Study That Proves Everything I've said about Southerners and Conservatives

Its always easier to make a joke, or claim that you did, rather then be serious or defend your prior actions.
Its always easier to make a joke, or claim that you did, rather then be serious or defend your prior actions.

Defend what actions? This entire thread is meant to be funny. And you come in spouting that nonsense about this being the only site where liberals post junk like that. You over reacted and I made a joke about it.

Try and relax and stick with calling men gay who are not neaderthals.
Looks like I scored an insult from you. And a misspelled one at that!

Yeah, that was pretty much an insult. But only if you consider any man who wears cologne to be gay.

Spelling is great on an important document. But if thats the best you have to complain about on my posts, you are really reaching.
Yeah, that was pretty much an insult. But only if you consider any man who wears cologne to be gay.

Spelling is great on an important document. But if thats the best you have to complain about on my posts, you are really reaching.

So basically any man who doesn't wear perfume is a Neanderthal. Is that your position?

I just think that anyone who pretends to be so sophisticated would try and spell correctly, especially if they are trying to insult someone due to an assumed lack of sophistication. It was quite ironic, actually.
So basically any man who doesn't wear perfume is a Neanderthal. Is that your position?

I just think that anyone who pretends to be so sophisticated would try and spell correctly, especially if they are trying to insult someone due to an assumed lack of sophistication. It was quite ironic, actually.

Is that what you think I said? I don't think thats what I said at all. But keep trying.

Maybe you can have moire luck than the "I smell sweaty so I can warn other creatures of my presence (meaning co-workers of course).

And spending two posts on my spelling or my typo seems to be a bit of a stretch for something to say as well.
Who can take a thread that started as a joke, and turn it into this? What a way to derail a thread dudes...

Maybe you shouldn't wear cologne so we can be warned of your approach...

:D (Hint: this smilie is here to show that I am kidding, I have to put this disclaimer in for the humor impaired on the left.)
Is that what you think I said? I don't think thats what I said at all. But keep trying.

Maybe you can have moire luck than the "I smell sweaty so I can warn other creatures of my presence (meaning co-workers of course).

And spending two posts on my spelling or my typo seems to be a bit of a stretch for something to say as well.
Don't matter. You confirmed that you insulted me, therefore I score a point and you lose.
Don't matter. You confirmed that you insulted me, therefore I score a point and you lose.

Oh, so by insulting I lose? Odd competition you have going there.

YOu might consider giving out the rules to said competition BEFORE proclaiming your victory.
Oh, so by insulting I lose? Odd competition you have going there.

YOu might consider giving out the rules to said competition BEFORE proclaiming your victory.
Insult=point taken has been a consistent theme of mine here from the beginning. Sorry if you didn't understand that.
Insult=point taken has been a consistent theme of mine here from the beginning. Sorry if you didn't understand that.

No, I don't pay attention to people's "themes", only to the points that they make with what they say.

Your imaginary scoreboard is amusing though.
No, I don't pay attention to people's "themes", only to the points that they make with what they say.

It's funny you should say this. Generally I find you trying to refute my sound statements with "...but ....but ... you talk about JEWS in a non-reverential tone!"
It's funny you should say this. Generally I find you trying to refute my sound statements with "...but ....but ... you talk about JEWS in a non-reverential tone!"

Please point out where I have made comments about your dislike of jews?

No, you are thinking of other people on this site.

What I make fun of you about is your theory that hybrid aliens are ruling us and sucking the life force from us to maintain their disguise as humans.

I think that is hilarious. Your antisemitism is just sad.
Please point out where I have made comments about your dislike of jews?

No, you are thinking of other people on this site.

What I make fun of you about is your theory that hybrid aliens are ruling us and sucking the life force from us to maintain their disguise as humans.

I think that is hilarious. Your antisemitism is just sad.
But... but... but... They run the world and will make us worship Noah... or something... And make us not be able to eat an animal while they are alive and stuff.