Student Tasered Asking Kerry Questions


JPP Modarater

Videos of the Monday night incident, posted on several Web sites and played repeatedly on television news, show officers pulling Meyer away from the microphone after he asks Kerry about impeaching President Bush and whether he and Bush were both members of the secret society Skull and Bones at Yale University.


RU kidding me?
Well, you see... He wasn't standing in the "free-speech" zone.

Kerry did what I would have done. "I'll answer his important question. It's okay." as they dragged him off....

sounds like the cops way over reacted. The kid had a legitimate question. I'm glad kerry was willing to answer, I didn't know that Damo. Good on Kerry, I was thinking he was a punk for simply standing by while this kid was dragged away.
Seriously. That was not kewl. I think a reprimand and suspension without pay is in order.
They had the right to cut his mike.

However, several people have said the police were just trying to use "reasonable force" on him. They didn't have any reason to use any sort of force. This is ridiculous. They should all be fired.

They WERE both members of the Skull and Bones society...
Duh. Hence the sarcasm. What has made you so slow on the uptake lately?

Did anybody bother reading the story?

Seriously, read it.

The kid was asking about "Were you really part of the Skull and Bones with Bush?"
Nah... if you think it is a good idea to waste time asking munster questions... you DESERVE to be tasered.

Kerry said he was willing to answer the kids questions. He may have been hot headed, but his questions were valid: impeachment of your president is backed by at least 40% of americans according to polls I've seen.
Kerry said he was willing to answer the kids questions. He may have been hot headed, but his questions were valid: impeachment of your president is backed by at least 40% of americans according to polls I've seen.
LOL. He was dragged of after they shut off the mike and he was shouting questions about the Skull and Bones. Seriously, can it get more important?

LOL. He was dragged of after they shut off the mike and he was shouting questions about the Skull and Bones. Seriously, can it get more important?


I know. The kid was a hot head, and kind of kooky. But, Kerry said he was willing to answer the questions. It was more than just skull and bones...there were some legitimate questions. I've seen enough cspan to know a skillful candidate can defuse a kooky questioner. Maybe the police had their reasons. That's fine. I wasn't there.
Well, you see... He wasn't standing in the "free-speech" zone.

Kerry did what I would have done. "I'll answer his important question. It's okay." as they dragged him off....


Yes. The free speech zone. I remember seeing some primary or something where they had a "free speech zone". It was under the bleachers amongst the syringes and used condoms.

This country is getting really sad.
Yes. The free speech zone. I remember seeing some primary or something where they had a "free speech zone". It was under the bleachers amongst the syringes and used condoms.

This country is getting really sad.
We were in a "free speech" zone when Clinton came during his last campaign. We were over three miles away inside a fence, uncovered by media. The only way to get coverage at all was to break the law by going outside the zone.
Police brutality. Freedom of speech is in jeopardy. Our constitution is being dismantled.

The dude has his freedom of speech. Everyone is given an alloted time to talk. That is announced in advance. He spoke his alloted amount of time and tried to go over. He was asked to stop. Pretty simple.
maybe the guy was an asshole with a big mouth, but he didn't need to be tased. I don't know how many of you have been tazed, but if you had, you'd know damned well that its a form of torture. That shit hurts like you've never hurt before. No bullshit.

This kid didn't need to be tazed. It wasn't as if it was the only measure that could have worked. We're slowly, surely becoming a police state. Anyone who's not pissed about this is complacent in my opinion. Flat fucking unconscious.