State of the Union


Worst gambler ever
Bush is preparing to go on at 4:00 Hawaii time.

Let's see if he has anything to say.

He'll be bashing earmarks which is good, praising death and mayhem in Iraq which is not so good, unless you're WRL.

Let's do a shot every time there is a mispronunciation.
Bush is preparing to go on at 4:00 Hawaii time.

Let's see if he has anything to say.

He'll be bashing earmarks which is good, praising death and mayhem in Iraq which is not so good, unless you're WRL.

Let's do a shot every time there is a mispronunciation.

You're going to watch that crap??!!

I'm watching reruns of Baywatch and Pamela Anderson. A better use of time.

Someone tell me how it goes. Given the lack of follow through on any of the previous SoTU's (Mars Bitches!, Manimals!) I refuse to watch that turd.
I wonder if he'll report that the Iranian government is seeking significant quantities of uranium from south america.
It certainly is painful to watch, but I have to watch.

Its like watching a train wreck. You know the cliche.
"American families have to balance their budgets, so should their government."


This from the biggest red ink human in the history of the universe.
I can't watch this because I'm at the point where I can't even stand to hear his stupid ass accent. I'll read the cliffs.
"American families have to balance their budgets, so should their government."


This from the biggest red ink human in the history of the universe.
Earmarks cut in half, or I will send the appropriations bill back with my veto! (Clapter from the R side)...

I will write an Executive order that directs all Federal agencies to ignore all future earmarks not voted on my Congress... IF these items are truly worth funding Congress should hold it in the open and hold a public vote.... (Clapter from both sides of the aisle).
Healthcare more affordable and accessible for all Americans... Clapter for both sides. Standing O from about half...
LOL. The best way to achieve that goal is by more consumer choice, not government control. (D side is zombified, R side Standing O)
Earmarks cut in half, or I will send the appropriations bill back with my veto! (Clapter from the R side)...

I will write an Executive order that directs all Federal agencies to ignore all future earmarks not voted on my Congress... IF these items are truly worth funding Congress should hold it in the open and hold a public vote.... (Clapter from both sides of the aisle).

I think it is funny that the (R) congress had like 33% more earmarks last year and he didn't care about it. What a piece of fucking shit. THe (D) actually cut earmarks (they need to cut more) and all of a sudden he wants to make a big deal about it. Fucking joke.
I can't watch this because I'm at the point where I can't even stand to hear his stupid ass accent. I'll read the cliffs.

I'm watching something far more interesting than the petulant chimp.

Weather channel. Local Surf report is coming up.