T&A and Quotation


I'm not sure who T&A is as everyone has tits and an ass. The fact so many on this board change their sign-on names is annoying, often if you see a particular name you realize the post will be at a fifth grade level. And that is good because then you can excuse general ignorance and remain hopeful.

But T&A uses as a signature something I wrote long ago. "It [the draft] is duty rather than slavery. I part with the author on the caviler idea that individual freedom (whatever that may be to the person) leads to nirvana, anyone older that 12 knows that is BS." Midcan5 (liberal take on freedom)

I've always felt when the wingnuts use the word freedom they really mean freedom from being responsible. That is the usage 98% of the time. So when I heard this piece, from a lawyer yet, I thought I had to share. Enjoy.

I'm not sure who T&A is as everyone has tits and an ass. The fact so many on this board change their sign-on names is annoying, often if you see a particular name you realize the post will be at a fifth grade level. And that is good because then you can excuse general ignorance and remain hopeful.

But T&A uses as a signature something I wrote long ago. "It [the draft] is duty rather than slavery. I part with the author on the caviler idea that individual freedom (whatever that may be to the person) leads to nirvana, anyone older that 12 knows that is BS." Midcan5 (liberal take on freedom)

I've always felt when the wingnuts use the word freedom they really mean freedom from being responsible. That is the usage 98% of the time. So when I heard this piece, from a lawyer yet, I thought I had to share. Enjoy.

There are 4 people that change their names. We're all pretty recognizable since we still call each other by our regular names. Way to not be observant.
I'm not sure who T&A is as everyone has tits and an ass. The fact so many on this board change their sign-on names is annoying, often if you see a particular name you realize the post will be at a fifth grade level. And that is good because then you can excuse general ignorance and remain hopeful.

But T&A uses as a signature something I wrote long ago. "It [the draft] is duty rather than slavery. I part with the author on the caviler idea that individual freedom (whatever that may be to the person) leads to nirvana, anyone older that 12 knows that is BS." Midcan5 (liberal take on freedom)

I've always felt when the wingnuts use the word freedom they really mean freedom from being responsible. That is the usage 98% of the time. So when I heard this piece, from a lawyer yet, I thought I had to share. Enjoy.

T&A = 3D

He changed his name when he's not getting any. When he gets some, he changes it back to 3D.....he must be having a dry spell....again.
Update. My name is going to change sometime after this weekend (depending on how fast Grind responds) due to something cool that should be going down at work. It will be short lived, and then its reverting back to Threedee. It will stay at Threedee for quite a while, for the obvious reason that its my proper screenname.

That is all.
Update. My name is going to change sometime after this weekend (depending on how fast Grind responds) due to something cool that should be going down at work. It will be short lived, and then its reverting back to Threedee. It will stay at Threedee for quite a while, for the obvious reason that its my proper screenname.

That is all.
Does that mean your getting some this weekend?
lol, do you have any idea what kind of trouble you can get into by saying something like that around here?.......

midcan has more of an excuse because she doesn't post here very much. you don't really have any reason to not be able to identify me, as again, BIG RED NAME
I'm not sure who T&A is as everyone has tits and an ass. The fact so many on this board change their sign-on names is annoying, often if you see a particular name you realize the post will be at a fifth grade level. And that is good because then you can excuse general ignorance and remain hopeful.

we are just having some fun. It's not hurting anyone. Also youngins pwn, we pwn all.
I considered addressing that in my post, just for you, and decided, naaa, fuck it...

I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY chicks aren't lining up to bang a guy who calls himself "T&A" and has a soft-core porno picture as his sigline?

What's the world coming to, anyway?
I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY chicks aren't lining up to bang a guy who calls himself "T&A" and has a soft-core porno picture as his sigline?

What's the world coming to, anyway?

What I have in my sigline is a beautiful model named Keeley Hazel, modeling.

For those of you retards out there who do not understand what softcore and hardcore porn is, a lesson is at hand:

Softcore porn is not modeling. It is not cleavage, it is not swimsuits, lingerie, high skirtlines above the knees, barefeet and ankles, or lack of burka headwear.

Softcore porn is fully naked women, posing for the camera or artist, ala Playboy. It can go as deep as sexual acts being committed, but not too far. Softcore porn is mostly just nude photos.

Hardcore porn is where all the action is, and admittedly, I'm not a fan of it. I find it distasteful, and many hardcore fans view softcore and Playboy as boring and crappy. This is your weird close-ups, rough sex, and all of that. Arguably, extreme porn is a level above hardcore, but most of it is foreign and not produced in America. This stuff is deliberately degrading of women, and just plain wrong.

Class dismissed.
Softcore porn is, at most, nudity and simulated sex. If any actual penetration occurs its hardcore. Keeley isn't a softcore mode; its just that they don't make the big deal out of full frontal nudity we do in the US.