Taking a break: Jade Dragon.

Making a check in after reading some. Thank You for your get well wishes. I had a good birthday, and decided I'm going to maybe come back at earliest Jun 1st - 4th. I'd also like to apologize to Jack above. The Amazon feud is something I've tried to referee, but it's hopeless. Even with one of the biggest contributors banned right now, it's still going nuts. With Legion, troll swamping this place again as well, this place is in a slump. I was unfortunately only adding to it out of boredom, and misery. I normally snip at people being assholes, but I was beginning to start things as well in my miserable shape. I started a discussion variant of Havana's poll, Eagle Eye got overly upset over it, and it spiraled out from there. When things go downhill here it's hard not to add to the dysfunction.

P.S. Yurt still thinks I'm a girl, and faking these ailments? As if there's even anything to gain from doing that. What the heck is he thinking?

To be continued in June.

Brother Jade.
Do you have your Passport? You don't need it to get into Canada, you need it to get back into the US.
You can get a 'small' one (looks like a Drivers License) rather than the larger bulky one.

Do you Blend? In the mornings, I sometimes blend yogurt, milk, banana, frozen fruit (pineapple/strawberry/peaches) with a little Wheat Germ and a large teaspoon of honey.
Do you Juice? Sometimes I juice apples and carrots with cucumber/red bell pepper/Brussel sprouts/cauliflower/beets. I don't have a Grinder, so don't Juice much 'greens'.

Get out and start walking around before your trip. Oxygenate your bloodstream.

Oh, and all those rumors that Rat, Eagle Eye and their Posse from Amazon are going to clean out your stash of Gemstones is probably just talk, but I wouldn't put it past that Rat Ratterson guy to attempt it on his own. Your idea of putting them in the Return Air Duct of your AC is probably not going to fool a seasoned con artist and ex-felon like Rat. Good Luck!
JD: "P.S. Yurt still thinks I'm a girl, and faking these ailments? As if there's even anything to gain from doing that. What the heck is he thinking? "
Oh, C'mon! It's patently obvious 'what's going on'.
I've been in touch with friends of friends and people that know people. They've all said the same damn thing!
You and your weekly 'ailments' are intended for one thing and one thing only ... access to JPP females.
They all are sympathetic, drool over you, bring you chicken soup and sexual favors. It's called the Nightingale Effect. You are such a fraud!

You just wish you could pull it off. I mean.... well, never mind.

So much for taking a break

Attention Whore


Hey efery body, I died, please let me know what you think about me.

Oh hey efery body, I didn't die, thank you for thinking about me

Yours truly,

Attention whore QUEEN

Now how many times have I told you to STFU about Jade?

You gonna STFU now?

Poor yurt
poor red ass yurt.
I'm in a bit of rough shape on new meds, and a 4 week course of Antibiotics. I'm not acting myself, and probably just adding more dysfunction here. I'm taking a break, and will resume later. I've had issues going since October, besides kidney stones. It finally got bad enough that something was figured out. I should have done more, but only able to get appointments every couple months, and thinking it was just issues with the kidney stone, I didn't. On top of that, I drove myself a little nutty trying a truce with Yurt. Never try that, you'll regret it.

The bull shit flies thick and heavy!
JD: "P.S. Yurt still thinks I'm a girl, and faking these ailments? As if there's even anything to gain from doing that. What the heck is he thinking? "
Oh, C'mon! It's patently obvious 'what's going on'.
I've been in touch with friends of friends and people that know people. They've all said the same damn thing!
You and your weekly 'ailments' are intended for one thing and one thing only ... access to JPP females.
They all are sympathetic, drool over you, bring you chicken soup and sexual favors. It's called the Nightingale Effect. You are such a fraud!
