Student Tasered Asking Kerry Questions

No, I know he wasn't a Republican. If they tasered a Republican I wouldn't care. lol

No, just kidding. But I know he wasn't. He was just one of those annoying guys, you know? There is always at least one at any event that has a question answer period. These days, I refer to them as "the asshat in the room". I can usually even spot the asshat before they start talking.

ahh yes, villainization of "the other". What nice little fascist you turned out to be.

Well, even when I go to the Arts cinema for an opening and there is a speaker connected with the film, there is always one person in the audience who doesn't so much as ask a question as use it as an opportunity to make a really boring speech. I hate that.

But you know, we don't fucking taser them... this is the United States of America.

It's nice to see so many accepting this. Cry to me when your free speech is gone, because Cawacko, it will be. Hillary Clinton is now removing people with tshirts she doesn't like from her events. You know why? Just like I told you for years, let bush get away with it and then an LBJ will come along for the Dems, because you know, contrary to your impression, they're not all wimps, and when he does (or she) they will make you eat it. And we will see how you like the taste of it then, and it's almost enough for me to vote for Hillary in the primaries just to see you guys put in pens and arrested, and now tasered, for opening your frigging mouths. It really is. Never, have a group of people had it coming more than you guys do, but you know...I love my damned country more and so I can't vote for her and I have to say NO.

I agree the guy should not have been tased. I was responding to her saying we have no freedom of speech. The dude had his chance to speak, he was not denied it.
I agree the guy should not have been tased. I was responding to her saying we have no freedom of speech. The dude had his chance to speak, he was not denied it.

Are you being satorical?

He was tasered for it! I hardly think that is "free speech" LOL


Dont' be disingenious Damo.

This term would apply to darla...the Code Pink' Ho...cops are always at fault according to darla..thats why OJ continues to get off 'Scott Free'
Thanks darla...Marry OJ then cry when he beats ya
Dont' be disingenious Damo.
I'm not. He was not tasered because of what he said. Did he receive a platform to ask his questions? Did he use that platform?

He exceeded the timeline, it was somebody else's turn. The first amendment does not gaurantee somebody unlimited access at all forums.

He was tasered by morons who exceeded their authority, but not because he was saying some speech limited by the government.
I'm not. He was not tasered because of what he said. Did he receive a platform to ask his questions? Did he use that platform?

He exceeded the timeline, it was somebody else's turn. The first amendment does not gaurantee somebody unlimited access at all forums.

He was tasered by morons who exceeded their authority, but not because he was saying some speech limited by the government.

He was tasered for talking too long.
He was tasered for talking too long.
Not true, had he left and got back in line would he have been tasered?

It was not because of what he was saying, it was because he fought with those who attempted to make him stay within the meeting rules.

They can't all talk at once or nobody will be heard, and if each were to have their time he can't just assume another's time.
Not true, had he left and got back in line would he have been tasered?

It was not because of what he was saying, it was because he fought with those who attempted to make him stay within the meeting rules.

They can't all talk at once or nobody will be heard, and if each were to have their time he can't just assume another's time.

You don't know that. It could very well have been because of what he was saying. The fact remains he was tasered for talking too long.

If you and Cawacko want to call that free speech, go ahead. You guys are the ones who are going to be getting tasered soon enough. I noticed that you were out protesting something when Bill Clinton was president. What you were protesting, who knows. I mean, was it the peace, the prosperity, or the 99 cent a gallon gasoline that had you riled up? If it was Top, I wouldn't even have to ask. I have no doubt that in the late 90's, when gas prices bottomed out, Top took to the streets chanting "No Justice, No Peace" waving around a big "Impeach Clinton" sign. But you, I'm not sure.

At any rate, whatever it was, even though you haven't been moved to protest 7 years of lying us into a war, death, destruction and the erosion of your civil liberties, I have no doubt that the second a Clinton is in the white house you are going to be hitting the streets again. Take Cawacko with you, and do me a favor send me the video when they taser both your asses, so I can say "I told you so".
I'm not. He was not tasered because of what he said. Did he receive a platform to ask his questions? Did he use that platform?

He exceeded the timeline, it was somebody else's turn. The first amendment does not gaurantee somebody unlimited access at all forums.

He was tasered by morons who exceeded their authority, but not because he was saying some speech limited by the government.

Sorry damo I take notice to this comment...They were 'Morons' because they used the tools of their trade? Would you rather they shot him? This would be like someone complaining about a Medic (Fireman) who used the so called wrong bandage...get the drift?:rolleyes: Way too PC for me...sorry!
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I'm not. He was not tasered because of what he said. Did he receive a platform to ask his questions? Did he use that platform?

He exceeded the timeline, it was somebody else's turn. The first amendment does not gaurantee somebody unlimited access at all forums.

He was tasered by morons who exceeded their authority, but not because he was saying some speech limited by the government.

