

Well-known member
Two girls sit next to me in the office and I can hear them talk on occassion about politics and one is a Republican and one is a Democrat. We got our bonuses today for last year and the 26 year old Democratic gal was on our company website looking at her paystub. I guess she saw the amount of taxes they took out and she literally yelled out loud, 'Holy Shit, I may have to vote Republican.'

The girl is pretty funny so she may have been just joking but I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time this has happened.
Two girls sit next to me in the office and I can hear them talk on occassion about politics and one is a Republican and one is a Democrat. We got our bonuses today for last year and the 26 year old Democratic gal was on our company website looking at her paystub. I guess she saw the amount of taxes they took out and she literally yelled out loud, 'Holy Shit, I may have to vote Republican.'

The girl is pretty funny so she may have been just joking but I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time this has happened.

Don’t get too excited. I make jokes like that too.
Well you all know that if you get a bonus you should NEVER get all of your bonus. Uncle Sam needs his pound of flesh too. I mean he works hard making you safe from yourself and homosexuals
Well you all know that if you get a bonus you should NEVER get all of your bonus. Uncle Sam needs his pound of flesh too. I mean he works hard making you safe from yourself and homosexuals
That couple next door might get married and create a singularity by destroying the natural order of things. Then where would we be?
I work for a non-profit. I’m really sorry to say I didn’t get any bonus yesterday so that I could say it. Nor, is one forthcoming.

But, I said it a couple of weeks ago, when I finished my first corporate business writing workshop, and they booked two more.

It'll never happen though.
I just did last years taxes and you guys would not believe how much taxes I paid so I won't even tell ya.
But no whining here.
because your a single old douche bag shit stirrer.
99% of people working that arent' party hacks think they pay to much in taxes.
I paid 43,000 in total taxes last year and that's too much.
I am a democrat and more liberal than any poster on the board, unlike usc I am also honest.:clink:
I paid 43,000 in total taxes last year and that's too much.
I am a democrat and more liberal than any poster on the board, unlike usc I am also honest.:clink:

Call me a liar huh ? meet yah on the tennis court, bring your hammer.
you can hide it under your skirt :D
I paid 43,000 in total taxes last year and that's too much.
I am a democrat and more liberal than any poster on the board, unlike usc I am also honest.:clink:

It makes me sick thinking about how much I paid in taxes. I try not to do it too often.
I am calling you a liar, I'd meet you anywhere and you can have a hammer and I'll go weaponless. It will be comical how easy I'd dissarm you.
LOL…I love when the testosterone gets going.

Cawacko, if you read this, do you remember when Tarzan flipped out and said he was going to fly to California and squeeze Scott by the neck until sh*t came out of his ears?
LOL…I love when the testosterone gets going.

Cawacko, if you read this, do you remember when Tarzan flipped out and said he was going to fly to California and squeeze Scott by the neck until sh*t came out of his ears?

LMAO!!!! Yeah, I do remember that. That was funny as hell!!!