Hello Gonzomin,
Some did, but the majority did not. It is your mathematical and logical argument that the wealthy paid less at 90 than they do at 27? The deductions did not go away but proliferated. Corporations provided 30 percent of the revenue collected back then. Now under 8.
We are deliberately starving revenue so our wealthy owners can eliminate all social programs. That has always been the plan. Rightys are in back of that. They are fighting for their right to struggle in the glow of the plutocracy.
They blame the poor for their own condition that they were typically born into and has been in their families for generations. The parents do not know how to be successful any more than they know how to instill the spirit of success into their children.
People born into this situation do not deserve to have rich and successful people blame them for not achieving success.
Programs to help these people have resulted in many rising out of poverty and, once successful themselves, instilling that spirit into their children.
The greed of the greediest people in this nation is so over the top that they have lost their sense of loyalty to their nation. They don't care if the national debt goes up as long as their wealth goes up.
And the fact that they already live in the lap of luxury shows how crazy they are. They've already got it made!
But still they want more. HINT, sadly afflicted greed-a-holics: YOU'RE ALREADY THERE. Time to think about what you are doing and why.
Wealth-addiction is real.
It exists in many of the super-rich, and it exists in much of America. People are drawn to riches. Why not? Who would NOT want to have ultimate buying power, the ability to have anything they desire?
Wealth addiction takes many forms.
From the super-rich person who works like a fiend, ignoring his family and small children to get more wealth even though he already has more than most, to the poor person who walks into the convenience store and buys $50 worth of lottery tickets even though his car needs tires he can't afford.
We are a country focused on the theme of equating wealth with stature.
Some people become so obsessed with acquiring wealth, their life is a compromise for it. That is what it means to be wealth addicted.
Wealth Addiction Is Real
When people will compromise their own richness of life for the sake of wealth, they will certainly compromise the needs of others for it as well.
THAT is why greedy rich people do not want to pay taxes to help the poor have even the bare minimum of a comfortable life.