Student Tasered Asking Kerry Questions

Right and while I was in the field I had a few persons say the same thing ...several times...please don't shoot me while he was running full steam ahead with a knife...
and the kid in question continued to resist while all along saying 'Bro...don't taser me'...your call Mr.Know it all!:pke:
While you had them contained and under control? Then you tasered them for saying that?

Then I now understand why you think it is okay to tase college students who are resisting while face down with multiple officers controlling them.
LOL. BTW - Our jail doesn't have "tower guards" it is a jail man. Not San Quentin.

Exactly is a jail and all weapons are checked...I threw out the prison guard towers as a example..Weapons are not allowed in a county your argument about tasers in a jail is awash...

And before ya come again with more BS scenarios...I did work the jail LAPD while attending college before going I was trained in both Federal as well as local police procedures...y'all are just apologists for the pc left...thats it in a nutshell...end of story!
Everyone who spoke was given an alloted time to speak. It was known before hand. It is not a violation of the first amendment to state you cannot speak forever at an event like this.

The kid was asked to stopped speaking when his time was up. He then started to create a scene with the cops in what seemed like a ploy to draw attention to himself. He was asked to leave the mic and didn't. The cops shouldn't have tasered him but they were right to escort him away from the mic.

cawacko, you act like this allotted time limit is a hard and fast rule, that is codified into law by some legislature somewhere.

Who cares about a time limit? Obviously, it can be an assholish thing to hog time, but its not a crime. Kerry was willing to deal with the kid, and answer his question. He DID have some legitimate questions, even if he was a hot head. I just watched the whole video, and I didn't see anything the required him to be manhandled and ultimatley tasered.

Its a political event, for God's sake. These things can get racous and unruly sometimes. Its not a crime. Its good to question authority and challenge it - there's nothing illegal about it. And some nebulous "time limit" is hardly a reason to manhandle somebody. At worst, Kerry could have just answered the kids question. Nobody had to get hurt.

While you had them contained and under control? Then you tasered them for saying that?

Then I now understand why you think it is okay to tase college students who are resisting while face down with multiple officers controlling them.

I never used a taser...if you read what I pertained to a knife vs a firearm...what would you have done...Mr.Fireman? We were addresing another case of progressive use of force...the kid escalated it to a point that a taser was justified...are you this dense or just trying to impress the Lib Ladies?

Exactly is a jail and all weapons are checked...I threw out the prison guard towers as a example..Weapons are not allowed in a county your argument about tasers in a jail is awash...

And before ya come again with more BS scenarios...I did work the jail LAPD while attending college before going I was trained in both Federal as well as local police procedures...y'all are just apologists for the pc left...thats it in a nutshell...end of story!
One more time. Since you seem to be deliberately slow. Even in your post there are times when weapons are allowed, during riots or during an escape. (There are other times, and other weapons, but I digress).

You cannot fully understand your own typing, or you are being deliberately obtuse. Either way, the Sherrif in our county has stated the following.

"The only time tasers can be used, even in the jail, is when the officer's or another's life is at stake because these weapons can, and have, killed."

Now, pretend that you didn't hear that sometimes, even in your scenario weapons can be allowed in a jail, an be even more of a spinner. But regardless, the sentence above applies.
I never used a taser...if you read what I pertained to a knife vs a firearm...what would you have done...Mr.Fireman? We were addresing another case of progressive use of force...the kid escalated it to a point that a taser was justified...are you this dense or just trying to impress the Lib Ladies?
No, you cannot seem to be actually reading what you, yourself type.

He cannot escalate from the floor with a knee in his face and several officers controlling his body. You are only pretending to have seen the tape if you think he was not under their control when they decided to tase him.

And there was no way that this kid was bringing any lethal force or was a physical danger to anybody in that room at that time. They overstepped, IMO.

You have the knee-jerk reaction to "protect" any LE from criticism. Sometimes they deserve it.
Nope again.............

One more time. Since you seem to be deliberately slow. Even in your post there are times when weapons are allowed, during riots or during an escape. (There are other times, and other weapons, but I digress).

You cannot fully understand your own typing, or you are being deliberately obtuse. Either way, the Sherrif in our county has stated the following.

"The only time tasers can be used, even in the jail, is when the officer's or another's life is at stake because these weapons can, and have, killed."

Now, pretend that you didn't hear that sometimes, even in your scenario weapons can be allowed in a jail, an be even more of a spinner. But regardless, the sentence above applies.

You damo are the one being deliberately obtuse...You brought in the weapons in the jail scenario...I told you you were wrong and used the example of the prison system as being the only ones where weapons were allowed! Damo I am really begining to doubt you were a fireman! I have explained to you the progression of force and how it is taught...and used examples of force and how it are really dense or just being a total ass for unknown reasons..then again I think we all know what the real reason is!
You damo are the one being deliberately obtuse...You brought in the weapons in the jail scenario...I told you you were wrong and used the example of the prison system as being the only ones where weapons were allowed! Damo I am really begining to doubt you were a fireman! I have explained to you the progression of force and how it is taught...and used examples of force and how it are really dense or just being a total ass for unknown reasons..then again I think we all know what the real reason is!
I simply stated what the fricking Sherrif said when I asked about Tasers.

"The only time tasers can be used, even in the jail, is when the officer's or another's life is at stake because these weapons can, and have, killed."

That is what he said.

Got it?


Then maybe you can move on past your first knee-jerk reaction and start talking sense.

And please tell me all about the "real reason".

I simply stated what the fricking Sherrif said when I asked about Tasers.

"The only time tasers can be used, even in the jail, is when the officer's or another's life is at stake because these weapons can, and have, killed."

