Sydney Leathers on Seducing a Politician and Maureen Dowd

Yeah, I definitely don't think for a second that a woman's feminism is impacted by what she likes sexually. I have read young feminists hand-wringing over domination fantasies. Pretty silly.
As long as it consensual and informed and it feels good....then it is good. They're are a lot of women n porn though that don't fit that bill and are either rebels desperately seeking attention or are grossly exploited. There are also women on the dark side of porn who are also the exploiters and manipulaters. For every one Nina Hartley or Annie Sprinkle there's probably 20 Shauna Grants.
It's amazing when you compare the thoughtful posts of the women on this thread to the mindless wanking of the men. However I will stipulate that the thoughtful men here simply did not post on this thread. So, it's skewed.
Oh I'm definitely skewed.:)
Men use their money and/or power to try to get women. This woman is using her feminine wiles to get powerful or rich men (or maybe not rich men but men who are dumb enough to give her their money). Seems like two sides playing the same game to me.
..and they both usually get what they deserve.
Her looks are very material to the issue, as it boggles the mind what he saw in her and indeed how she was able to get so many men. It is you and others who want to impose a holier than thou spin on it, as if women are so much more pious and never discuss men's attributes. What do you mean by 'our problem'?'re basing you opinion on a photo. I met a lot of women who aren't exactly model pretty but have a figure and presence and an attitude that sends a very powerful sexual message to the male of the species.'re basing you opinion on a photo. I met a lot of women who aren't exactly model pretty but have a figure and presence and an attitude that sends a very powerful sexual message to the male of the species.

Well as far as I know they never actually met, unless you know different. So how was she able to send that powerful message except through a photo?
Explain that to me, because I'm mystified about it all.

Maybe she is one of Evince's greasy clowns? It does go to show what odd standards are being applied here, as she can go around asking the men on here if they like to fuck greasy clowns without fear or risk of censure. I can assure you if my wife was anywhere near her when she said that then the fur would definitely fly.
Last edited:'re basing you opinion on a photo. I met a lot of women who aren't exactly model pretty but have a figure and presence and an attitude that sends a very powerful sexual message to the male of the species.

Yeah you can't tell anything from a pic. I never have been able to honestly. People have shown me pics of guys and said, isn't he hot? And I seriously would have no idea. (though I will come clean and admit that Cawacko's selfies are hot, but often I really can't tell) But the fact is that men who degrade women's looks on the internet always make me laugh. 9 and 1/2 times out of ten they couldn't get with someone half as good looking as the person they are deriding. It's a way for men to degrade women, and I don't like it.

Most imporantly, it just has nothing to do with the subject. First of all, like Weiner is attractive? Really? I have always thought he was gross, and I saw him up close at a PP rally, like from a few feet away. And this was long before his slimy behavior came out. Cawacko's thesis that men use power and money to attract women and women use their looks to attract men is something my effing grandfather believed. Come on guys! Wake up! Women like hot men! Oftimes we have our own money and power! Personally, I believe that's what a lot of men don't like. YOu don't think they want to be put under the microscope as they have always done to women do you? Yeah, no.

Lastly, the fact remains (that other than you Mott), the women on this thread were making interesting points, and the men behaved like morons. Whatever. Be proud of it. That's who you are. Good for you. The world needs morons. Okay, maybe not as many as we currently have, but there is a need.
Yeah you can't tell anything from a pic. I never have been able to honestly. People have shown me pics of guys and said, isn't he hot? And I seriously would have no idea. (though I will come clean and admit that Cawacko's selfies are hot, but often I really can't tell) But the fact is that men who degrade women's looks on the internet always make me laugh. 9 and 1/2 times out of ten they couldn't get with someone half as good looking as the person they are deriding. It's a way for men to degrade women, and I don't like it.

Most imporantly, it just has nothing to do with the subject. First of all, like Weiner is attractive? Really? I have always thought he was gross, and I saw him up close at a PP rally, like from a few feet away. And this was long before his slimy behavior came out. Cawacko's thesis that men use power and money to attract women and women use their looks to attract men is something my effing grandfather believed. Come on guys! Wake up! Women like hot men! Oftimes we have our own money and power! Personally, I believe that's what a lot of men don't like. YOu don't think they want to be put under the microscope as they have always done to women do you? Yeah, no.

Lastly, the fact remains (that other than you Mott), the women on this thread were making interesting points, and the men behaved like morons. Whatever. Be proud of it. That's who you are. Good for you. The world needs morons. Okay, maybe not as many as we currently have, but there is a need.

Thanks, Darla. The point isn't is she good-looking or not; the point isn't whether Weiner is attractive or not; the point is - what she wrote. She doesn't sound like some innocent swept up by "love" for Weiner. She sounds like a conniving a*hole. So some of the men (not all of them) who just turned it into a thread about how they didn't find her attractive - well, they may deserve to meet someone like her...
Thanks, Darla. The point isn't is she good-looking or not; the point isn't whether Weiner is attractive or not; the point is - what she wrote. She doesn't sound like some innocent swept up by "love" for Weiner. She sounds like a conniving a*hole. So some of the men (not all of them) who just turned it into a thread about how they didn't find her attractive - well, they may deserve to meet someone like her...

Well I think it is well established that she just saw him as a patsy, so nothing new there. If it is now a crime to wonder what the hell he saw in her then I am guilty as charged and I frankly couldn't care less.
I find this hilarious, you go girl! She is on the perfect show too! What isn't better than having Anthony Beater's cyber-fuck-buddy on his show? NOTHING! Anthony Weiner: beat it. *WINK WINK WINK* Anthony never accomplished a single thing when he was a politician, and he is only an argumentative bastard and a coward. If he was a real politician and had chutzpah he could speak up and come out with his lies and admit to the public of his past and so on. The part that ticked New Yorkers off was how he was still cheating and showing dick-pics to these young whores after he resigned too. He is like the San Diego mayor except even he accomplished more than Weiner! HAHAHAHAHA!