Even if he did exceed the time limit, act like a kook, and babble, I don't think he should have been manhandled. It was the manhandling that ultimately led to the tasering.

Kerry could have handled the question. Maybe the kook would have gone over the time limit, but the worse that would have happened is that he made himself look like an asshole to the audience, and maybe got booed down ultimately.

I think this could have been handled much better, and the cops should be trained better to handle crap like this.
You don't know that. It could very well have been because of what he was saying. The fact remains he was tasered for talking too long.

If you and Cawacko want to call that free speech, go ahead. You guys are the ones who are going to be getting tasered soon enough. I noticed that you were out protesting something when Bill Clinton was president. What you were protesting, who knows. I mean, was it the peace, the prosperity, or the 99 cent a gallon gasoline that had you riled up? If it was Top, I wouldn't even have to ask. I have no doubt that in the late 90's, when gas prices bottomed out, Top took to the streets chanting "No Justice, No Peace" waving around a big "Impeach Clinton" sign. But you, I'm not sure.

At any rate, whatever it was, even though you haven't been moved to protest 7 years of lying us into a war, death, destruction and the erosion of your civil liberties, I have no doubt that the second a Clinton is in the white house you are going to be hitting the streets again. Take Cawacko with you, and do me a favor send me the video when they taser both your asses, so I can say "I told you so".

Do you believe that he should have been able to overtake the platform for an eternity and never allow another to speak?

The truth is he was stepping on another's right to free speech by taking their time as well as his.

Do you think that when the moderator rings a bell at a debate and then cuts the microphone it is because they are taking their right to free speech?

Seriously, the issue here is whether the Keystone Kops overstepped. Yes, they did. Not that time limits are a restriction on free speech.
Sorry damo I take notice to this comment...They were 'Morons' because they used the tools of their trade? Would you rather they shot him? This would be like someonme compalining about a Medic (Fireman) who used the so called wrong bandage...get the drift?
In what way was their life in danger?

There is no need to use what can be lethal weapons when their lives are not in danger. It isn't a toy, it isn't always safe, and it is stupid to use a tool that can kill when their lives are not in danger.

In what way was their life in danger?

There is no need to use what can be lethal weapons when their lives are not in danger. It isn't a toy, it isn't always safe, and it is stupid to use a tool that can kill when their lives are not in danger.

They used force that was taught in the academy..this idiot resisted the commands of LE...continued to took several officers to pin was a safety issue...carry on though damo!
They used force that was taught in the academy..this idiot resisted the commands of LE...continued to took several officers to pin was a safety issue...carry on though damo!
Handcuffs and ankle binders would have been enough. You know as well as I do that LE sometimes oversteps. It is BS to pretend otherwise.

Handcuffs and ankle binders would have been enough. You know as well as I do that LE sometimes oversteps. It is BS to pretend otherwise.

I was not there nor were you...I saw the tapes as did everyone else...and as a investigator 'past tense'...I judge the action was warranted..not saying all LE actions are just but in this case it was...sorry damo not going to go down the pc road with you on this issue..!;)
I was not there nor were you...I saw the tapes as did everyone else...and as a investigator 'past tense'...I judge the action was warranted..not saying all LE actions are just but in this case it was...sorry damo not going to go down the pc road with you on this issue..!;)
Okay, that's why they were put on leave and are being investigated. They should send you right in so you can just nod away and say, "Well, they work LE so OF COURSE they are right."
You don't know that. It could very well have been because of what he was saying. The fact remains he was tasered for talking too long.

If you and Cawacko want to call that free speech, go ahead. You guys are the ones who are going to be getting tasered soon enough. I noticed that you were out protesting something when Bill Clinton was president. What you were protesting, who knows. I mean, was it the peace, the prosperity, or the 99 cent a gallon gasoline that had you riled up? If it was Top, I wouldn't even have to ask. I have no doubt that in the late 90's, when gas prices bottomed out, Top took to the streets chanting "No Justice, No Peace" waving around a big "Impeach Clinton" sign. But you, I'm not sure.

At any rate, whatever it was, even though you haven't been moved to protest 7 years of lying us into a war, death, destruction and the erosion of your civil liberties, I have no doubt that the second a Clinton is in the white house you are going to be hitting the streets again. Take Cawacko with you, and do me a favor send me the video when they taser both your asses, so I can say "I told you so".

Everyone who spoke was given an alloted time to speak. It was known before hand. It is not a violation of the first amendment to state you cannot speak forever at an event like this.

The kid was asked to stopped speaking when his time was up. He then started to create a scene with the cops in what seemed like a ploy to draw attention to himself. He was asked to leave the mic and didn't. The cops shouldn't have tasered him but they were right to escort him away from the mic.
Nope again...........

Okay, that's why they were put on leave and are being investigated. They should send you right in so you can just nod away and say, "Well, they work LE so OF COURSE they are right."

It is common practice to put a officer or officers on leave pending a investigation...ya should know this being that ya claim to be a former or present also applies to them as well....!