Student Tasered Asking Kerry Questions

The dude has his freedom of speech. Everyone is given an alloted time to talk. That is announced in advance. He spoke his alloted amount of time and tried to go over. He was asked to stop. Pretty simple.


Well, even when I go to the Arts cinema for an opening and there is a speaker connected with the film, there is always one person in the audience who doesn't so much as ask a question as use it as an opportunity to make a really boring speech. I hate that.

But you know, we don't fucking taser them... this is the United States of America.

It's nice to see so many accepting this. Cry to me when your free speech is gone, because Cawacko, it will be. Hillary Clinton is now removing people with tshirts she doesn't like from her events. You know why? Just like I told you for years, let bush get away with it and then an LBJ will come along for the Dems, because you know, contrary to your impression, they're not all wimps, and when he does (or she) they will make you eat it. And we will see how you like the taste of it then, and it's almost enough for me to vote for Hillary in the primaries just to see you guys put in pens and arrested, and now tasered, for opening your frigging mouths. It really is. Never, have a group of people had it coming more than you guys do, but you know...I love my damned country more and so I can't vote for her and I have to say NO.
maybe the guy was an asshole with a big mouth, but he didn't need to be tased. I don't know how many of you have been tazed, but if you had, you'd know damned well that its a form of torture. That shit hurts like you've never hurt before. No bullshit.

This kid didn't need to be tazed. It wasn't as if it was the only measure that could have worked. We're slowly, surely becoming a police state. Anyone who's not pissed about this is complacent in my opinion. Flat fucking unconscious.

People have died from taser shocks, just by the way, but hey,. the guy used up more than his alloted time! The death penalty does seem a reasonable response to that offense.
Yeah. So kerry politely had his goons kick his ass.

It was the campus police who did it, not "Kerry's goons" and Kerry can clearly be heard telling the police "that's ok let me answer his questions" in the background. I think Kerry should have done more, I would have, but to make the claim you just made, is to tell an out and out lie.

Why did the campus police believe they could act like that?

Because they can act like that. Because that's the country we live in now. Because while you weren't looking and were kept busy being "kept safe" this is what was going on, and now it's spilled over into mainstream media, because they took it one step further, which they always will do, always, and all of a sudden people wake up. But don't worry! OJ has been charged with kidnapping. Sure, no one knows who the hell he kidnapped, but already, people begin to fall back into their pop slumbers. There's OJ news. And Brittney went out last night without any underwear.
The "land of the free", eh?

We normally just arrest protesters under draconian anti-terrorist legislation but i can see now that electrocution is the future.

Here's hoping for some sackings, criminal charges and a nice fat lawsuit.
Duh. Hence the sarcasm. What has made you so slow on the uptake lately?

Did anybody bother reading the story?

Seriously, read it.

The kid was asking about "Were you really part of the Skull and Bones with Bush?"

Oh, I thought you were trying to make fun of conspiracy theories. The Skull and Bones society has a lot of conspiracy theories associated with it, but it is a real organization, and not even all that secret.
The dude has his freedom of speech. Everyone is given an alloted time to talk. That is announced in advance. He spoke his alloted amount of time and tried to go over. He was asked to stop. Pretty simple.

And so you taser him? People like you who just accept any barbarism as long as it's towards "other" people and young people are what's wrong with our nation.
And so you taser him? People like you who just accept any barbarism as long as it's towards "other" people and young people are what's wrong with our nation.

I agree. The cops went waaaaay too far. That's absurd. And it begs the question: what rights do we have against cops that are abusive. Surely if someone is accosting me without cause and illegally I should have some right to physically defend myself instead of getting accused of "resisting arrest".
It was the campus police who did it, not "Kerry's goons" and Kerry can clearly be heard telling the police "that's ok let me answer his questions" in the background. I think Kerry should have done more, I would have, but to make the claim you just made, is to tell an out and out lie.

Why did the campus police believe they could act like that?

Because they can act like that. Because that's the country we live in now. Because while you weren't looking and were kept busy being "kept safe" this is what was going on, and now it's spilled over into mainstream media, because they took it one step further, which they always will do, always, and all of a sudden people wake up. But don't worry! OJ has been charged with kidnapping. Sure, no one knows who the hell he kidnapped, but already, people begin to fall back into their pop slumbers. There's OJ news. And Brittney went out last night without any underwear.

They were his goons.
ou can here Kerry saying its all right Ill answer his questions.

This man was NO threat to ANYONE.

The police over reacted and escalated the situation.

They should have told him to finish his question and then sit down instead of jumping on his ass.

This sums how I feel about it pretty well

Democracy and Dissent Tasered Into Submission

by Anthony Wade

September 18, 2007

We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it. – Edward R. Murrow

The cute new bumper sticker reads, “Be nice to America, or we will bring democracy to your country next.” Humor aside, the deterioration of civil liberties in the United States of America has so far eroded that we have precious little left that is democratic to bring to any country. So it was for Andrew Meyer yesterday in this country. Andrew Meyer was a student at the University of Florida. That means that he, or at least someone in his family paid the University of Florida for his attendance at that school where he could pursue higher learning in what is supposed to be the freest country in the world. Along came John Kerry yesterday to speak to the students about varied topics such as Iraq and the Middle East. After his speech which covered a couple of hours, Senator Kerry was gracious enough to open the floor for questions. That is where democracy and dissent took a 45 to the head.

Andrew Meyer came to the microphone and began a long statement about voting irregularities in the 2004 presidential election, of which Kerry was the “losing” candidate. Those of us, who follow alternate news for the sake of the truth, know that Meyer actually was understating the extent of the irregularities. The true fact is that the 2004 election was stolen. That theft was deliberative and goes far beyond “irregular.” As we also know, Senator Kerry ran his campaign swearing to us all, that he would not rest until every vote was counted. Yet there he was conceding after mere hours while still staring at massive voter fraud and holding over a million dollars specifically raised for contesting the election. As such, Kerry became an accomplice to the theft of the 2004 election and Andrew Meyer was merely asking the same question I would have asked Kerry if I had the opportunity. His reward for daring to buck the establishment and practice democracy in an open forum at the college that he pays tuition to attend? He was dragged away by campus police an arrested. Meyer understandably was upset at the Stalinist response and kept shouting in disbelief. Undeterred, the SIX brave police officers proceeded to tackle him to the ground as Kerry tried to answer his question. Still not satisfied that Meyer did not simply cave into this violation of his civil liberties, the valiant officers proceeded to taser him with 50,000 volts of electricity, while they already had him successfully subdued.

Did you get that America? A student who was attending an open forum at a school that he paid to attend, was asking a legitimate question during a question and answer period and was assaulted and tasered by police. What kind of democracy do we think we are capable of spreading anywhere in the world if this is what we practice at home??? As I write this Chris Matthews is reporting that the rationale from the police is that Meyer was using obscenities toward them. Are you kidding me??? Here is the video clip of the incident:
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And you sound like a braindead fascist imbecile.

Did you want to offer up any evidence that these weren't campus police as the University has admitted they were, and that Kerry didn't ask them to stop, as everyone heard him ask, little baby? Or did you just want to continue holding your hands over your ears, holding your breathe and crying until you get your way?

Let me know. I'd certainly look at any evidence you might care to post, after you get your thumb out of your mouth.
Did you want to offer up any evidence that these weren't campus police as the University has admitted they were, and that Kerry didn't ask them to stop, as everyone heard him ask, little baby? Or did you just want to continue holding your hands over your ears, holding your breathe and crying until you get your way?

Let me know. I'd certainly look at any evidence you might care to post, after you get your thumb out of your mouth.

Kerry was in control. It was entirely his fault.