State of the Union

"Today, 09:29 PM
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Damo.... have I mentioned lately how nice the IA feature is? Good stuff man. Good stuff.
No, I'm sure he enuciated clearly, and hit all the cues.

I was just laughing at the concept of "Bush" and "best speech ever!" in the same sentence. Maybe I'm wrong, but his speeches are devoid of substance or good policy. Maybe this speech was different.
See, reading comprehension issues again.. "one of HIS best" is not "Best speech ever!"

That is, in fact, deliberately disingenuous. Either that or you really did take reading comprehension in Canada with CK.
No this isn't a low bar. This is ALL we expect from the leader of the free world, that he speaks somewhat clearly and he doesn't make claims he can't back up. Man you gotta be so proud of this, the best the Republican party could give us.
What you gotta be "proud of" is that the last sad sack you put forward didn't beat him like a redheaded stepchild....
LOL just kidding, I figure the health benefits of the activity out way the risks for the most part.

depends on where you are from. Way to many morons from TX coming here thinking they are invincible. Swear man.... they get killed on the slopes in disproportionate numbers.

and yeah, I figured you were kidding.... or at least attempting to be humorous.
depends on where you are from. Way to many morons from TX coming here thinking they are invincible. Swear man.... they get killed on the slopes in disproportionate numbers.

and yeah, I figured you were kidding.... or at least attempting to be humorous.
The Kennedy family should certainly avoid the slopes. They are too stupid to even wear helmets while they don't pay attention and toss footballs while skiing.
kerry did not have to beat bush, Bush did a heck of a job himself on that.
Shot down the republicans, boosted AQ recritment, blew a good economy, didn't get OBL, blew us world relations, got us into an endless war, etc. and he ain't done yet folks.
What you gotta be "proud of" is that the last sad sack you put forward didn't beat him like a redheaded stepchild....
You are absolutely right but that is because, and I mean this with all sincerity, over half of the population that voted in 2004 was just that fucking dumb. Kerry wasn't much of a much, but sleeping the guy has been a better leader and has served his country so much better than the half wit that was the best the right could do. I always mention this but it is still true. More than half the people thought that the world was in the center of the universe and the ecclesiastical powers that be brought all the false information they had to bear to beat down Galileo and his correct claim that the world was NOT in the center of the universe. A majority that through their ignorance believe something are still wrong and those of you that voted for Bush instead of Kerry were wrong.
kerry did not have to beat bush, Bush did a heck of a job himself on that.
Shot down the republicans, boosted AQ recritment, blew a good economy, didn't get OBL, blew us world relations, got us into an endless war, etc. and he ain't done yet folks.
Right. If Kerry wasn't as bad as we claim Bush would have been beaten by such a large margin that Ohio never would have, or could have, mattered.

I'm supposed to be embarrassed because dude doesn't speak well. There have been many Presidents that didn't speak well. Tonight he did better than most other times, and actually seemed to enjoy making the speech rather than like a deer in the headlights. One of the very few times he appeared comfortable in public and spoke somewhat well.

If you were drinking only on mispronounced words you would have had a couple, but you wouldn't be drunk tonight....

Saying it was one of his best ever doesn't mean that I like what I heard. Dude pretty much promised to give away even more money and raise our deficit and debt even more. It wasn't as if this guy is actually a conservative....
The Kennedy family should certainly avoid the slopes. They are too stupid to even wear helmets while they don't pay attention and toss footballs while skiing.

yeah, they are kind of friggin ignorant. Some of the best skiers I know grew up sking the northeast ice slopes. Only arrogance would allow a person to think they could get away with playing football while sking with others on the same run. Not to mention the trees. Got to love mother nature proving Darwin correct.
You are absolutely right but that is because, and I mean this with all sincerity, over half of the population that voted in 2004 was just that fucking dumb. Kerry wasn't much of a much, but sleeping the guy has been a better leader and has served his country so much better than the half wit that was the best the right could do. I always mention this but it is still true. More than half the people thought that the world was in the center of the universe and the ecclesiastical powers that be brought all the false information they had to bear to beat down Galileo and his correct claim that the world was NOT in the center of the universe. A majority that through their ignorance believe something are still wrong and those of you that voted for Bush instead of Kerry were wrong.
"Those of you"... That group does not include me.

