TARP: zappa claims obama is responsible for TARP

Obama administered TARP you freaking moron.

so did bush retard. zappa claimed tarp was obama's. it wasn't. you are seriously stupid to try and defend zappa's statement with that weak reply. i'll give you this though....at least YOU tried. unlike your best pal zappa who continues to just insult.

let's take your statement to its logical conclusion. zappa claimed that TARP helped halt the growth of UE. thus, bush is also responsible for halting UE.

yet you and zappa always blame bush. how is that?


So, which time were you lying?

there is no flip. tom asked:

Where does he say that Obama initiated TARP?

i said - you didn't say he initiated it...i said you gave him credit for it. care to explain how that is a flip flop or a lie?

why did you give obama credit for tarp?
there is no flip flop there. and you can't prove there is, nor can you explain it.

zappa? are you going to debate?

Are you kidding?

You gave me your word and then went back on it...

This thread, despite your claims of civility, is crawling with derisive taunts and insults you said you'd leave behind if only I'd debate you...

I told you earlier that the definition of "stupid" is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...this thread and your responses prove that statement correct.

You can't maintain any semblance of civility so we won't be having any discussion.
odd....when i respond with civility, zappa still can't defend his position. can we now expect you to make any claim about me or about a subject and if i refute it or ask you for proof or clarification, you will forever and ever bring this thread up?

i mean, you make a new claim, i respond without taunts or insults, and you still can't be civil and debate. further, i have repeatedly tried to be civil after we insulted back and forth because you thought my taunt (while you finally admitted it was not an insult) was not civil. i tried to bring you back to the thread topic over and over and was completely "civil" this time, no taunts, and you still can't debate.

just let me know when you want to actually debate, back up your claims, because until then, i'm through with this game of yours.
odd....when i respond with civility, zappa still can't defend his position. can we now expect you to make any claim about me or about a subject and if i refute it or ask you for proof or clarification, you will forever and ever bring this thread up?

i mean, you make a new claim, i respond without taunts or insults, and you still can't be civil and debate. further, i have repeatedly tried to be civil after we insulted back and forth because you thought my taunt (while you finally admitted it was not an insult) was not civil. i tried to bring you back to the thread topic over and over and was completely "civil" this time, no taunts, and you still can't debate.

just let me know when you want to actually debate, back up your claims, because until then, i'm through with this game of yours.

Oh boo hoo hoo...you gave me your word you'd keep things civil and yet couldn't even get past THE FIRST PAGE before the insults and taunts started flowing.

Until you can establish a pattern proving you finally are ready to keep your word when you give it, nothing is going to change.