State of the Union

don't be like Cypress. I did not say he did a good job. I said he did not inherit a good economy. He inherited one in recession.

His tax cuts were a good idea, but were unsustainable without the corresponding spending cuts that are required for long term sustainability. Hence, the short term spark followed by the subsequent collapse. Bush has been horrid at fiscal responsibilty. But that doesn't change the fact that he did not inherit a good economy.

Bump for Lorax
Bush blew a good economy?

LMAO.... you mean the recession he inherited? The fraud from the tech/telecom boom he inherited?

You do realize the downturn began in March of 2000?

Idiot, of course the tech downturn began in march of 2000. the billions spent getting ready for Y2K dried up. I predicted that too :clink:

still overall it was a pretty solid economy .
At the time the righties like you would not even admit that it was a recession.
I knew this day would come , this is a good one.

What the fuck are you talking about? What "righty" told you that?

I am calling your bluff. I don't think anyone said anything of the kind to you.
I distinctly remember the bushies argueing that the "recession was not technically a recession. Unfortuantely the db is no longer available.
Pelosi in the back wondering one of two things....

1) Does cheney have his shotgun with him?


2) Should I have gotten one more botox treatment before tonight?
Was it just her outfit, or were her (@)(@) s hanging really low?
wow lorax is dubm, 7 yr start stop economy now on stop.
SF as an economics grad you really shouldn't take so much pride in owning a retard like oncelor.
I distinctly remember the bushies argueing that the "recession was not technically a recession. Unfortuantely the db is no longer available.

totally calling bullshit on this. Why in the hell would anyone on the right try to argue otherwise? It would have benefitted Bush to show he had inherited a recession.