Truck Fump / h1b
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what part of sitting on their asses to make sure they do did you not understand?
I don't believe you have sufficient legal oversight or authority to do that effectively.
what part of sitting on their asses to make sure they do did you not understand?
If the people stay on their reps asses we do.
It time to make sure your own guy is not a crook.
You see the current Rs seem to defend their own wether they are crooks or not, history is replete with examples anymore.
We have choice and power now ?
The proof is in the sucesses of other countries.
When you have millions going untreated you are at a much greater risk of a epidemic
Yep like that civil servant mentality at NASA that gave private industry oh so many new devices and spawned the computer age ?
Where has NASA gone since we largely privatized it ?
I made that mistake ? I think it was you who got crossed up on that.
Same as today.
Because I wanted to
I forget at the moment and am too lazy to backtrack the thread.
Let me refresh your memory. You brought it up to say somehow I'm inconsistent if I was "for" the government doing the space program, but "against" them taking up healthcare. And now you don't want to talk about it because you realize how only an idiot would think the government had to do everything or nothing.
The government has to do everything or nothing ? Are you nuts ?
Waste will happen under any system.
Pretending it is the aim of any side is utter bullshit.
We have a system in which our greatest concern for public waste is involved in who profits from the waste.
The main reason waste occurs is that SOMEONE is benifiting from it.
Follow the money.
Money gets wasted because the wealthy are finding ways to profit from public spending.