Syria 'welcomes' proposal to hand over control of chemical weapons

The swiftness from which we've switched from Obama the war-monger to Obama the bumbling pushover who may avoid war while obtaining a better outcome is staggering.

Ummm, you can be both a bumbling pushover and a bumbling war-monger. The connection of course is the character flaw of being a bumbler.
Didn't Congress refuse to authorize Clinton on Kosovo?

Oh I see what he did, a sleight of hand - Kosovo was Nato.

I really dislike those kind of little sleights. Clinton went ahead even after congress said no, so did Obama for Libya and Obama was not getting impeached if he did so on syria. I will tell you why - some congress people would have wanted to, but it never would have been permitted by leadership. Rs will impeach for a sex act (especially if they suspect it was pleasurable), but will never impeach on account of Presidential overreach. They don't want to go there. I won't insult the intelligence of anyone here by telling them why.
Ummm, you can be both a bumbling pushover and a bumbling war-monger. The connection of course is the character flaw of being a bumbler.

I suppose that's fair, though I'd comment that bumbling seems to be an effective strategy so I wouldn't necessarily call it a flaw.
The swiftness from which we've switched from Obama the war-monger to Obama the bumbling pushover who may avoid war while obtaining a better outcome is staggering.

I will wait to see what he says tonight, but if it's true he's still going to argue for strikes, it's very difficult to believe this was anything other than bungled, and badly.

I take no pleasure or joy in that. I am glad we will not strike Syria, but this embarrassment is nothing for any American to celebrate. Just my opinion though.
It's a fool's mission to claim you are in someone's head.

That was creative though. And not at all colored by your party preferences.

For what it's worth, I don't like PUtin either. If you do, raise your hand and get counted!

Putin is dangerous, I've no doubt of that. I thought Bush was a fool for the 'looked in his eyes' remark. At least he kept working on a relationship. Can't work with someone you won't talk with. That was supposed to be part of Obama's 'smart diplomacy.' Hasn't been.
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I will wait to see what he says tonight, but if it's true he's still going to argue for strikes, it's very difficult to believe this was anything other than bungled, and badly.

I take no pleasure or joy in that. I am glad we will not strike Syria, but this embarrassment is nothing for any American to celebrate. Just my opinion though.

Oh, he's still going to argue for the authority to take military action. I think a credible threat of force is kind of necessary. I doubt he'll argue that the US has to take military action now, though.
Putin is taking advantage of the Conservative's preference of weakening America over agreeing with the President.

I love it.......I'm hearing echoes of the Iraq war supporters in every liberal post......the conversion is complete....despite liberal's protestations conservatives HAVE taken control of the government....all we had to do was wait until Democrats became conservatives.......
Bumbler's R US

Kerry: Turn Over Your Chemical Weapons Now or Face … “Unbelievably Small” Consequences

Kerry said the Americans were planning an "unbelievably small" attack on Syria. "We will be able to hold Bashar al-Assad accountable without engaging in troops on the ground or any other prolonged kind of effort in a very limited, very targeted, short-term effort that degrades his capacity to deliver chemical weapons without assuming responsibility for Syria's civil war. That is exactly what we are talking about doing – unbelievably small, limited kind of effort."
. . . and yet Syria has agreed to turn over its chemical weapons. Odd.

Yet, one mustn't forget that Kerry said, 'Syria won't and can't do that.' Obama last night was still being 'skeptical,' and now it's all done. Well, I doubt that, but also would be insane for Obama to try and do this again. Then again, insanity seems to just keep rolling along.
Why did O-BOMB-YA and Cap'n Swiftboat fail to inform the world that they were warned more than once that the rebels in Syria have chemical weapons?
. . . and yet Syria has agreed to turn over its chemical weapons. Odd.

What's 'odd' is how easily you are duped.

How long do you think it will take to put Assad's turning over of weapons into place?

How is it to be verified?

How long will that take?

Are the rebels in danger of losing the war if the US does not bomb Assad soon?

If Assad changes his mind after the rebels have lost .. what will the west do about it?

Forest / trees.
What's 'odd' is how easily you are duped.

How long do you think it will take to put Assad's turning over of weapons into place?

How is it to be verified?

How long will that take?

Are the rebels in danger of losing the war if the US does not bomb Assad soon?

If Assad changes his mind after the rebels have lost .. what will the west do about it?

Forest / trees.

Well, considering I oppose military action in Syria and we were past the "point of no return" on air strikes about two weeks ago, none of those questions really cause me any concern.
Well, considering I oppose military action in Syria and we were past the "point of no return" on air strikes about two weeks ago, none of those questions really cause me any concern.

I didn't post them for you, I posted the questions for other people who read this.

I already knew that you had no clue.

Syria 'agrees' to turn over chemical weapons, but have done nothing else .. Obama and his mad bombers are grounded .. Syria can continue to destroy the Al Qaeda 'rebels.'

Game over

Stand down

I'm happy,
I love it.......I'm hearing echoes of the Iraq war supporters in every liberal post......the conversion is complete....despite liberal's protestations conservatives HAVE taken control of the government....all we had to do was wait until Democrats became conservatives.......

I am a liberal,show me where I have shown support.

PMP post, fail.
. . . and yet Syria has agreed to turn over its chemical weapons. Odd.

If Syria were being pawned by outside forces that were supporting a rebel takeover (i.e. rebels used the WMD not Assad) Assad did the only smart counter by allowing Putin to broker this deal. Think about it. Assad, apart from international intervention, has the ability to eventually defeat rebel forces. He did not need to use WMD on his people and encourage risk of international intervention.