Regardless, "those of you" who voted for Bush did so because they thought he was better than the person you believed was better. Their opinion is as valid as yours. You are more upset that you were again on the losing side of that... I can understand. People tend to think people who agree with them are "smart" while those who disagree are "not smart". Usually neither is the truth.
The fact that Kerry lost Ohio has as much to do with hatred of homosexuals as it does with voter stupidity.

And Bush doesn't just speak poorly. He's a dumb guy, who has no intellectual curiosity, was never qualified to get even close to the Presidency, has tunnel vision on Iraq & has exercised incredibly poor judgment on a wide range of issues.

I could go on & on, but you get the picture.
kerry did not have to beat bush, Bush did a heck of a job himself on that.
Shot down the republicans, boosted AQ recritment, blew a good economy, didn't get OBL, blew us world relations, got us into an endless war, etc. and he ain't done yet folks.

Bush blew a good economy?

LMAO.... you mean the recession he inherited? The fraud from the tech/telecom boom he inherited?

You do realize the downturn began in March of 2000?
Bush blew a good economy?

LMAO.... you mean the recession he inherited? The fraud from the tech/telecom boom he inherited?

You do realize the downturn began in March of 2000?

He turned what could have been a brief downturn into a 7-year start & stop economy, that is now on "stop."

What was his economic policy, Superfreak? Would you care to articulate it for us?
"Those of you"... That group does not include me.

Regardless, "those of you" who voted for Bush did so because they thought he was better than the person you believed was better. Their opinion is as valid as yours. You are more upset that you were again on the losing side of that.
that is where you are wrong. I don't care if I lose if I was right, which I was. I am upset when the fucking stupid get to vote for the fucking stupid and we get the government they, the stupid deserve. There opinion is NOT valid. An opinion based on stupidity is not valid. It is only a stupid and wrong opinion. And history even now has borne this out. This guy has run this country into the ground. He has done more to recruit terrorists to OBL's cause than OBL ever could. He, and he brilliant followers have advanced educational policies, I am thinking of abstinence education here, that has caused more harm than good. This is the most embarassing man elected in this century. Carter will send him Christmas cards from here on out. Clinton can say, yeah I lied but at least I was a competent leader. Me being wrong does not make me made cause I do it regularly enough that I have gotten used to it. Living with the decisions of morons makes me mad.
that is where you are wrong. I don't care if I lose if I was right, which I was. I am upset when the fucking stupid get to vote for the fucking stupid and we get the government they, the stupid deserve. There opinion is NOT valid. An opinion based on stupidity is not valid. It is only a stupid and wrong opinion. And history even now has borne this out. This guy has run this country into the ground. He has done more to recruit terrorists to OBL's cause than OBL ever could. He, and he brilliant followers have advanced educational policies, I am thinking of abstinence education here, that has caused more harm than good. This is the most embarassing man elected in this century. Carter will send him Christmas cards from here on out. Clinton can say, yeah I lied but at least I was a competent leader. Me being wrong does not make me made cause I do it regularly enough that I have gotten used to it. Living with the decisions of morons makes me mad.
Again, you live in a place where their opinion IS as valid as yours. That you are upset that the "stupid" (as I said, in arrogance we live as we all think we are the smartest thing to walk therefore any disagreement is "stupidity") win is again, you are upset because you were handed the losing end of the stick on a dropped hand off...

I thought Bush was doomed in that Election. I didn't think he could win for obvious reasons. First, I didn't think Conservatives would vote again for a spendthrift like Bush, but also because I thought they'd pick somebody on the other side that was truly impressive. Instead we got Kerry and you guys lost an election that I believe was handed to you.

And before Desh starts in, Ohio should never have mattered. Dude should have been easy to beat.
He turned what could have been a brief downturn into a 7-year start & stop economy, that is now on "stop."

What was his economic policy, Superfreak? Would you care to articulate it for us?

don't be like Cypress. I did not say he did a good job. I said he did not inherit a good economy. He inherited one in recession.

His tax cuts were a good idea, but were unsustainable without the corresponding spending cuts that are required for long term sustainability. Hence, the short term spark followed by the subsequent collapse. Bush has been horrid at fiscal responsibilty. But that doesn't change the fact that he did not inherit a good economy.