suicide by cop...


Grand rejoiner. :rolleyes: You might try joining the 1990's, no doubt you have some catching up to do.

I have raised my kids and grandkids just fine...I pass on my experience...and they all are doing just fine...they just smile when their teachers BS and try to program them...then go on and become productive citizens...sorry y'all are having such a tough time in life!
fuck you admitted getting a guy fired from his REAL job for stuff he said in are an admitted asshole of the first order.
But no one knew of this until this case met the end one can read anothers mind!
However, were the result different he would not have endangered his comrades in arms.

This is a moot point in this consideration of whether the response was proper or can be improved.

fuck you admitted getting a guy fired from his REAL job for stuff he said in are an admitted asshole of the first order.

He did it to himself...and why are you bringing up another person who is not part of this thread???

However, were the result different he would not have endangered his comrades in arms.

This is a moot point in this consideration of whether the response was proper or can be improved.

Sorry I have no idea where you are going with this???
He did it to himself...and why are you bringing up another person who is not part of this thread???

so let me get this did nothing to intervene in a way that caused this fellow to lose his job? he did it all by himself?
if that is the case, you are a boastful sick, twisted liar.

so let me get this did nothing to intervene in a way that caused this fellow to lose his job? he did it all by himself?
if that is the case, you are a boastful sick, twisted liar.

When one abuses his job...and cost me the taxpayer...then this person has done it to himself...just because one retiers...does not mean they bury their head in the proverbial bono ring a bell...and where pray tell did I bring this person into this thread???
so.... your bringing someone into a thread is all forgotten once we leave that particular thread, and you can then get all self righteous about someone else doing exactly the same thing in a different thread?

yeah...that makes shitloads of sense, bubblebutt
so let me get this did nothing to intervene in a way that caused this fellow to lose his job? he did it all by himself?
if that is the case, you are a boastful sick, twisted liar.

To set the record strait, the fellow did NOT lose his job. In actuality his boss was found the accusation over the top, after checking out the site referred to by the 'bad-assed' sheriff. Laughs were had by all.

The fact that it was tried was evidence enough to demonstrate how this asshat would abuse any power given. IF he ever was in the military or a police department, I'm sure that it was noted and dealt with.
Look shit head...

so.... your bringing someone into a thread is all forgotten once we leave that particular thread, and you can then get all self righteous about someone else doing exactly the same thing in a different thread?

yeah...that makes shitloads of sense, bubblebutt

I did not bring this person into this did...and for the record....I am a citizen taxpayer and I do the job I was trained for...I work pro bono from time to time...just do my job...gotta problem cry to DOJ...bite me!
I did not bring this person into this did...and for the record....I am a citizen taxpayer and I do the job I was trained for...I work pro bono from time to time...just do my job...gotta problem cry to DOJ...bite me!

no shit...but did you, or did you not, bring him into another thread where he had not been a part prior to your introduction?
Thank you...

To set the record strait, the fellow did NOT lose his job. In actuality his boss was found the accusation over the top, after checking out the site referred to by the 'bad-assed' sheriff. Laughs were had by all.

The fact that it was tried was evidence enough to demonstrate how this asshat would abuse any power given. IF he ever was in the military or a police department, I'm sure that it was noted and dealt with.

This was very interesting...I'll avise my boss! So the contractor found it non sequetor...hummm
This was very interesting...I'll avise my boss! So the contractor found it non sequetor...hummm

And some never learn. Do you understand why you are despised, wherever you go? I'll bet your grandaughter is embarrassed by you. A man does not provide this kind of drivel all over the place. Loser of the highest rank.

And some never learn. Do you understand why you are despised, wherever you go? I'll bet your grandaughter is embarrassed by you. A man does not provide this kind of drivel all over the place. Loser of the highest rank.

she adores me as do all my kids...I teach them honesty...and the GD is now a cadet for the local Sheriffs dept...after HS she will go for her POST and BS in Criminal Justice...anymore BS comments???
Oh I forgot...

And some never learn. Do you understand why you are despised, wherever you go? I'll bet your grandaughter is embarrassed by you. A man does not provide this kind of drivel all over the place. Loser of the highest rank.

are you this persons big brother???LOL aka CP???
she adores me as do all my kids...I teach them honesty...and the GD is now a cadet for the local Sheriffs dept...after HS she will go for her POST and BS in Criminal Justice...anymore BS comments???

You are a 'bully' of the first rank. By definition a bully is one who has zippo self-esteem, for the simple reason they KNOW they do not deserve respect. That is what you have proven to be. I'm sure your kids and grandchild pay homage, to the deity you force them to bow to, you. Loser.