Surgery :(

Ahh the fat insult. I hadn't heard it in awhile, since my personal stalker is on my ignore list. But what's really funny about it all is how little I care, mainly because I'm probably one of the more physically active board members here. And while I've put on a tad since my EAS, I'm still waaaayyyy above healthy standards of body fat. You'd think that my stalkers, who regularly steal picture off my facebook (like the last couple SM had) might realize that. Not that facts ever mattered to these guys.

Who's your "personal stalker"?
Ahh the fat insult. I hadn't heard it in awhile, since my personal stalker is on my ignore list. But what's really funny about it all is how little I care, mainly because I'm probably one of the more physically active board members here. And while I've put on a tad since my EAS, I'm still waaaayyyy above healthy standards of body fat. You'd think that my stalkers, who regularly steal picture off my facebook (like the last couple SM had) might realize that. Not that facts ever mattered to these guys.

Awww come on billy, don't get all bent; you are still plenty young enough to get it all back.

What with your personalizing crap from way back in that stupid gun thread you'd think you would not have posted that facebook link...remember you threated to go all irl.

You all start threads about SM or Dixie and get personal all the time. I guess like you he just joins in the milieu of taking shots where they present
I LOVE that song!

Yeah the lyrics are pretty appropriate. All those "star athletes" in high school that never realized that they would have to do something after graduation.

The second verse is just as good:

Well there's a girl that lives up the block
back in school she could turn all the boy's heads
Sometimes on a Friday I'll stop by
and have a few drinks after she put her kids to bed
Her and her husband Bobby well they split up
I guess it's two years gone by now
We just sit around talking about the old times,
she says when she feels like crying
she starts laughing thinking about

Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days

I knew a girl that fits this exactly. She was stunning back then, and guys would swoon all over her. She ended up marrying this guy who played on the football team and looked like John Travolta in "Welcome Back Cotter". He also had the IQ of Travolta's character. I saw them both at a party 10 years later and they were completely trashed out. They were the saddest looking pair in the room.
Awww come on billy, don't get all bent; you are still plenty young enough to get it all back.

What with your personalizing crap from way back in that stupid gun thread you'd think you would not have posted that facebook link...remember you threated to go all irl.

You all start threads about SM or Dixie and get personal all the time. I guess like you he just joins in the milieu of taking shots where they present

Like this:

And DO NOT EVER use another one from my damned facebook you son of a bitch. This is the last god damned time I'll put up with this shit.

Keep laughing asshole. We'll see how funny it is if I fuck with you IRL

Oh, and in case you were wondering, you live in the Yadkin Valley NC, in a HOA, drive a Ford Expedition, and look like this:

If you think it wouldn't be hard to find you, you're gravely mistaken.
Anyways, back to the topic of the thread, I'm not allowed to drink 24 hours prior to surgery.

Yeah the lyrics are pretty appropriate. All those "star athletes" in high school that never realized that they would have to do something after graduation.

The second verse is just as good:

I knew a girl that fits this exactly. She was stunning back then, and guys would swoon all over her. She ended up marrying this guy who played on the football team and looked like John Travolta in "Welcome Back Cotter". He also had the IQ of Travolta's character. I saw them both at a party 10 years later and they were completely trashed out. They were the saddest looking pair in the room.

Yeah, I have had the same kind of experience, but sometimes it's also just in the genes you are born with that keep you looking good in your jeans :)
Anyways, back to the topic of the thread, I'm not allowed to drink 24 hours prior to surgery.


Look on the bright side, Billy.

At least you're not about to be butchered by a doctor working under the auspices of the horrendous limb-hacking behemoth that is "socialised medicine".

And i'm pretty sure shots don't count as drinking.
Look on the bright side, Billy.

At least you're not about to be butchered by a doctor working under the auspices of the horrendous limb-hacking behemoth that is "socialised medicine".
I never said whether or not the VA was going to the preform the surgery.

And i'm pretty sure shots don't count as drinking.
Hm.... I don't think the doctor would agree. But what do doctors know?
He's also implying that I didn't invest in education.

GT: 123
EL: 122
MM: 124
CL: 110


My ASVAB was 80, but only because I got like a 92 on Administrative. I was in the 40s on Electrical and Mechanical, and was decent in the General category. If there was another category, I forget what it was off the top of my head.

My SAT was only a 980, after two attempts (it didn't budge at all, with my math increasing and writing decreasing to cancel out any possible change), and somehow I've never attempted to off myself, but I consider it one of the greatest failures of me, as a person.

I graduated high school with a 3.197 and from college undergrad with a 3.88. It will have dropped to about 3.80 when I finish my master's, though...
Yeah, I have had the same kind of experience, but sometimes it's also just in the genes you are born with that keep you looking good in your jeans :)
I think stress has a lot to do with it. Take a look at an old liberal; the stress of lying to themselves causes them to get butt-ugly as they age. :clink:
I lettered in Varsity Track and Field three years in a row, played every sport imaginable, hiked the Presidential Range several times, and am still a great athlete in excellent physical condition. As usual, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. :)

You learned to run fast. I can see where that would be handy for you.
Yes, I've dealt with big dumb guys many times who resort to violence when they fail to defend themselves intellectually. As early as elementary school I learned to use my natural speed and superior intellect not simply to avoid them but to torment them even more.

In third grade a sixth grader wanted to beat me up because I made him look like a fool in front of his friends during morning recess, and he vowed to "get me later" because he was too much of a coward to try anything at school. So he chased after me on the way home later that day. I got a good 50 feet in front of him and looked behind to see him tiring, so I slowed down and let him get within 10 feet or so, on the main road with a paved sidewalk. After a half mile or so I led him down a side street with no sidewalks and I ran on the grass which I knew would be wet and slippery since it had rained earlier. After another half-block I headed straight for a large briar bush that I knew was there, slowed up a little bit to get him closer, then did a 90 degree turn right in front of the bush. Big dummy couldn't turn or stop on the wet grass so slid into the bush with a face-plant at his full speed. I ran around the bush and hardly breathing, put my face within a foot of his and laughed at his scratched up, panting face. Then I slapped him and walked home.

Fat Cap'n Billy gets the same treatment here. :D
Yes, I've dealt with big dumb guys many times who resort to violence when they fail to defend themselves intellectually. As early as elementary school I learned to use my natural speed and superior intellect not simply to avoid them but to torment them even more.
