Suspending Reality

Take it to another thread. Clearly you want to complain about science you don't understand. This is not the place for it, Into the Night.

You are confused again.
The Church of Global Warming is not science.
Posting a response to IBDaMann is not posting a response to me, Sybil.

You cannot project YOUR problem onto anybody else.
Science is not religion.
Yep, everybody who buys into the Global Warming religion gets buyers regret, and it always looks the same. The good news is that there are heavy drugs to help you cope.

LOL. It's fun to see whiners who will be the FIRST to whine when the shit hits the fan. In a couple decades (if you are still kickin' around) you'll be the first to claim you believed in climate change all along. It's hilarious (and somehow also sad) that people like you feel the need to open their uninformed mouths.
LOL. It's fun to see whiners who will be the FIRST to whine when the shit hits the fan.
LOL. It's fun to see the people who will have "Global Warming Never Came" and "The Shit Never Hit the Fan" on their tombstones.

In a couple decades (if you are still kickin' around) you'll be the first to claim you believed in climate change all along.
LOL. It won't be long until you realize that the political slavemasters you trusted and OBEYED ... were lying to you, abusing your trust and leveraging your scientific illiteracy to get you to support their political agenda against your own interests. When that happens, you'll start posting under a different avatar claiming that you never fell for that Global Warming crap.

If you weren't totally scientifically illiterate, you'd realize that everything about the Global Warming faith is physically impossible.

Unfortunately, you are totally scientifically illiterate and you fall for this crap. You'll believe anything if someone will do your thinking for you. That's why the "Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming" thread remains devoid of any science.

It's hilarious (and somehow also sad) that people like you feel the need to open their uninformed mouths.
LOL. It's fun to see the people who will have "Global Warming Never Came" and "The Shit Never Hit the Fan" on their tombstones.

LOL. It won't be long until you realize that the political slavemasters you trusted and OBEYED ... were lying to you, abusing your trust and leveraging your scientific illiteracy to get you to support their political agenda against your own interests. When that happens, you'll start posting under a different avatar claiming that you never fell for that Global Warming crap.

If you weren't totally scientifically illiterate, you'd realize that everything about the Global Warming faith is physically impossible.

Unfortunately, you are totally scientifically illiterate and you fall for this crap. You'll believe anything if someone will do your thinking for you. That's why the "Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming" thread remains devoid of any science.

It's hilarious (and somehow also sad) that people like you feel the need to open their uninformed mouths.

Scientifically Illiterate. Hilarious. Especially given that you don't have any publications in peer reviewed journals or patents to your name. Meanwhile I've got plenty!

Guess your "scientific literacy" hasn't actually manifested into any real science. LOL.
Scientifically Illiterate. Hilarious.
Yes. You allowed yourself to be hoodwinked. The pain of realizing that you are a total dumbass is too much to bear, and forces you to retreat into your happy refuge of self delusion. You fell for the assurance that if only you were to BELIEVE, thou wouldst be bequeathed thienth geniuth. You really have to laugh; you let that happen. If only you had simply paid attention in school ...

Especially given that you don't have any publications in peer reviewed journals or patents to your name.
Gotcha. You don't know what I have; however, you are now realizing that I paid attention in school whereas you did not. I am not a scientifically illiterate moron and I know what science is. You will never find me gullibly operating under the grossly mistaken belief that science is somehow the publishing of an article under the approval of the institution or journal that somehow owns science. You are in a truly sad state.

Meanwhile I've got plenty!
Too funny! Implicit in this statement is the laughable belief that there exists a certain quantity of articles that, by virtue of merely having reached the magical number, somehow counts as having created science and thusly makes you a thienth geniuth in the process.

Yes, you fell for this, hook, line and sinker. Now you are waking up to the realization that you are the quintessential idiot and that perhaps some or all of your published articles were actually totally wrong, but were published just because the journal needed content for that edition and knew that nobody would bother to read your article beyond the title.

If you'd like, you can post your "peer reviewed" work here on JPP and I'll give it a proper review. Amaze me with your stunning brilliance. Force me to humbly recant on bent knee.

Guess your "scientific literacy" hasn't actually manifested into any real science.
Way too funny! Post it here. Let's take a look at the science you have created. Don't be shy; you deserve your laurels.
Scientifically Illiterate. Hilarious. Especially given that you don't have any publications in peer reviewed journals or patents to your name. Meanwhile I've got plenty!

Guess your "scientific literacy" hasn't actually manifested into any real science. LOL.
Science isn't a journal or a patent. It does not use consensus. There is not voting bloc or 'peer review' in science.
True Scotsman fallacy.
You don't even know the noun.
You are describing yourself again. You cannot project YOUR problem on me or anybody else.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

You simply ignore several of them:

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You ignore the 1st law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to heat a warmer object. You ignore the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to trap light. Absorbed light is not 're-radiated'. You ignore the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

There is no Magick Holy Gas except as an artifact in the Church of Global Warming.
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LOL. It's fun to see whiners who will be the FIRST to whine when the shit hits the fan. In a couple decades (if you are still kickin' around) you'll be the first to claim you believed in climate change all along. It's hilarious (and somehow also sad) that people like you feel the need to open their uninformed mouths.
Cliche fallacy. Climate cannot change.
You are describing yourself again. You cannot project YOUR problem on me or anybody else.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

You simply ignore several of them:

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You ignore the 1st law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to heat a warmer object. You ignore the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
No gas or vapor has the capability to trap light. Absorbed light is not 're-radiated'. You ignore the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

There is no Magick Holy Gas except as an artifact in the Church of Global Warming.
You clearly don't understand the topic at all. Yet you keep wanting everyone to see how little you actually do understand. Why is that?