Stage effin' three skin cancer


Let's go Brandon!
One of our best friends has it on her forearm. She lives in Seattle, and at least two docs that she went to for initial diagnosis screwed up. The one she's seeing now had to take a much larger area out than was done by a prior guy, and it has spread to lymph nodes. Treatment is going to be in the range of $150k per year, for life.

I first met her when she was a freshman in college. About 5'-8", long blonde hair, slender build, played varsity Volleyball, NCAA Div I. Her mom is from Norway and her dad is a fair haired Limey. One look at her and I thought, this gal is going to leave a long, long trail of broken hearts, and mine's not going to be one of them. Then I saw her cute roommate, and she eventually became my wife.

Our friend did indeed leave a broken trail. After college she married a great guy from a small town in Oregon who was raised by a single mom, dirt poor. He made it big and has worked for big finance corps in China, Japan and Singapore. She never had to work so focused on raising their two boys and being chauffeured to the gym or shopping. A few years back they made it back to the states and he's got a big ass job with Amazon. He's going to need it. Sign up for their Cadillac plan, my friend.
One of our best friends has it on her forearm. She lives in Seattle, and at least two docs that she went to for initial diagnosis screwed up. The one she's seeing now had to take a much larger area out than was done by a prior guy, and it has spread to lymph nodes. Treatment is going to be in the range of $150k per year, for life.

I first met her when she was a freshman in college. About 5'-8", long blonde hair, slender build, played varsity Volleyball, NCAA Div I. Her mom is from Norway and her dad is a fair haired Limey. One look at her and I thought, this gal is going to leave a long, long trail of broken hearts, and mine's not going to be one of them. Then I saw her cute roommate, and she eventually became my wife.

Our friend did indeed leave a broken trail. After college she married a great guy from a small town in Oregon who was raised by a single mom, dirt poor. He made it big and has worked for big finance corps in China, Japan and Singapore. She never had to work so focused on raising their two boys and being chauffeured to the gym or shopping. A few years back they made it back to the states and he's got a big ass job with Amazon. He's going to need it. Sign up for their Cadillac plan, my friend.

We have good cancer treatment centers out here. Hopefully she'll be okay.
Melanoma? They are doing amazing things now in the treatment of that type of skin cancer. Wishing your friend good luck and good health.

"Now director of the Melanoma Medical Oncology Program at The Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai in New York City, the last two decades have seen such an improvement in the prognosis of patients with advanced melanoma that the treatment of this cancer can be considered one of the great success stories in medicine.

"Metastatic melanoma was once almost a death sentence, with a median survival of less than a year. Now, some patients are living for years, with a few out at more than 10 years.

"Clinicians are now talking about a 'functional cure' in the patients who respond to therapy."
Melanoma? They are doing amazing things now in the treatment of that type of skin cancer. Wishing your friend good luck and good health.

"Now director of the Melanoma Medical Oncology Program at The Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai in New York City, the last two decades have seen such an improvement in the prognosis of patients with advanced melanoma that the treatment of this cancer can be considered one of the great success stories in medicine.

"Metastatic melanoma was once almost a death sentence, with a median survival of less than a year. Now, some patients are living for years, with a few out at more than 10 years.

"Clinicians are now talking about a 'functional cure' in the patients who respond to therapy."

I don't know the details. The fact is that my brain goes numb when my wife talks about medical issues. She's talking about a positive outcome, far in excess of ten years.

We didn't get much opportunity to hang together as two couples in the twenty years while they were in Asia. We only saw her twice during that entire time, during her summer stay at their second home in central Oregon near Sisters. Both times her husband had to stay back and work the corporate grind.

In the past five years we've seen them twice as empty nesters, both times in Seattle. Last time we flew in then we all drove up to BC for a week long ski trip. I hope to do that many more times before all our time is up.
I don't know the details. The fact is that my brain goes numb when my wife talks about medical issues. She's talking about a positive outcome, far in excess of ten years.

We didn't get much opportunity to hang together as two couples in the twenty years while they were in Asia. We only saw her twice during that entire time, during her summer stay at their second home in central Oregon near Sisters. Both times her husband had to stay back and work the corporate grind.

In the past five years we've seen them twice as empty nesters, both times in Seattle. Last time we flew in then we all drove up to BC for a week long ski trip. I hope to do that many more times before all our time is up.

I hope so too.
One of our best friends has it on her forearm. She lives in Seattle, and at least two docs that she went to for initial diagnosis screwed up. The one she's seeing now had to take a much larger area out than was done by a prior guy, and it has spread to lymph nodes. Treatment is going to be in the range of $150k per year, for life.

I first met her when she was a freshman in college. About 5'-8", long blonde hair, slender build, played varsity Volleyball, NCAA Div I. Her mom is from Norway and her dad is a fair haired Limey. One look at her and I thought, this gal is going to leave a long, long trail of broken hearts, and mine's not going to be one of them. Then I saw her cute roommate, and she eventually became my wife.

Our friend did indeed leave a broken trail. After college she married a great guy from a small town in Oregon who was raised by a single mom, dirt poor. He made it big and has worked for big finance corps in China, Japan and Singapore. She never had to work so focused on raising their two boys and being chauffeured to the gym or shopping. A few years back they made it back to the states and he's got a big ass job with Amazon. He's going to need it. Sign up for their Cadillac plan, my friend.

You groaned me on my mother’s sentiment, cunt.

Too bad this cancer isn’t on you or your family, you miserable fuck.
Fact is, I groan every one of domer's posts and never read any of them. He and Thaichi lib are in the same boat with that. Domer's posts are useless, and peppered with homoerotic insults. Touchylib's posts are useless because he's always playing the race card.
Fact is, I groan every one of domer's posts and never read any of them. He and Thaichi lib are in the same boat with that. Domer's posts are useless, and peppered with homoerotic insults. Touchylib's posts are useless because he's always playing the race card.

Of course you groan all my posts, you fucking stalker. That’s what you obsessive stalkers do.

You’re a worthless piece of human shit that would groan a sentiment about my mom.

You already earned my observation that you’re an obsessive stalker. Now, you’ve proven yourself as a completely useless piece of human shit.
Of course you groan all my posts, you fucking stalker. That’s what you obsessive stalkers do.

You’re a worthless piece of human shit that would groan a sentiment about my mom.

You already earned my observation that you’re an obsessive stalker. Now, you’ve proven yourself as a completely useless piece of human shit.

You're an emotional wreck...