Stella Awards

You certainly meant previous cases where the person was to stupid to take care of themself and needed a nanny state to protect them.
What a vile and ignorant comment. Protecting the public from the abuses of commerce and industry is a valid function of government and only a fool of stupendous magnitude would believe other wise.
What a vile and ignorant comment. Protecting the public from the abuses of commerce and industry is a valid function of government and only a fool of stupendous magnitude would believe other wise.

This was about people filing lawsuits, for things they were to stupid to figure out on their own.
Your desire to take it another direction is your problem and no one elses.
This was about people filing lawsuits, for things they were to stupid to figure out on their own.
Your desire to take it another direction is your problem and no one elses.
The problem with our reasoning, as in Stella here, is who died and made you God that you get to determine when filing a law suit is frivilous? Particularly, as again in Stella, when you don't know all the facts. These lawsuits may seem frivilous to you but thank God that in this nation we have this form of constitutionally protected redress of civil greviences in which to protect individuals, their rights and society in general.
You still don't see the stupidity of putting hot coffee between your legs.
People like you are the reason that warning labels have been placed on things similar to telling people not to iron their face.

I don't know that any lawsuits resulted but I do recall a case back in Iowa where someone was stealing anhydrous ammonia from a farm tank to make meth....they had collected the liquid nitrogen in a thermos when a police cruiser arrived, during the car chase the thief had put the thermos between his legs and later when the car went in a ditch, the thermos shattered and released the liquid nitrogen which froze the thief's balls off...........
I don't know that any lawsuits resulted but I do recall a case back in Iowa where someone was stealing anhydrous ammonia from a farm tank to make meth....they had collected the liquid nitrogen in a thermos when a police cruiser arrived, during the car chase the thief had put the thermos between his legs and later when the car went in a ditch, the thermos shattered and released the liquid nitrogen which froze the thief's balls off...........
That must be an urban......errr...rural legend. There's a big difference between anhydrous ammonia and liquid nitrogen. For one, Farmers don't normally use liquid nitrogen.
That must be an urban......errr...rural legend. There's a big difference between anhydrous ammonia and liquid nitrogen. For one, Farmers don't normally use liquid nitrogen.

call it a legend if you want, but there's no question people steal anhydrous ammonia to make meth, or that it is stored in liquid form, or that it will freeze flesh on contact......the incident in question occurred in Black Hawk County, Iowa back in the early 90s........
call it a legend if you want, but there's no question people steal anhydrous ammonia to make meth, or that it is stored in liquid form, or that it will freeze flesh on contact......the incident in question occurred in Black Hawk County, Iowa back in the early 90s........
Well you're telling a contradictory story. Did the individual steal anhydrous ammonia or did they steal liquid nitrogen?

As for the urban/rural legend aspect of it. Yes, anhydrous ammonia is used by methheads. Yes, it is stored in pressurized tankers by farmers in liquid form. Yes its mist can cause frostbite but anhydrous ammonia would also instantly volatilize into a toxic and corrosive gas that would quickly kill the individual who inhaled it. Nor could you store liquid anhydrous ammonia in a thermos. It's physically impossible. Also, metheads steal anhydrous ammonia by altering a gas hose with quick connect fittings and transfer it into an empty propane cylinder. So the story, using anhydrous ammonia is phyically impossible as a person could not store it in a thermos and even if they could it's release would not have freeze burned the person but would have killed them via inhalation of poisonous gas.

Now liquid nitrogen does make a more plausable story as it can be stored in a thermos and if spilled onto your lap would indeed freeze your nads off. The problem with that story is that neither farmers or illegal meth manufacturers use liquid nitrogen.

Ergo Urban/Rural legend. It just simply couldn't have happened as described.
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The problem with our reasoning, as in Stella here, is who died and made you God that you get to determine when filing a law suit is frivilous? Particularly, as again in Stella, when you don't know all the facts. These lawsuits may seem frivilous to you but thank God that in this nation we have this form of constitutionally protected redress of civil greviences in which to protect individuals, their rights and society in general.

