Syria and political hypocrisy

As you may or may not recall... there was an embargo on Iraqi oil prior to the invasion.

Afterwards, no country pillaged the oil reserves.

Ten years later, the invasion was still not about oil.

As for Palestine being the center of the world... that fact is about 1000 years out of date.

That's correct, there was an embargo on Iraqi oil, one of the reasons they did not want to sell for US printed money.

I did not say Palestine is the center of the word, read accurately. As for being an outdated fact. You are wrong, the location of Palestine did not change as well the middle east countries did not change as most countries did not change. Somethings do not get outdated and they remain basics and facts, whether you look to it from a historical context, strategical context or a realistic daily one, etc.
That's correct, there was an embargo on Iraqi oil, one of the reasons they did not want to sell for US printed money.

I did not say Palestine is the center of the word, read accurately. As for being an outdated fact. You are wrong, the location of Palestine did not change as well the middle east countries did not change as most countries did not change. Somethings do not get outdated and they remain basics and facts, whether you look to it from a historical context, strategical context or a realistic daily one, etc.

I thought that's what you meant by this:

to control the world you must control the center of the world and to control the center you must control Palestine, that's why Palestine was the target of all empires

It is an outdated fancy.

Neither Napoleon nor Hitler gave a passing glance at Palestine.
as long as there are Israelis on the Temple Mount, the world's muslims will have a different view from those two guys.
I thought that's what you meant by this:

It is an outdated fancy.

Neither Napoleon nor Hitler gave a passing glance at Palestine.

If you see it as outdated fancy, then I doubt you understand the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), what is really shameful is that the AIPAC is controlling the US congress, policy and the whole country.

You are wrong about Napoleon, Napoleon did march into Palestine, was defeated on some battles and won some, as for Hitler, he had other views and story.
If you see it as outdated fancy, then I doubt you understand the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), what is really shameful is that the AIPAC is controlling the US congress, policy and the whole country.

You are wrong about Napoleon, Napoleon did march into Palestine, was defeated on some battles and won some, as for Hitler, he had other views and story.

Whatever ... if it makes you feel good believing Palestine is the key to conquering the world, have at it and enjoy yourself.
Whatever ... if it makes you feel good believing Palestine is the key to conquering the world, have at it and enjoy yourself.

Excuse me, is that the level of intellect you use in a discussion when you are wrong!

You posted a completely wrong information about Napoleon.
Ahhhh, I see. So Saddam was harboring Islamic terrorists to strike against Iran.

That makes sense.


They shouldn't let people like you vote, you know that?

Lol, no, Saddam was not harboring Islamist terrorist.

People like you make no sense. Saddam was pretty secular, not religious until it served his purpose.
Lol, no, Saddam was not harboring Islamist terrorist.

People like you make no sense. Saddam was pretty secular, not religious until it served his purpose.

Uhhhh, yeah. There were terrorist training camps in Iraq.

Iraq under Saddam was a major state sponsor of international terrorism:

Baghdad actively sponsored terrorist groups, providing safe haven, training, arms, and logistical support, requiring in exchange that the groups carry out operations ordered by Baghdad for Saddam's objectives. Terrorist groups were not permitted to have offices, recruitment, or training facilities or freely use territory under the regime's direct control without explicit permission from Saddam.
Saddam used foreign terrorist groups as an instrument of foreign policy. Groups hosted by Saddam were denied protection if he wanted to improve relations with a neighboring country and encouraged to attack those Saddam wanted to pressure. If they refused Saddam's "requests," they were exiled from Iraq

You liberals just make up shit as you go along...
Excuse me, is that the level of intellect you use in a discussion when you are wrong!

You posted a completely wrong information about Napoleon.

Wrong about what? If Palestine was truly the key to world domination as you say, Napoleon would have been all over it.

So would Hitler.

Stop it.
Lol, no, Saddam was not harboring Islamist terrorist.

People like you make no sense. Saddam was pretty secular, not religious until it served his purpose.

Do not be amazed, their source of information is based on CNN and FOX News which is in return is controlled by AIPAC, so if AIPAC Saddam was harboring Islamist terrorists, then for them Saddam was harboring Islamist terrorists. They talk, sing and chant about democracy and freedom while they are just slaves to the AIPAC.
Wrong about what? If Palestine was truly the key to world domination as you say, Napoleon would have been all over it.

So would Hitler.

Stop it.

Napoleon marched into Palestine and was defeated. Correct your information!

Hitler was in alliance with the Ottomans.
It is funny when reading most of the members comments, they just keep looking for excuses and lie to themselves just to justify the wars they get involved into. Iraq is one of the largest oil reserve in the world and according to some sources it is the largest reserve of oil, not talk about the quality of their oil. Saddam refused to sell oil for US money or more correctly US papers as well as many other reasons. It does not need a political genius to understand the main reasons.

In history, to control the world you must control the center of the world and to control the center you must control Palestine, that's why Palestine was the target of all empires by different reasons such as religions, ethnicity, etc that only naive, ignorant or/and deceived people fall to them.

As for the main topic and as always, USA government and their tail UK government among other countries can scream, act humanitarian and heroic (hypocrite) as mush as they want. But reality is they still don't dare get involved in Syria. Unlike Iraq; Syria is in border with Palestine/Israel and any real chaos in Syria will threat Israel existence which in return will threat USA existence in the middle east. Unlike Iraq; Syria has many alliances. If they do attack, then expect and regional or/and world war. And if they don't attack it is still risky for them, that they will with time start losing control over the middle east.

that is what this is all about .

the people of the middle east controlling them selves.

Its what the arab spring is about.

someone is going to control these weapons.

Unless of course they don't exist anymore
Napoleon marched into Palestine and was defeated. Correct your information!

Hitler was in alliance with the Ottomans.

Which isn't the point being discussed.

The point is whether Palestine remains the key to world domination. It's not.

And frankly, it's a stupid notion to boot.
a welcome voice has arrived

Oh hey, I posted the links verifying that Saddam was offering $25K rewards to the surviving family members of suicide bombers in Israel.

You know, the thing I posted that you said I couldn't prove, but which everyone with half a brain already knew anyway?

Yeah, that.
Which isn't the point being discussed.

The point is whether Palestine remains the key to world domination. It's not.

And frankly, it's a stupid notion to boot.

I do not expect from someone who do not know and understand common history and strategy to understand.

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance it is the illusion of knowledge" Stephen Hawking