sucked into Syria (false flag?)

This has nothing to do with resources. I thought you read my previous post?

This has to do with the people of these nations wanting freedom from political and religious tyranny. Sound familiar?

<tapping fingers on table>

The largest demonstration in world history FOR Gaddafi and AGAINST NATO bombing .. AND, Obama's lies are revealed by 30 seconds into the video.

Tyranny? Does your government do this for you?

It wasn't the Libyan people Obama was protecting, it was his Al Qaida posse.

You are making the same republican/tea party/Bush supporter Iraq arguments that you argued against when Bush was in office.
I don't think Obama wants to go to war in Syria, or we would already be there.

I can believe the Syrian opposition wants the USA to come in on their side; and I can believe they might create a false incident to pull us in.

I can also believe the Syria used chemical weapons on the rebels.


Obama is eager to go to war with EVERYONE he can get a good Casus Belli on.
well said. This is a false flag willingly persued by Obama as it is a convenient way to enter the fray.

Why look for anything else but what is dropped in front of you as a reason to do what you want to do?? - get into the Syrian quagmire to push back on Putin?
More geo-jocking for position, buying into the Russian trap to engage where we have NO NATIONAL INTERESTS - just our Exceptionalism tastes to quell?

Fergit the media; lapdogs, unable to analyze news , muchless report it.........

Another slobbering war, more of our "dizzying interventionism" where nothing good can come of this.

On Morning Joe -someone mentioned "but is this in our best interests" (reports Obama is going to use surgical strikes)

which was quickly taken off the table by David Axelrod -busily shilling for Obama's next move

your a fucking idiot partisan hack