
I am calling you a liar, I'd meet you anywhere and you can have a hammer and I'll go weaponless. It will be comical how easy I'd dissarm you.

Well hit the tennis court the next time it is raining real hard and wait for me there.
You are so gullible you will probably do it :D

Yeah stirring up testosterone OD victims is fun.

BTW stop yelling spinner I can hear you all the way down the hall.
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what's great fun is ready usmoron try to discuss topics requiring more than a hs education.

Umm any intelligent person with a HS education can now see where our economy is going.

Since you claim to have a college degree I will have to assume you are not too intelligent.
Hey you can apply for one of the 4 tech school scholarships my company gives out.
they are only 2k each, but what the heck it helps out. they were tax deductable too.
usmoron, look up recession how often they happen and how long its been.
I've made more in the market knowing the economy than you have salary in your entire life.
I wish someone here hated me enough to give me a free trip to Cali. I could use a vacation.
I wish someone here hated me enough to give me a free trip to Cali. I could use a vacation.

I just bought a round trip to san fran online, and will be emailing the confirmation to you tonight. Get ready to rumble.

Just don't kick my @ss too bad. I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Well, as far as y'all know, I am a 20 foot tall giant with bowell issues willing to "meet" anybody and ready to talk all about them....

Based on never seeing a picture of cawacko and seeing 1,000 of Cypress's mullett. I suggest you chose cawacko.
usmoron, look up recession how often they happen and how long its been.
I've made more in the market knowing the economy than you have salary in your entire life.

Perhaps on the salary, I will have to check my last SS earnings statement.

But I have really made up for it the last couple of years :clink:

$75/hr consulting job for a 2 year tech eddication. Imagine if I had a college degree or 2 like you topper....but then I am fixed for the rest of my life so it is a moot point.
that was a cheap shot I took at cypress
but hey if your going to post 1,000 Joe Dirt Mullett head pictures of yourself I quess he had it coming.
Originally Posted by Topspin
usmoron, look up recession how often they happen and how long its been.
I've made more in the market knowing the economy than you have salary in your entire life.

Perhaps on the salary, I will have to check my last SS earnings statement.

But I have really made up for it the last couple of years

$75/hr consulting job for a 2 year tech eddication. Imagine if I had a college degree or 2 like you topper....but then I am fixed for the rest of my life so it is a moot point.

this is how your prove my point for me USMORON>
Even someone with only a highshool education can make over $100,000 without killing themself. And yet our economy is falling apart. LOFL
Originally Posted by Topspin
usmoron, look up recession how often they happen and how long its been.
I've made more in the market knowing the economy than you have salary in your entire life.

Perhaps on the salary, I will have to check my last SS earnings statement.

But I have really made up for it the last couple of years

$75/hr consulting job for a 2 year tech eddication. Imagine if I had a college degree or 2 like you topper....but then I am fixed for the rest of my life so it is a moot point.

this is how your prove my point for me USMORON>
Even someone with only a highshool education can make over $100,000 without killing themself. And yet our economy is falling apart. LOFL

yep I am currently ranking employees for a rif in a couple of weeks....
Great times. Might take the rif myself to let someone else work that needs the money more.
My boss said no way, but I might leave anyway.

Yeah and it is just beginning. this year is gonna suck for very many people. and one thing that is enriching you is gonna hurt many. the price of oil...
i have like 14 exemptions claimed on mine so have hardly anything taken out for federal for normal paychecks. Bonuses however alway have the max rate. I get em quarterly and have almost enough tax at the highest rate taken out to cover fact that none of my regular paychecks are taxed.