Especially those who can't live with a nanny state looking out for them; because to them, it's always someone elses fault they fucked up and look stupid.
I don't know that any lawsuits resulted but I do recall a case back in Iowa where someone was stealing anhydrous ammonia from a farm tank to make meth....they had collected the liquid nitrogen in a thermos when a police cruiser arrived, during the car chase the thief had put the thermos between his legs and later when the car went in a ditch, the thermos shattered and released the liquid nitrogen which froze the thief's balls off...........

Mott, Yurt, and Capt would all support the criminal suing both the Police Department and the farmer, seeing as how it must be the farmers fault for ALLOWING the nitrogen to be stolen and the Police for chasing him.
That must be an urban......errr...rural legend. There's a big difference between anhydrous ammonia and liquid nitrogen. For one, Farmers don't normally use liquid nitrogen.

I like how you used the word "normally", instead of "never"; because that way it gives you a way to backpedal away from your statement.

“With more than 1000 farmers currently utilising liquid nitrogen fertilizer in Western Australia alone, the benefits of tank mixing a registered pre-emergent herbicide to growers are endless.”

There are other articles; but I figured one was enough to show your lack of knowledge on the subject.
Why not educate yourself, by doing a search, and seeing how it's also used in the US; but then that would mean actually doing something, rather then just bitching about it.

Why? You certainly were unconcerned with research when it came to the Stella case, but that's hasn't stopped you from parading your ignorance on the issue. You wear it like a badge of honor.
Why? You certainly were unconcerned with research when it came to the Stella case, but that's hasn't stopped you from parading your ignorance on the issue. You wear it like a badge of honor.

You're so full of shit.
You just wanted to cry about something and this gave you what you thought was an opportunity.
I guess she had a "special" cup of coffee; because no one else seemed to have any trouble, on that day, from that same McDonalds, from the same dispenser.

But then, I can see your point. Some people just need to be protected from themselves.
Here's your sign.
Well you're telling a contradictory story. Did the individual steal anhydrous ammonia or did they steal liquid nitrogen?

when I was growing up on the farm in Iowa we didn't distinguish between the two......a farmer would say he was putting down liquid nitrogen which he got from the anhydrous ammonia tank parked at the end of the was knifed into the soil as a liquid and the nitrogen would become fixed to the soil as the gas evaporated off.....

I remember big publicity warning farmers about how to use it, including a case where a farmer had decided it was too much work to get on and off the tractor to turn the gas off when he turned around at the end of the field so he had extended the valve into the cab with him.....a valve failed and they found his corpse-cicle in the cab of his tractor nose down in a ditch at the end of a field.....

given the fact that guy in my story lost his balls, I expect you're right that trying to carry it in a thermos was not a brilliant idea.......however, that doesn't make the story false.....
It's time again for the annual 'Stella Awards'! For those unfamiliar with these awards, they are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued the McDonald's in New Mexico , where she purchased coffee. You remember, she took the lid off the coffee and put it between her knees while she was driving. Who would ever think one could get burned doing that, right?

The coffee gave her third degree burns all throughout her lower body, and she had to spend several weeks in intensive care getting new skin grafted on. Even if you are still going to blame it on her, it's not like it she was just mildly annoyed. The damage was devastating. Should consumers really be expected to go around treating every cup of coffee they receive as if it may be a cup of lava, because it's totally your responsibility to expect such a thing, and no fault at all on the part of the producer of the cup of coffee for giving out a cup of coffee hot enough to destroy all the skin on the lower part of your body? Anyway, the defendant only really asked the court to pay her (significant) medical bills. It was the jury that decided to give out ridiculously huge punitive damages.
Yet just another sign that some people aren't able to take care of themselves and want a nanny state to do it for them

Correct, it is the responsibility of the state to protect it's citizens. What are laws against murder and theft besides the subsidization of weakness, after all? If you can't protect yourself, why do you think you have the right to go whining to papa government about it?

If that seems stupid to you, congratulations, you now realize how stupid you seem to me.