
Audit time for Chappy.
It is a crime to claim too many exemptions.

not if im within 1000 of what my tax bill will be! :tongout:

like i said i make it up with the bonuses and then at end of year if i have to ill bring back to zero on last few paychecks. Basically I hate getting a tax return. want to get as close to owing them money as i can instead of them having a 12month interest free loan from me.

In my case i use that extra money to buy ESOP that gives me an automatic 15% plus.. SO instead of Uncle sam holding my money. i make 15% on it.
Don't sweat it Chap. I am not dano and wont squeal on ya. Now if you were a child molestor or somesuch....

get by with what ya can and have a good weekend.
not if im within 1000 of what my tax bill will be! :tongout:

like i said i make it up with the bonuses and then at end of year if i have to ill bring back to zero on last few paychecks. Basically I hate getting a tax return. want to get as close to owing them money as i can instead of them having a 12month interest free loan from me.

In my case i use that extra money to buy ESOP that gives me an automatic 15% plus.. SO instead of Uncle sam holding my money. i make 15% on it.
That's pretty smart. I did that to save for my first house downpayment about a century ago and it really burned the bean counter at my old job that I knew it was legal. :tongout:
Don't sweat it Chap. I am not dano and wont squeal on ya. Now if you were a child molestor or somesuch....

get by with what ya can and have a good weekend.

believe me id school any tax adviser with my records and letter to the law legal filing.
believe me id school any tax adviser with my records and letter to the law legal filing.

I believe you. I don't track that stuff much anymore and just pay someone to do my taxes. They have gotten to complex for me over tha last couple of years.