Syria 'welcomes' proposal to hand over control of chemical weapons

If Syria were being pawned by outside forces that were supporting a rebel takeover (i.e. rebels used the WMD not Assad) Assad did the only smart counter by allowing Putin to broker this deal. Think about it. Assad, apart from international intervention, has the ability to eventually defeat rebel forces. He did not need to use WMD on his people and encourage risk of international intervention.

Exactly! Kerry is probably stamping his feet and throwing a tantrum right now because he completely opened the door to a resolution. And of course Assad has been given a green light to continue his war, sans the chemical weapons.

I have to speculate that he never did need chemical weapons and probably never did use them anyway. That makes this a complete victory for Russia and Syria no matter how the US propagandists try to spin it.

However! And here's where it gets a lot more complicated. The US will not be denied it's planned war and so that leaves only for the US to somehow move the goalposts and demand more than Obama has stated, or, make the claim that Syria is not complying.

Either way, the American people are going to fall into line with the demands for war and there will be a war.

I have to continue to say that Obama doesn't want war and it will be the political right that will take up the fight for war. We'll have to wait and see but in any case there is no doubt that the US will go to war with Syria in some fashion.

Could it be with a strike by the US that causes Syria to shoot down a US plane? Could it be with continuing US pinprick strikes that cause Syria to strike back successfully, killing an American or two? There's no doubt an American death will do it for the American people!

Thus, WAR!
If Syria were being pawned by outside forces that were supporting a rebel takeover (i.e. rebels used the WMD not Assad) Assad did the only smart counter by allowing Putin to broker this deal. Think about it. Assad, apart from international intervention, has the ability to eventually defeat rebel forces. He did not need to use WMD on his people and encourage risk of international intervention.

I am no fan of Assad, but I suspect you are right. I wouldn't put it past Obama to arm the rebels, at the least the Al Queda groups with chemical weapons, makes me worry about the million muslim march in Washington tomorrow
dude stay from the drugs!

If Obama doesn't go it alone, and every indication is that he won't, then the US congress will need to fall into line on a war. That of course is going to need the support of the right in numbers 'just' sufficient to make it happen. Care will be taken to control the vote numbers from the right to make it appear that they aren't gung-ho for war and it isn't their initiative.

But alas, they on the right will have to bear the eventual blame when it's discovered that this one against Syria is just as much a scam effort as Iraq was. On the bright side, Americans really don't even care about the phony Iraq war and the lawless evil massacre that resulted anyway.

The only thing that is certain is that there will be a war.

How the US manipulates the situation to make it look legitimate is yet to be determined. See my poll if you have the courage to make a prediction. You do have that courage don't you?
If Syria were being pawned by outside forces that were supporting a rebel takeover (i.e. rebels used the WMD not Assad) Assad did the only smart counter by allowing Putin to broker this deal. Think about it. Assad, apart from international intervention, has the ability to eventually defeat rebel forces. He did not need to use WMD on his people and encourage risk of international intervention.

The swiftness from which we've switched from Obama the war-monger to Obama the bumbling pushover who may avoid war while obtaining a better outcome is staggering.

Years of practice has made these Conservative Obama haters very good at turning on a dime.
Yet, one mustn't forget that Kerry said, 'Syria won't and can't do that.' Obama last night was still being 'skeptical,' and now it's all done. Well, I doubt that, but also would be insane for Obama to try and do this again. Then again, insanity seems to just keep rolling along.

They sure proved him wrong, poor Kerry they are laughing at him while he is getting what he wanted. Aint that what diplomacy is all about?
They sure proved him wrong, poor Kerry they are laughing at him while he is getting what he wanted. Aint that what diplomacy is all about?

Poor Kerry is right......everyone thanks the Russians for getting this spin away're not gonna fool anyone except maybe
desh and rana and Darla.....probably zappa too, know, the regulars...
Years of practice has made these Conservative Obama haters very good at turning on a dime.

Surely you smell the coffee good brother. This isn't about conservatives or Obama-haters. It's about what is good foreign policy and what is not. You know that threatening to attack Syria .. ALONE .. is not good foreign policy.

You know that virtually the entire planet has stood against Obama on this issue, but like most democrats, can't really bring themselves to face what this is squarely.

Neither conservatives nor Obama haters had anything to do with Obama's bad foreign policy.
There's a classic Tweet today that pretty much sums up the Obama drones:

"By getting his head stuck in the bowling bowl return, Obama brilliantly tricked Putin into pantsing him" #HeMeantToDoThat
Because for right-wingers foreign policy is all about swinging dicks, not achieving tangible results and avoiding military action where possible.
Because for right-wingers foreign policy is all about swinging dicks, not achieving tangible results and avoiding military action where possible.

I'm thinking the days of democrats using that line may be over.

There are antiwar libertarians taking root within the Republican Party.