STUDY: The mRNA Shot is Dangerous

The Covid pandemic was used to fundamentally change the relationship between US citizens and their government.The government’s public health response was not a medical response, but instead a test of technocratic power: to see how the population would respond to totalitarian edicts masked as medical interventions.The government also selected the lockdown winners and losers, transferring nearly 4 trillion dollars of wealth from the middle class & small business to Silicon Valley and big box stores.There have been NO corrections and NO apologies--because the government wants to be able to do it again.That is why we are hearing all the hoopla now about monkeypox and bird flu and yet more experimental vaccines.We CANNOT let this happen again. We MUST resist.

The Covid pandemic was used to fundamentally change the relationship between US citizens and their government.The government’s public health response was not a medical response, but instead a test of technocratic power: to see how the population would respond to totalitarian edicts masked as medical interventions.The government also selected the lockdown winners and losers, transferring nearly 4 trillion dollars of wealth from the middle class & small business to Silicon Valley and big box stores.There have been NO corrections and NO apologies--because the government wants to be able to do it again.That is why we are hearing all the hoopla now about monkeypox and bird flu and yet more experimental vaccines.We CANNOT let this happen again. We MUST resist.

Before going off on the bunny trail with RFK Jr. ask yourself: if there was a serious pandemic with a new disease what should the authorities responsible for keeping us alive do to make every individual happy in the US?

Because that is what you are asking for. You (and RFK Jr) are sitting on the sidelines without one whit of skill or ability in virology or public health and monday morning quarterbacking.

Ask yourself honestly what YOU would do if you were the health authorities.
Before going off on the bunny trail with RFK Jr. ask yourself: if there was a serious pandemic with a new disease what should the authorities responsible for keeping us alive do to make every individual happy in the US?

Because that is what you are asking for. You (and RFK Jr) are sitting on the sidelines without one whit of skill or ability in virology or public health and monday morning quarterbacking.

Ask yourself honestly what YOU would do if you were the health authorities.
These people who shun the vaccine willingly take the anti viral medication that saves their lives. This has never made sense to me.
Actually no. I'm a scientist. Normally I wouldn't go immediately for questioning the nature of the journal but if the second author is the editor of a journal set up for anti-vaxxers and most of the people don't appear to be virologists I just sort of felt that you might want to choose better.

I'm not a virologist and I know you aren't either. So why go for the most biased and potentially contaminated research just to confirm your bias? Why not go for GOOD science?
I am not a scientist. But I consider an understanding of how science publishes a study as baseline knowledge for discussing a topic like this. The OP actually believes that mainstream public health officials and virologists are part of the deep state. The conspiracy theory put forth here is laughable and the ‘journal’ can be repudiated with five minutes of research. It offends me to see an arrogant putz like Goyboy insulting people who clearly understand the topic better than he does. Over a million Americans died from Covid. The excess deaths indicate that number may actually have been higher. Given the large percentage of the population that are vaccinated, Americans should be dropping like flies if there is any truth to this study. Apparently basic logic is not a requirement for mouthing off to intelligent people. It’s sublime.
Before going off on the bunny trail with RFK Jr. ask yourself: if there was a serious pandemic with a new disease what should the authorities responsible for keeping us alive do to make every individual happy in the US?

Because that is what you are asking for. You (and RFK Jr) are sitting on the sidelines without one whit of skill or ability in virology or public health and monday morning quarterbacking.

Ask yourself honestly what YOU would do if you were the health authorities.
I am a Free Man till last breath.
There are both widespread documented excess deaths and degraded health of those still alive.
Everything is buried and fact check lies replace. These mooks believe what they read. If you show them VAERS they say it's phony. But there has not been a vaccine out their since VAERS has tracked reactions and death that even comes close to being as dangerous as the mRNA and Viral Vector vaccines.
Everything is buried and fact check lies replace. These mooks believe what they read. If you show them VAERS they say it's phony. But there has not been a vaccine out their since VAERS has tracked reactions and death that even comes close to being as dangerous as the mRNA and Viral Vector vaccines.
False. We believe those things we see in reliable widely accepted sources. You believe a bunch of kooks. Almost everything you say is projection. The sad part about you is that you actually think you’re good at this.
Everything is buried and fact check lies replace. These mooks believe what they read. If you show them VAERS they say it's phony. But there has not been a vaccine out their since VAERS has tracked reactions and death that even comes close to being as dangerous as the mRNA and Viral Vector vaccines.
So many minds are already fully enslaved.

This son of a bitch is going down.....HARD.
False. We believe those things we see in reliable widely accepted sources. You believe a bunch of kooks. Almost everything you say is projection. The sad part about you is that you actually think you’re good at this.
He is good, I am thrilled that there is one more person worth talking to here.....there are so few.
Any leftist one converses with does not accept anything reported by any alternative media source. They are the perfect subjects for the deep state. Complete automatons. Complete brainwashed.
You are correct. We Leftists much prefer actual peer-reviewed, tested science -- not crackpot theories and nonsense about horse wormer curing COVID, vaccines are poison, jet contrails are toxic gases the government is using to control us, fluoride in drinking water turns you Communist, and other favorite Tales of the Scientifically-Illiterate Paranoid.
You are correct. We Leftists much prefer actual peer-reviewed, tested science -- not crackpot theories and nonsense about horse wormer curing COVID, vaccines are poison, jet contrails are toxic gases the government is using to control us, fluoride in drinking water turns you Communist, and other favorite Tales of the Scientifically-Illiterate Paranoid.
You really do show your ignorance when you repeat names like horse wormer. Ivermectin is a truly remarkable drug with multi-use. Studies are ongoing about it's ability to fight cancer as well. Secondly, they are releasing substances in the atmosphere to deflect the sun's rays. It is idiotic but is not a conspiracy theory. And finally, ingesting fluoride is drinking water is not healthy.
I am a Free Man till last breath.

So you can't answer the question? That's quite telling. It shows you are not actually interested in the topic, you just want to signal your manliness and hatred of science.

Got it.

Enjoy that computer and all that science you don't understand but don't question.
So you can't answer the question? That's quite telling. It shows you are not actually interested in the topic, you just want to signal your manliness and hatred of science.

Got it.

Enjoy that computer and all that science you don't understand but don't question.
I dont work for you.