Stage effin' three skin cancer

Americans who are hurt seems to turn almost instinctively to abuse. It does seem a pity. In this case it seems yet another good reason to get rid of the odious 'groans' thing: halfwits use it automatically, without reading.
So a groan about your mama sends you over the edge?

How cool


Just pointing out the bizarre fixation that Vagina Moon and Dark Stool have. They obsessively groan even the recipe thread. Somewhere over 50.

You reap what you sow, shitstain.

Hopefully, the hair never comes back.

You reap what you sow, asswipe.

You RW idiots get your panties in a knot because I continually point out your lies and bullshit. Yey, not one of you lying cunts can refute a single post of mine.

So, what a couple of obsessive liars have resorted to is to stalk. To wander all over the forum just to slap on a groan. Bizarre and obsessive.

Want to debate a point, liar? Great. Post it and back it up. That's what I do. Yet, you lying fucks can't.

But, to groan a post about a person who was universally admired and loved? Fuck that asshole. He deserves all the misery he has earned.

Just pointing out the bizarre fixation that Vagina Moon and Dark Stool have. They obsessively groan even the recipe thread. Somewhere over 50.

You reap what you sow, shitstain.

Hopefully, the hair never comes back.

So you are no better than those you condemn?

I’m cool wit dat
You reap what you sow, asswipe.

You RW idiots get your panties in a knot because I continually point out your lies and bullshit. Yey, not one of you lying cunts can refute a single post of mine.

So, what a couple of obsessive liars have resorted to is to stalk. To wander all over the forum just to slap on a groan. Bizarre and obsessive.

Want to debate a point, liar? Great. Post it and back it up. That's what I do. Yet, you lying fucks can't.

But, to groan a post about a person who was universally admired and loved? Fuck that asshole. He deserves all the misery he has earned.

Universally loved and admired? How do you know? Surely someone somewhere thought she was a bitch

But I understand your bias toward your mama.

It’s just a groan on a lowly trafficked message board seems like a minor thing to get your horns twisted over. Just sayin.
One of our best friends has it on her forearm. She lives in Seattle, and at least two docs that she went to for initial diagnosis screwed up. The one she's seeing now had to take a much larger area out than was done by a prior guy, and it has spread to lymph nodes. Treatment is going to be in the range of $150k per year, for life.

I first met her when she was a freshman in college. About 5'-8", long blonde hair, slender build, played varsity Volleyball, NCAA Div I. Her mom is from Norway and her dad is a fair haired Limey. One look at her and I thought, this gal is going to leave a long, long trail of broken hearts, and mine's not going to be one of them. Then I saw her cute roommate, and she eventually became my wife.

Our friend did indeed leave a broken trail. After college she married a great guy from a small town in Oregon who was raised by a single mom, dirt poor. He made it big and has worked for big finance corps in China, Japan and Singapore. She never had to work so focused on raising their two boys and being chauffeured to the gym or shopping. A few years back they made it back to the states and he's got a big ass job with Amazon. He's going to need it. Sign up for their Cadillac plan, my friend.

I hope she beats the monster

maybe she can try gene therapy

Just pointing out the bizarre fixation that Vagina Moon and Dark Stool have. They obsessively groan even the recipe thread. Somewhere over 50.

You reap what you sow, shitstain.

Hopefully, the hair never comes back.

Have you figured out what costume your mother has worn for Halloween since 1987? I'll let you know soon if you can't figure it out.
You reap what you sow, asswipe.

You RW idiots get your panties in a knot because I continually point out your lies and bullshit. Yey, not one of you lying cunts can refute a single post of mine.

So, what a couple of obsessive liars have resorted to is to stalk. To wander all over the forum just to slap on a groan. Bizarre and obsessive.

Want to debate a point, liar? Great. Post it and back it up. That's what I do. Yet, you lying fucks can't.

But, to groan a post about a person who was universally admired and loved? Fuck that asshole. He deserves all the misery he has earned.

Who besides those that are biased claims she was universally loved and admired? Do you have letters from everyone that every met her supporting such a claim? Unless you can provide proof that EVERYONE loved and admired her, you post has just been refuted.
Universally loved and admired? How do you know? Surely someone somewhere thought she was a bitch

But I understand your bias toward your mama.

It’s just a groan on a lowly trafficked message board seems like a minor thing to get your horns twisted over. Just sayin.

Your pal, Dark Stool, is a fucking stalker.

Somewhere around 50+’consecutive groans. For no reason.

Anything negative that comes to this pathological fuck’s way is fine with me.