
Should SF take Cypress off ignore

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Listen you coward...anyone who would bring anything said in private on here, is a scum, and that's what you are. YOU did this, not me. I never would have.

You fucking scum. Damo should have stepped in here, but you're his friend and he won't.

What you did here, there is no exuse for, and you showed yourself to be a liar, a yellowbelly, and someone who took private conversations, and made them public.

You should die of shame, but you are so self-justifying you'll gone on forever.

Damo, nice wokr here Damo.


I should die of shame? That is rich. I did not bring anything in here. I asked you to do so. You had the option of saying no. No one else would have known anything other than you said something in PM that pissed me off. But like now, that is all they would know.

Show me one of your private comments that I posted here Darla. I did no such thing. Yes, my comments let others know that you had made comments in private, but not what was said. Those comments remain private. They still don't know.
Not really..........

Damn this fight is MUCH deeper than I thought.

darla is the queen of drama...she starts fights accusing anyone who disagrees with her as being mean spirited and sexist if they are a guy! She always pulls the boring 'False outrage' BS! She in fact is the biggest abuser of flames on this board...then cries when it is returned...!
Listen you coward...anyone who would bring anything said in private on here, is a scum, and that's what you are. YOU did this, not me. I never would have.

You fucking scum. Damo should have stepped in here, but you're his friend and he won't.

What you did here, there is no exuse for, and you showed yourself to be a liar, a yellowbelly, and someone who took private conversations, and made them public.

You should die of shame, but you are so self-justifying you'll gone on forever.

Damo, nice wokr here Damo.

Hey. It's not like I can see everything all the time. The last message I saw was you were ignoring him.
Ya know damo........

Hey. It's not like I can see everything all the time. The last message I saw was you were ignoring him.

if you quit patronizing darla like this comment does maybe just maybe she would do a turn around on the 'Drama Queen' BS!..Just a thought mind ya...:D
I kept the contents private. I did not restate anything that she said. I simply asked if she was willing to restate them for the board to discuss.
Just a warning that there is a line. I don't want anybody to cross it, I like you both.
Bring up PMs or even hinting at them is uncool (unless the person is threatening to harm you).

SF, I'm not sure what Darla said but bringing it up in an open forum like this is just creepy. I'm sure you'd like to keep a lot our PMs private, so why would you do something like this?
Bring up PMs or even hinting at them is uncool (unless the person is threatening to harm you).

SF, I'm not sure what Darla said but bringing it up in an open forum like this is just creepy. I'm sure you'd like to keep a lot our PMs private, so why would you do something like this?

Sorry. But asking her if she would share it didn't seem like a violation of what was said. Is it possible I over reacted to what was said... yes. But I did not think suggesting that she repeat a comment was inappropriate. I apologize if people think that is over the line.
Originally Posted by Superfreak
What an ignorant bitchy thing for you to say Darla. Whats the matter? Too afraid to tell the board what you said about my cousin so you come on here and try to demean little ole me?

As for Cypress, yeah... please... do tell us what you REALLY think about him.

Originally Posted by Cypress
Wow. I had no idea anyone would gossip to YOU in PMs about private matters. Your obsession with me is fucked up. Later.

First of all you knew damned well that several people were going to know what you meant, and as you can see, one did.
Secondly, you have said over and over that I’m afraid to say what I said to you in PM (in response to your rage), because then everyone will know “what I am”.
So not only did you knowingly disclose something one issue, on another issue, you put me in the position of being forced to say what I said in a private communication, or have the board wonder “what I am”. What thing that I am.

And then you play this innocent BS. But let me tell you slime, it ain’t playing. You’re fucking slime. But it’s my fault. I knew better than to ever let my guard down with a righty. As my bf tells me, when one of them tries to communicate with you off board, this is how you respond: Fuck you cocksucker, don’t ever contact me again.

And that’s how you avoid these problems, because conservatives have no honor. And eventully, they will show themselves. As you did here, scum.
Originally Posted by Superfreak
What an ignorant bitchy thing for you to say Darla. Whats the matter? Too afraid to tell the board what you said about my cousin so you come on here and try to demean little ole me?

As for Cypress, yeah... please... do tell us what you REALLY think about him.

Originally Posted by Cypress
Wow. I had no idea anyone would gossip to YOU in PMs about private matters. Your obsession with me is fucked up. Later.

First of all you knew damned well that several people were going to know what you meant, and as you can see, one did.
Secondly, you have said over and over that I’m afraid to say what I said to you in PM (in response to your rage), because then everyone will know “what I am”.
So not only did you knowingly disclose something one issue, on another issue, you put me in the position of being forced to say what I said in a private communication, or have the board wonder “what I am”. What thing that I am.

And then you play this innocent BS. But let me tell you slime, it ain’t playing. You’re fucking slime. But it’s my fault. I knew better than to ever let my guard down with a righty. As my bf tells me, when one of them tries to communicate with you off board, this is how you respond: Fuck you cocksucker, don’t ever contact me again.

And that’s how you avoid these problems, because conservatives have no honor. And eventully, they will show themselves. As you did here, scum.

Such a hate filled individual you are. I had no idea until yesterday how much so. Keep up with your innocent little ole me routine darla. After yesterday I could give a shit about you, your life, your problems or your opinion. Just put me on IA again and I will do the same for you.

Have a good life.
Sorry. But asking her if she would share it didn't seem like a violation of what was said. Is it possible I over reacted to what was said... yes. But I did not think suggesting that she repeat a comment was inappropriate. I apologize if people think that is over the line.

that doesn't sound like much of an apology. "Is it possible"? "I apologize if"
Oh right, because I’ve confided my life and “problems” to YOU. You are the most dishonest fuck I’ve come across in some time. IA? I’m not coming back here. But I wanted to tell you what you are, so you didn’t walk away from this smelling like roses. You’re shit, and you stink. YOU made this personal by sending me that PM. YOU the crossed the line again by bringing pm'S out here.
that doesn't sound like much of an apology. "Is it possible"? "I apologize if"

That is because in my opinion I did not cross the line by mentioning there was a PM. But if people disagree with that opinion and think that was wrong.... then yes, I apologize. It was not my intention to cross the line.
Oh right, because I’ve confided my life and “problems” to YOU. You are the most dishonest fuck I’ve come across in some time. IA? I’m not coming back here. But I wanted to tell you what you are, so you didn’t walk away from this smelling like roses. You’re shit, and you stink. YOU made this personal by sending me that PM. YOU the crossed the line again by bringing pm'S out here.


Just so you are aware... I too think you are incredibly dishonest, you are a hate filled spiteful woman who is really good at deceiving others.

Again, have a good life.
To both of you...

The only reason that it caused so much consternation is because both of you cared what the other thought of you.

I am sorry it came to this.