Taiwan: China's next target?

- Where is Taiwan weak? -

In sheer numbers and money, it is dwarfed by China's military.

Taiwan has around 215,000 soldiers and a defence budget of $12 billion compared with China's estimated two million armed forces backed by a budget of $178 billion.

China is a nuclear-armed state with a growing arsenal of state-of-the-art weaponry including advanced fighter jets, two aircraft carriers, and more on the way.

It also has a growing number of missiles, some of them hypersonic, positioned just across the Taiwan Strait and more than 60 submarines, including nuclear-powered vessels.

Taiwan's 300 or so fighter jets have all been in services since the 1990s.

Its navy is massively outgunned by China's -- two of its four ageing submarines were built in the 1940s.
Why tRump because tRump is a lawlessly hacked in criminal against humanity and to which his treasonous, un American and uncivilized cult followers at voting against their own interests are at fault for that COVID-45 curse on humanity. Also sexual gratification can be overrated.

Clean up on post #5, bring a mop & straitjacket.........
Yep........... He has yet to support his opinions w/ anything but his opinions.......

Simply a waste of time, who cares what he thinks..............

There are so many desperately thin people roaming around these days...I want all to talk to their hearts content so that I can easily see who is worth my time and who is not.

You and me certainly dont agree on everything but I do believe that we are Blood Brothers here.

Tis the season.. Seen this many times.. Leading up the an election they crawl out of the wood work as they say....

Ppl that have not posted in years come to troll, cheer & bitch............. After the election they will do the same for a month or so then fade back into the woodwork, back under the rocks etc........
There are so many desperately thin people roaming around these days...I want all to talk to their hearts content so that I can easily see who is worth my time and who is not.

You and me certainly dont agree on everything but I do believe that we are Blood Brothers here.


Yep, certainly on this issue......