That is what he said.

Got it?


Then maybe you can move on past your first knee-jerk reaction and start talking sense.

And please tell me all about the "real reason".

First you said the 'Sheriff'..then corrected it to a 'Officer in the jail... and now we are back to the 'Sheriff' please reread your own posts before you challenge me again...thanks!...I am outta here, dinner is a callin'...and I must hit the store...have a nice love affair with the left!
First you said the 'Sheriff'..then corrected it to a 'Officer in the jail... and now we are back to the 'Sheriff' please reread your own posts before you challenge me again...thanks!...I am outta here, dinner is a callin'...and I must hit the store...have a nice love affair with the left!
I stated that the sherrif mentioned that even in the jail they couldn't use it except under specific circumstances that included "Unless an officer's or another's life is in danger"...

I did not say anything about an officer in the jail saying anything. I speak with the Sherrif regularly since he is an elected official and therefore part of the Central Committee, which I am also a member of. I do not speak with the Deputies regularly.
Okee Dokee then...your own words...

But it doesn't, at least to one current officer of LE that I know. Even in their jail they don't use them unless somebody is actually threatening their well-being.

Sorry but I must run..choke on your own words over a glass of red wine!
Can't we all just be friends?

Have we really come to the level of wishing each other to choke?

Let's love.

Darla, I apologize for calling you a fascist. Just try not to discriminate against anyone, white people included.

And damo, just thanks for being the best mod ever, and "babysitting" me, as others have spuriously alleged.
I simply stated what the fricking Sherrif said when I asked about Tasers.

"The only time tasers can be used, even in the jail, is when the officer's or another's life is at stake because these weapons can, and have, killed."

That is what he said.

Got it?


Then maybe you can move on past your first knee-jerk reaction and start talking sense.

And please tell me all about the "real reason".

The real reason is because you want to have sex with me, that's always his "real reason", he's a freaking pervert.

But, I agree with you on this, which some people might feel doesn't mean much, but...there can be no doubt to anyone who has posted with BB that he does do the blue wall thing, you are exactly right. And cops are not "always wrong" to me. I have stated in the past that I wouldn't become involved with one, and I have good reasons for that, but they have nothing to do with my hating cops or anything. In fact, I personally have had nothign but good experiences with cops, and, I'm a peace activist, so think about that. Obviously, I know they are not all nazi pigs, like BB here, who beat the shit out of God will only ever know how many people when he was a cop, and told God will only ever know how many lies to protect his cop friends who did the same thing.
Can't we all just be friends?

Have we really come to the level of wishing each other to choke?

Let's love.

Darla, I apologize for calling you a fascist. Just try not to discriminate against anyone, white people included.

And damo, just thanks for being the best mod ever, and "babysitting" me, as others have spuriously alleged.

Hello, I don't take anything you say about me to heart, you can tell because I rarely curse you out. That's a key sign that you've pissed me off.
The real reason is because you want to have sex with me, that's always his "real reason", he's a freaking pervert.

But, I agree with you on this, which some people might feel doesn't mean much, but...there can be no doubt to anyone who has posted with BB that he does do the blue wall thing, you are exactly right. And cops are not "always wrong" to me. I have stated in the past that I wouldn't become involved with one, and I have good reasons for that, but they have nothing to do with my hating cops or anything. In fact, I personally have had nothign but good experiences with cops, and, I'm a peace activist, so think about that. Obviously, I know they are not all nazi pigs, like BB here, who beat the shit out of God will only ever know how many people when he was a cop, and told God will only ever know how many lies to protect his cop friends who did the same thing.
I don't know if BB ever did take too much liberty with pain on others. But I do know that sometimes cops do that.

It is my opinion that BB does have a natural tendency to attempt to deflect criticism of those in LE. Shoot, I used to have the same reaction for anybody in the military, until I thought it through. There are people who do the wrong thing in any profession, even in circumstances where they only have a second or two to make the decision they can't be forgiven for every transgression because they serve the community. In fact, it is because they serve the community and we give them such power that they must be held to an even higher standard.
First and foremost.............

The real reason is because you want to have sex with me, that's always his "real reason", he's a freaking pervert.
But, I agree with you on this, which some people might feel doesn't mean much, but...there can be no doubt to anyone who has posted with BB that he does do the blue wall thing, you are exactly right. And cops are not "always wrong" to me. I have stated in the past that I wouldn't become involved with one, and I have good reasons for that, but they have nothing to do with my hating cops or anything. In fact, I personally have had nothign but good experiences with cops, and, I'm a peace activist, so think about that. Obviously, I know they are not all nazi pigs, like BB here, who beat the shit out of God will only ever know how many people when he was a cop, and told God will only ever know how many lies to protect his cop friends who did the same thing.

I never brought your name into this thread...and I by know means am the pervert...take a look in the mirror...and my record in LE was spotless...never accused of nor did I ever use excessive quit with the slander Ms.Code Pink!

Can't we all just be friends?
Have we really come to the level of wishing each other to choke?

Let's love.

Darla, I apologize for calling you a fascist. Just try not to discriminate against anyone, white people included.

And damo, just thanks for being the best mod ever, and "babysitting" me, as others have spuriously alleged.

But even friends have spats from time to's only human...especially when the topic hits home! And the 'choke on the wine' was a figure of speech...not intended as a wish!
Can't we all just be friends?

Have we really come to the level of wishing each other to choke?

Let's love.

Darla, I apologize for calling you a fascist. Just try not to discriminate against anyone, white people included.

And damo, just thanks for being the best mod ever, and "babysitting" me, as others have spuriously alleged.

You're high.