Suggestion about our criminal system

No? Drug war. But you've probably adopted the socialist concept of crime by now, seeing as you believe the point of the criminal justice system is to serve the state rather than justice.

The criminal justice system exists to serve the state everywhere, that's why it's separate from the civil (private/personal) law. I can't think of a jurisdiction where anyone or anything other than the state is served. That's not "socialist", that's reality.
Nobody said anything about natural law.

Justice systems were initially derived to repair the victim. Over time the King or state took the place of the vicitim. This concept of "justice" is what allows for victimless crimes or crimes against the state.

People who take meth or crack are not criminals based on that act. Neither are drug dealers.

The justice system should be about repairing the victim, not the criminal or society.

Yep, when customary law became "common law" in England, it became the sole preserve of the state (as you point out, the King).

So-called "victimless" crimes are manifestations of state power and not much else.
Excuse me waterboy!

I suggest that we reform our prison model. Instead of simply locking criminals up, we should put them in a controlled setting. In this controlled setting there will be a list of rules, obvious ones and mundane ones. The basic state of a criminal in this system shall be solitary confinement. If the criminal can go a specific time without breaking any of the rules, his rights in the prison system are incrementally increased, such as getting a telivision, the amount of time the prisoner can watch it etc...

If the prisoner breaks the rules, his rights are incrementally decreased until he's back at solitary confinement. Hopefully we can try and teach them to follow stupid rules, and if they can follow stupid rules, hopefully they'll follow the important ones.

This isn't a foolproof method. And we'd have to test it out first with a limited poulation. But it's better than what we're doing now. There's no 100% sure way to "cure" criminal behavior. But unless we just want to lock everyone up for life we should try reform. I think they do something like this in Denmark already.

Also, there should be a period after prison, maybe as long as the prison sentence itself or during parole, in which they will be have to go to weekly group therapy or be put back into prison. I believe group therapy has been proven effective at reducing recividism in a number of antisocial actions, as kumayaish as it may sound. If it works I'm for it.

This is not the 1800's this plan of yours has been in effect for quite along time!...and it is not maybe we should go back to the 1800's!
This is not the 1800's this plan of yours has been in effect for quite along time!...and it is not maybe we should go back to the 1800's!

Of course it's working. I know your comment was a rhetorical jab, but if anyone sincerely meant the cj system should go back to what it was in the 19th Century I would be interested to hear their defence of the idea.

I was convinced we locked them up and left them their. Sort of like McDonald's except for crime.

Yep and that was only the debtors.

A quick read of the history of prisons is informative. Now they're where people are kept AS punishment, some few hundred years ago prisons where were people went FOR punishment.

We've advanced, we need to keep advancing.