T&A and Quotation

Softcore porn is, at most, nudity and simulated sex. If any actual penetration occurs its hardcore. Keeley isn't a softcore mode; its just that they don't make the big deal out of full frontal nudity we do in the US.

Well, she does also do the nude photos, because of her being a Brit where there is softcore porn made easily available to the public via Page 3 and whatnot. Obviously the taboo is not there so much. That's not modeling, but I didn't post one of her nudes here, mostly because it would violate site policy, and would be inappropriate regardless.
Fixed that for ya. Now we understand why you have no female companionship.
Ever notice that women who claim porn/modeling is degrading to women are usually ALWAYS horrendously ugly and no one would WANT to see them on the cat walk or naked?

Nevermind that women choose to do these things freely, can quit any time they like, usually ENJOY their jobs (as well as the money they make). Nope, women being happy and doing something they like is degrading. But that same standard doesn't apply to male models or male porn stars.

Way to be a sexist.
Ah, childish banter, I see JPP hasn't grown much. Funny how the inexperienced talk about sex, shows how little they know or get. And changing names is like children who think pig latin is the cat's meow.

But more telling is the fact no one discussed the content of the video? Except of course the usual right wing nut reply, "no, you are!" Again a demonstration of the lack of depth in America today. Oh, and without liberalism you righties would be living in a theocratic type of society assuming you were able to move out of the cave, and cease howling at that unknown object in the sky, the moon.



"Seven blunders of the world: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle." Mahatma Gandhi
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No one cares about your stupid videos, Midcan. Your political views are idiotic, anyway. Also, I wouldn't bother using the whole, "your not getting any" line, on people. Suppose they just like sex? As for me, I'm doing alright, so thanks for czeching in on me.
No one cares about your stupid videos, Midcan. Your political views are idiotic, anyway....

See what I mean? It is not my video, but stay locked in your closet, you seem comfortable there.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Anaïs Nin
See what I mean? It is not my video, but stay locked in your closet, you seem comfortable there.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Anaïs Nin

Right, and you see the video as you are, which is frankly somewhere that I'm fortunate not to be. But as a head's up, I don't know who was posting annonymously to Billy, but Billy is married, so he does, in fact, have sex in his life. Try not to jump onto conventional dissing tangents so quickly.
Right, and you see the video as you are, which is frankly somewhere that I'm fortunate not to be. But as a head's up, I don't know who was posting annonymously to Billy, but Billy is married, so he does, in fact, have sex in his life. Try not to jump onto conventional dissing tangents so quickly.

Who the hell is Billy? And why do I care? Honestly, are you 10 or 12? Are you so insecure you need to change your name every few minutes in hopes a different you shows up? Your writing and sentiments are so immature and misdirected. If you can't address the OP stay away, you only make yourself more irrelevant.

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" Alice in Wonderland
Who the hell is Billy? And why do I care? Honestly, are you 10 or 12? Are you so insecure you need to change your name every few minutes in hopes a different you shows up? Your writing and sentiments are so immature and misdirected. If you can't address the OP stay away, you only make yourself more irrelevant.

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" Alice in Wonderland

Insecure are the people who challenge the sex lives of others, such as the tired old refrain, "you're not getting any." Billy is currently posting as Yog-Sogoth. You may recall a young Marine named CaptBillytheKid? You're writing and sentiments are completely moronic, as most people on this site are aware. Even Watermark stated somewhere that you give liberalism a bad name, and its not like he does anything for it himself. My use of your quote in my signature pretty much crushes your credibility as an ideologue in one fell swoop.

As for nonsense, I don't need a fantasy world, the real world already makes no sense.
Who the hell is Billy? And why do I care? Honestly, are you 10 or 12? Are you so insecure you need to change your name every few minutes in hopes a different you shows up? Your writing and sentiments are so immature and misdirected. If you can't address the OP stay away, you only make yourself more irrelevant.

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" Alice in Wonderland