Survivors reveal the chilling truth about the world's most horrific torture camps

wail cry spit kick scream

there are 4 in 100 people who are sociopaths in this world.

they don't all move to sociopathland and are never seen again.

They walk amoung us.

You all KNOW a sociopath whether you know that they are a sociopath or not.

Now which party do you think a sociopath would prefer?

it is not the bleeding heart party of dems huh.

be honest

you falsely assume that every member of the DNC that says that they care about people actually do. They could support welfare and social programs for a whole host of reasons. Many sociopaths/evil people in history have been populists and promised the masses all sorts of things. It's a very easy way to power. Quite frankly, I view those that have no compunction about taking something that isn't theirs (tax money) to increase their own self image the height of sociopathy.
you falsely assume that every member of the DNC that says that they care about people actually do. They could support welfare and social programs for a whole host of reasons. Many sociopaths/evil people in history have been populists and promised the masses all sorts of things. It's a very easy way to power. Quite frankly, I view those that have no compunction about taking something that isn't theirs (tax money) to increase their own self image the height of sociopathy.

I think in the US we have a bigger problem with soci-apathy......
conservatives have principles and routinely will stubbornly stick to beliefs even if it hurts them in the public eye. That is not a sociopath. Whether it's opposing gay marriage, abortion, immigration, etc, they have beliefs and they stick by them because they truly believe in those things. A sociopath would not be tied to such beliefs, they would want power and would look for the easiest way to get it. Opposing things that the majority of the people want wouldn't really be in the sociopaths playbook.

Sociopaths aim to get to the top or get power by any means necessary, and are often social chameleons. They adapt to their environment and change like the wind. Sociopaths are unlikely to be conservatives tbh. Democrats are much more likely to be sociopathic.
Desh stared posting in this thread at 6:49 AM and her last post was at 9:52 AM
During those 3 hrs and 3 minutes, she posted 45 times.
In those 45 posts; she used the word sociopath, or some variant of it, for a total of 33 times.

Why? They have many vacant cities where they expected economic expansion and it did not happen. Fill those cities and you have a ready made labor force ripe for the picking.

China doesn't NEED a labor force. They have over a BILLION people.
it was until Desh derailed it. Then her big sisters came in to protect her from her own stupidity.

But back to Korea... there is little chance the populace can win a fight against the government and military without being armed first.

Arms are not the problem. Those can be made or obtained through subterfuge. It is, and shall remain so, a problem of motivation.
It was actually Nazi policy to promote people based on ruthlessness, so sociopathic type behavior was actively encouraged. However, I think it would be a mistake to try and blame the whole Nazi era on a sudden, inexplicable outbreak of sociopathy. It's not as difficult to get an average person to do really shitty as some like to think.

Mob mentality, individuals lose sense of self and do not think individually. A college class I took had us do exercises and it is amazing how quickly individuals who don't perceive themselves as falling into group think, do exactly that and how quickly they turn on others who hold a different position.

It's not just about mob mentaility. Even all alone, people are capable of doing horrible things. It's part of our natural subservience to percieved authority from our tribal days (which, historically speaking, are about 90% of human history).
I'm asking if YOU do. How can you compare the actions of even one Republican to what he did? I hated Iraq, but it was nothing compared to the scale of what Truman did with regard to innocent life.

If you think Truman was bad, you should see what FDR said about fire bombing Japan.
You're a bigot.

Some would have; most likely would not have.

It doesn't matter. The ends don't justify the means. America DOES NOT INTENTIONALLY TARGET INNOCENT CIVILIANS, ever - or it ceases to be the country we believe in, and what sets us apart.

Shame on you. I suppose you'd favor torture if it did get good intel on upcoming planned attacks?

Hate to dispute you, but yes we do. Have since the Civil War at least, and almost certianly earlier as well.
No, not when the military is the only group eating food.

I hate to praise folks like him, but Kim Jong Ill was brilliant when it came to that. Cater heavily to the military and they'll be their on your side, continue to do so and they won't dissent. Not to mention the incentives for folks to become part of the government's fighting force.

It's so frustrating. Yesterday, SF was attacking Desh as a racist, literally within two posts of ILA saying the n word twice. Now I didn't say anything because I know his answer was going to be, I have ILA on IA because he's a racist

But you are attacking Desh as a racist. I mean, he makes zero sense, it's all bullshit, and I am so tired of this board becoming the SF and Onceler attack Desh board. Put her on IA and shut the fuck up. Between those two and the other one, who I won't mention but I sent you an email about him! this board is becoming a very frustrating experience for me.

Hear hear! Countless times these people have told us to put ILA, usf, bravs and others on IA yet they never take their own advice.
Could you for once be honest and look at who is really initiating the 'attacks'?

Your nonsense is exactly why Desh continues thinking she is doing no wrong. She is one of the most abusive posters on the board, yet you and Darla keep defending her as if we are 'picking on her for no reason'.

So either call her out for her vitriolic bullshit or do STFU about it. For as long as Desh continues spouting her lies and hate, I will call her out on it.

SF if we spent our time here calling out people for vitriolic bullshit, lies and hate, there wouldn't be time for simply addressing topics. It's not just about calling out Desh; how about calling out the vulgar bigoted trash and lies posted by ILA, for example? We put people like him on IA because we don't need his ugliness reverberating in our brains day after day. That's why Rana suggested you do the same.