rhetorical pissant questions?

my pissant question is the same one youre asking me. i keep answering it, and you refuse too.

You have a new car, your friend says something is wrong with it (first and foremost its brand new nothing is wrong with it), you ask "what is wrong with it its brand new", your friend then walks over and bashes the windshield and says "The problem is that your windshield is broken". Do you feel like he was attempting to help you fix the problem with your new car?

]I have a new feature, Dixie says theres something wrong with it. I ask what is wrong with it? Dixie gets brent elected and holds the council hostage through purposefully providing gridlock. Dixie says the problem is that the council is always in gridlock because thats the problem im creating. Do I feel like Dixie was helping me with a problem in the council?

its the same thing. The problem only occurs when someone purposefully CREATES THE PROBLEM.


Ever heard of gray and white hat hackers? They often will hack into systems find the vulnerabilities, and then point out said vulnerabilities to the respected parties so that they can be fixied and better improved.

Your analogy sucks ass by the way, it should be more in line with something such as your hanging a hamock up, and dixie says,

"hey sr, the way you hung that hammock doesn't seem to be able to support a lot of weight"

Then you would say, "Fuck off dixie, I know what I am doing"

Then dixie would go, oh yeah? *Sits down* --- hammock colapses.
SR did you ever admit to being wrong?

So... In summary, after setting an early record for the longest thread on the newly created board, SR still refuses to admit fault! ...Oh well, at least he didn't start banning people this time... Doh... I forgot... He can't! lol
Its just a damned shame. SR made a great board, one of the best I've seen, ever, it was on its way up until last week. This is what ego does to an otherwise good guy.
Dixie was WAY more involved than I EVER was.

Grind? Dude? It sounds to me like you are trying to grovel your way back into SiR's good graces by throwing me under the bus. We were ALL involved equally. I was the one who spoke the loudest on the board, and I might have originated the master plan, but you were the one who came up with Brent, and I was not real hot on that idea, as you'll recall. It actually took Tiana supporting him, to convince me to go along with it, and even then I was reluctant.

It doesn't really matter now anyway, what's done is done. You were banned by the King because you dared to reveal his lies. I have enormous respect for you in doing that, and others do as well, because you helped to open some eyes as to what kind of megalomaniac SiR really was, which is something I could have never done alone. For god's sake, Immie is still over there slobbering around trying to give him the benefit of the doubt! Some people just don't see, no matter what you do to show them, but that is not our problem.

SiR will lie about it from now on, you can count on that! He has no intention of ever being "proven wrong" about any damn thing, he thinks he is perfect in every way, and that is fine, let him go on thinking that, as he sits at his dead board, wondering how he fucked it up so badly. I plan to move on with my life, his ego problem is not worth me losing sleep over, to be honest. I just hate to see you acting like Immie about it. You did the right thing, I did the right thing, Tiana did the right thing... SiR was the one who fucked up and blew any credibility he had. He will have to live with that, and that is plenty good enough for me.

LMAO.....I can't believe we were all in cahouts! "The underground".....Man, those were some hilarious PMs.

Remember when Dixie Accused me of selling out the 'undeground'? LOL