TARP: zappa claims obama is responsible for TARP

And as is typical so many times with Yurt, he denies what is as plain as the nose on any of our faces...after first proclaiming he wouldn't resort to insults if only I'd debate him, he then proceeds to launch into the same old taunts and derision.

did you debate the issue?

and again, i did not insult you.
irony...and how is the OP insulting? post 9, 15.....or did you just get caught in another lie? :palm:

btw...i challenge you to take up zappa's claim with no insults. i think it is hilarious that in a thread that i requested no insults, what do you do...? nothing but insult from your very first post. are you capable of not insulting and having a rational and civil debate?

but you admitted it was not an insult. thus, you had no reason to not debate me. you earlier claimed it was an insult, now your story has changed.

why don't you prove me wrong and simply debate the issue?

No, he didn't, and it is an insult, what the fuck else could it be.
No, he didn't, and it is an insult, what the fuck else could it be.


You're right...that wasn't an insult..."Zappa prefers insults to debate" was a derisive taunt.

And I haven't debated you yet because you STILL haven't proven you CAN debate without insults.

that is what you get for jumping into the middle of things you have no clue about.

further, it was not an insult, it was a taunt, even zappa finally acknowledged it.... and in reality, zappa proved me 100% correct.

btw...good job on actually debating the issue...:pke:
but you admitted it was not an insult. thus, you had no reason to not debate me. you earlier claimed it was an insult, now your story has changed.

why don't you prove me wrong and simply debate the issue?

Really? Really! Really?!?!?

THAT'S what you're going with?

THAT'S how you're going to try and wriggle out of admitting you lied once again?

I did no such thing...a derisive taunt and an insult are simply TWO DIFFERENT TYPES of ad hominem attack, BOTH used to BELITTLE the other person.

It's obvious now you don't really care about debate. If you did, then we wouldn't be playing another of your bullshit semantic word games...but once again, here we are...you splitting grammatical hairs in order to avoid taking responsibility, and this AFTER YOU GAVE YOUR WORD there's be no insults or derision.

Now...let's all enjoy watching Yurtard make an ass out of himself one more time, shall we?

See, he's now going to try and claim that a derisive taunt and an insult are nothing alike...this should be good.

Stick around.

that is what you get for jumping into the middle of things you have no clue about.

further, it was not an insult, it was a taunt, even zappa finally acknowledged it.... and in reality, zappa proved me 100% correct.

btw...good job on actually debating the issue...:pke:

Oh my...a pity you dodged the last portion of my comment...about it being a DERISIVE TAUNT.

Whether it be a derisive taunt or an outright insult, both achieve the same thing.

A pity the Yurtard is so pathetic he can't or won't admit that.
they are not the same, you admitted this by saying it was not an insult.

notice zappa still won't debate. all he does is froth at the mouth and spew his hate filled rhetoric. that is neither insult nor taunt, but the truth.
Yeah, Emily Post recomends that you acuse prospective freinds of frothing at the mouth and spewing hate filled rhetoric as a good way to break the ice.
they are not the same, you admitted this by saying it was not an insult.

notice zappa still won't debate. all he does is froth at the mouth and spew his hate filled rhetoric. that is neither insult nor taunt, but the truth.

They both achieve the same goal...they are both ad hominem attacks meant to belittle the other person.

How sad you won't even admit this, your hate for me obviously runs awful deep for you to be display this level of pig-headedness.
They both achieve the same goal...they are both ad hominem attacks meant to belittle the other person.

How sad you won't even admit this, your hate for me obviously runs awful deep for you to be display this level of pig-headedness.

no they don't. a taunt and an insult are not the same and do not achieve the same results. you first claimed you did not debate because i insulted you. you then later, after getting called on it, changed your claim to "derisive taunt.". thus, you have zero excuse to not debate.

and look at you, you still have not debated. all you've done in this thread is spew hateful rhetoric. i challenge you again, drop the insults and let us debate. i will start:

obama is not responsible for TARP as you claimed.
no they don't. a taunt and an insult are not the same and do not achieve the same results. you first claimed you did not debate because i insulted you. you then later, after getting called on it, changed your claim to "derisive taunt.". thus, you have zero excuse to not debate.

and look at you, you still have not debated. all you've done in this thread is spew hateful rhetoric. i challenge you again, drop the insults and let us debate. i will start:

obama is not responsible for TARP as you claimed.

Another bald faced Yurtard lie...I've been asking you to knock off the taunts and derisive laughter since you started playing your little game in the "Gingrich wins SC" thread...

What a surprise...I attempt reasonable debate and it's (once again) met with taunts and derisive laughter.

Thanks for ANOTHER display of what you consider "debate" Yurt!

Why do I even bother?

Go check it out for yourself douchebag...

So we see that it was YOU who (no surprise) MOVED THE GOAL POSTS AGAIN so you could continue to spew your bullshit.