Statistics the LYING PC MEDIA won't tell you!!!!

Men make up 50% of the population but are responsible for 90.5% of murders.

Men make up 50% of the population, but are responsible for 80% of arrests for most crime.

Men make up 50% of the population, but are responsible for 88% of violent crime and 95% of new court commitments for violent offenses.

Men make up 50% of the population, but are nine times more likely to be incarcerated.

Men make up 50% of the population, but are responsible for 85% of domestic violence cases.

It's not that I hate men, but facts are facts. Men just didn't evolve to be capable of higher thinking like women did. They evolved to be violent and hunt mammoths. Now that's not their fault, but we have to say no to political correctness and admit once and for all men are unfit for modern society. I'm not sexist, I'm a gender realist.

Men have always dominated women...women are the weaker sex, and have historically been conditioned to stay at home while men hunt. Its not rocket science. What? Do the femi-nazis assume that because they have been attempting to recondition females for about 75 years this will somehow do away with that which is natural? Really?

Women will attempt to declare....I know a women, a master in martial arts that can kick any man's don't, you take both a male and a female and train them in martial arts at the same skill level and the male will always win.

Another example the females attempt to prove physical equality. Sporting events...they rush to say the LGBT queer ranks can beat men in a sporting event like tennis. Example: Billy Jean King...a superstar in the female ranks....easily handled Bobby Riggs, an over the hill club player. If Billy Jean King would have went up against someone on the male side such as Bijorn Borg....King would have been embarrassed off the court.

Why act surprised when the male dominates the crime stats? Its most difficult to commit a crime with a baby in your arms while cooking a meal AT HOME. The few females that are criminals are the exception they are the new modern females pretending to be the equal of man....even when it comes to crime.

Of course this is all HATE TRUTH. ;)
Don't care about the context, you came up with a load of bullshit so I countered with some facts. Does the colour of their skin matter? Black men are killing a shedload of other men and women, that's all you need to know.

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LOL, it wasn't bullshit. Every bit was factual. Just as retarded out of context as the Stormfront copypasta you went and grabbed.
LOL, it wasn't bullshit. Every bit was factual. Just as retarded out of context as the Stormfront copypasta you went and grabbed.
Oh do shut up you silly man, if you want to play the three monkeys go right ahead. Those are facts that you can't refute so you just take the easy lazy option instead. How about you suggest some ways that the situation can be changed, now that would be a first!!

Some serious gun control measures might help but Billy Barstool and his fellow gun crazies will never entertain that.

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That's why you're retarded. A fact without context is meaningless.
I may well be but you are hardly in a position to decide. I think one of the answers is gun control but please spare me the usual freedom bollocks, it is really boring.

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