APP - Teddy, Bobby and Jack... Thank You!


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These three men, two were killed in service to America and the other dedicated his life in service to America should be honored!

Thank you Ted Kennedy!
Bobby was the bestof the three, imo. He wanted to make good changes and wanted to do it for unselfish reasons.

Jack was sort of forced into politics after his older brother was killed.

Ted backed too many things I disagree with profoundly.
Bobby was the bestof the three, imo. He wanted to make good changes and wanted to do it for unselfish reasons.

Jack was sort of forced into politics after his older brother was killed.

Ted backed too many things I disagree with profoundly.

You can disagree with a man and still appreciate his service. Ted was a LIBERAL LION... and I respect that. Reagan backed many many things I disagreed with but I still respect his service and at his death was happy to show respect and gratitude.
You can disagree with a man and still appreciate his service. Ted was a LIBERAL LION... and I respect that. Reagan backed many many things I disagreed with but I still respect his service and at his death was happy to show respect and gratitude.

I did so.
Ted wasn't killed in the manner that John and Bobby were. It very much isn't the same thing.

That being said, Ted served for a very long time and will live on in history, something most of us will never be able to say. I disagreed with him almost perfectly, but he had a measure of my respect.
You can disagree with a man and still appreciate his service. Ted was a LIBERAL LION... and I respect that. Reagan backed many many things I disagreed with but I still respect his service and at his death was happy to show respect and gratitude.

Ted Kennedy was a totalitarian. It was all about controlling people, not allowing freedom.
Ted wasn't killed in the manner that John and Bobby were. It very much isn't the same thing.

That being said, Ted served for a very long time and will live on in history, something most of us will never be able to say. I disagreed with him almost perfectly, but he had a measure of my respect.

I never said it was the same, in fact I specifically seperated the two from the one.

look at his final request to change the special election law in his state? If he was about freedom, he'd be happy to let the people decide, but he was about control, especially political, so he advocated changing the law 4 years later so a dem gov could select his replacement.
look at his final request to change the special election law in his state? If he was about freedom, he'd be happy to let the people decide, but he was about control, especially political, so he advocated changing the law 4 years later so a dem gov could select his replacement.

Ted Kennedy wanted it his way til the end. I am sorry for his family, his children, his wife, but especially Caroline Kennedy who has lost the last vestiges of her father when her uncle passed.

Ted never adequately addressed the Chappaquiddick incident and the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. That will forever mar him.

Well that and being a liberal... :cof1:
Ted Kennedy wanted it his way til the end. I am sorry for his family, his children, his wife, but especially Caroline Kennedy who has lost the last vestiges of her father when her uncle passed.

Ted never adequately addressed the Chappaquiddick incident and the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. That will forever mar him.

Well that and being a liberal... :cof1:

Do you remember how rude he was during the confirmation hearings for Bush's SC nominations, especially Alito?
with seemingly accurate portrayals of the dems on that committee.

I just don't see what value is added to a post by linking to what some conservative college kid says about how Kennedy treated Alito. It's weird.

And if you think it "seemingly accurate" that Kennedy "essentially called Alito a girl" for saying that Alito was a "cheerleader for the imperial presidency" you need have your head examined. Also.
He's dead? I hope he's had a chance to see Mary Jo before he slips on down to the basement

I think he lived his life as a tribute to her. I think he felt remorse and had to live with it every day of his life, just others who have indulged in too much to drink and done something stupid.

I think the Christian god would forgive him, don't you. And Mary Jo might very well be there to greet him at the pearly gates if she is there.

I just thought that was what forgiveness was all about! I may be wrong, I am not a Christian, but I do know Jesus' rule.