
Should SF take Cypress off ignore

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cypress is a wussie turbo-lib, how could his weak as attempt at razzing even bother a big bad mofo like freak. I dissagree with the toefu eating Cypress frequently, especially his disgusting distaste for all things economics. But he may be the least threating male on the board, it would be close with lorax.
cypress is a wussie turbo-lib, how could his weak as attempt at razzing even bother a big bad mofo like freak. I dissagree with the toefu eating Cypress frequently, especially his disgusting distaste for all things economics. But he may be the least threating male on the board, it would be close with lorax.

SF isn't a big bad motherfucker. He's a guy posting on a message board, who often types angrily because he has a temper that he is too weak to control.

The only threat anyone can be on a message board, is an intellectual threat...and there, both Cypress and Lorax are bigger threats. Certainly, Lorax is always making him look like a fool...and he's made you look like one pretty often too Top.
Although, I don't know if SF is ready to handle the skewering that cypress aka house of pain will bring.....
SF isn't a big bad motherfucker. He's a guy posting on a message board, who often types angrily because he has a temper that he is too weak to control.

The only threat anyone can be on a message board, is an intellectual threat...and there, both Cypress and Lorax are bigger threats. Certainly, Lorax is always making him look like a fool...and he's made you look like one pretty often too Top.

What an ignorant bitchy thing for you to say Darla. Whats the matter? Too afraid to tell the board what you said about my cousin so you come on here and try to demean little ole me? :crybaby:

Lorax and I have a difference of opinion on Iraq. Both are opinions. But your head is so far up your code pink ass that you refuse to acknowledge that others do not have to share your opinion.

As for Cypress, yeah... please... do tell us what you REALLY think about him.
SF, I’m not going to engage you again after this, so you are going to have to find a way to get a handle on your rage. I have had you IA’d since receiving your abusive Private message. But I see you posting after every post I make, and I looked at this one, and it’s worse than I thought.

SF, you sent me an abusive PM FIRST, saying some really terrible things about me and what your cousin thinks of me and “people like me”. It was doubly offensive because we have always been very friendly in PMs.

I should never have answered it, lowering myself to your level. I IA”d you after that because when you have someone on IA you don’t get their pms.

Now you are on here threatening to repeat things told to you in private, because you became so enraged at me because you are a foaming war supporter, who has completely lost it.

SF, I don’t care what you repeat or what you tell people. I’ve had much worse done to me the last time I lowered my guard with a conservative, believe me. Knock yourself out. I will no longer engage you, and everything you do, announces to the world that you are a low life person who cannot be trusted, and has a severe rage problem

Good day SF.
What an ignorant bitchy thing for you to say Darla. Whats the matter? Too afraid to tell the board what you said about my cousin so you come on here and try to demean little ole me? :crybaby:

Lorax and I have a difference of opinion on Iraq. Both are opinions. But your head is so far up your code pink ass that you refuse to acknowledge that others do not have to share your opinion.

As for Cypress, yeah... please... do tell us what you REALLY think about him.
I think she put you on her ignore list.
No one has ever annoyed me enough to bother to take the seconds required to put them on the ignore list.

Toby came close but even he was not worth the effort.
Well, you know Desh, that’s good, but you also get involved in some really melodramatic ongoing stuff, some of it even overflowing to several boards. I’ve been there, done it, don’t do it no more. This is a message board. Not worth my aggravation. When someone becomes enraged, and cannot get a handle on it ( I don’t mind momentary explosions), I IA them. That’s what I choose.
SF, I’m not going to engage you again after this, so you are going to have to find a way to get a handle on your rage. I have had you IA’d since receiving your abusive Private message. But I see you posting after every post I make, and I looked at this one, and it’s worse than I thought.

SF, you sent me an abusive PM FIRST, saying some really terrible things about me and what your cousin thinks of me and “people like me”. It was doubly offensive because we have always been very friendly in PMs.

I should never have answered it, lowering myself to your level. I IA”d you after that because when you have someone on IA you don’t get their pms.

Now you are on here threatening to repeat things told to you in private, because you became so enraged at me because you are a foaming war supporter, who has completely lost it.

SF, I don’t care what you repeat or what you tell people. I’ve had much worse done to me the last time I lowered my guard with a conservative, believe me. Knock yourself out. I will no longer engage you, and everything you do, announces to the world that you are a low life person who cannot be trusted, and has a severe rage problem

Good day SF.

You are so full of shit. Post the "offensive" PM darla. I give you permission to share it. But you won't will you Darla. Because you know it was not offensive. It was his opinion of your opinion on how the military operates.

You are also full of shit that I "threatened" to post the PMs. I simply asked you to share your opinion with the board. I stated very clearly that I couldn't post it because it was a PM.

Foaming war supporter? yeah, that is why I was angry Darla.... not because of what you said....

I knew you didn't have the guts to say something that awful on the board. We wouldn't want everyone to see you for what you really are now would we?
What an ignorant bitchy thing for you to say Darla. Whats the matter? Too afraid to tell the board what you said about my cousin so you come on here and try to demean little ole me? :crybaby:

Lorax and I have a difference of opinion on Iraq. Both are opinions. But your head is so far up your code pink ass that you refuse to acknowledge that others do not have to share your opinion.

As for Cypress, yeah... please... do tell us what you REALLY think about him.

Wow. I had no idea anyone would gossip to YOU in PMs about private matters. Your obsession with me is fucked up. Later.
Yeah sorry but that is why I stopped going to that other board. They were so very unfair and did everything they could to drive away anyone who doesnt agree. It was the sense of pure injustice that I needed to take somewhere. I would post a fact based article and they would flame me all day long and then shut the thread when they could not win. I dont much feel the desire to go there anymore when the owner opperator lied and shut a thread because he said I posted a whole article when that was a blatent lie.
They are now over there talking about how much they hate the choices they have left because they are too liberal. They are the fringe and the fringe has been beaten by reality now.

If it was just words and they had no power to silence me I would still be there once in awhile.

I come here because people will actually add some logic to the flames.
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Oh here we go. Now it’s a private matter when someone annoys the shit out of me.

I really need to get a job that keeps me busier.
Oh here we go. Now it’s a private matter when someone annoys the shit out of me.

I really need to get a job that keeps me busier.

Enlist in the all you can be...and find out the truth why soldiers hate 'Code Pink'...I am sure they will keep you really busy!;)
You are so full of shit. Post the "offensive" PM darla. I give you permission to share it. But you won't will you Darla. Because you know it was not offensive. It was his opinion of your opinion on how the military operates.

You are also full of shit that I "threatened" to post the PMs. I simply asked you to share your opinion with the board. I stated very clearly that I couldn't post it because it was a PM.

Foaming war supporter? yeah, that is why I was angry Darla.... not because of what you said....

I knew you didn't have the guts to say something that awful on the board. We wouldn't want everyone to see you for what you really are now would we?

Listen you coward...anyone who would bring anything said in private on here, is a scum, and that's what you are. YOU did this, not me. I never would have.

You fucking scum. Damo should have stepped in here, but you're his friend and he won't.

What you did here, there is no exuse for, and you showed yourself to be a liar, a yellowbelly, and someone who took private conversations, and made them public.

You should die of shame, but you are so self-justifying you'll gone on forever.

Damo, nice wokr here Damo.
