APP - Teddy, Bobby and Jack... Thank You!

I just don't see what value is added to a post by linking to what some conservative college kid says about how Kennedy treated Alito. It's weird.

And if you think it "seemingly accurate" that Kennedy "essentially called Alito a girl" for saying that Alito was a "cheerleader for the imperial presidency" you need have your head examined. Also.

Well don't read it then.
look at his final request to change the special election law in his state? If he was about freedom, he'd be happy to let the people decide, but he was about control, especially political, so he advocated changing the law 4 years later so a dem gov could select his replacement.

Select the replacement until another can be elected.

Personally, I think they should just hold the election within 15-30 days rather than waiting a gobsmacking 6 months. Those laws were ancient, and it took that much time back then, but it doesn't now.
Think about it...

Jack Kennedy president until 1968
Bobby Kennedy president until 1976
Ted Kennedy president until 1984

We could've skipped the whole conservative revolution! We'd be such a better country right now! What a tragedy...
Think about it...

Jack Kennedy president until 1968
Bobby Kennedy president until 1976
Ted Kennedy president until 1984

We could've skipped the whole conservative revolution! We'd be such a better country right now! What a tragedy...

There was no way in hell that Teddy was gonna run for president. He didn't want to follow in his brother's footsteps.

Bobby was the best of the three, and would have made a great president.
There was no way in hell that Teddy was gonna run for president. He didn't want to follow in his brother's footsteps.

Bobby was the best of the three, and would have made a great president.

Bobby Kennedy getting shot is definitely one of the primary things that lead to the conservative revolution. We got stuck with crappy Carter in 1976, and we would've been better off just losing that one.

I mean, just everything possible, every possible tragedy and mistake, that could've happened in the past forty years to hamper progress, did.
There was no way in hell that Teddy was gonna run for president. He didn't want to follow in his brother's footsteps.

Bobby was the best of the three, and would have made a great president.

He was.... right up until Mary Jo died... his aspirations for President died with her.
There was no way in hell that Teddy was gonna run for president. He didn't want to follow in his brother's footsteps.

Bobby was the best of the three, and would have made a great president.

Teddy did run for president... ! 1980 I belive he challanged Jimmy Carter for the nomination. Maybe it was 76'.
Teddy did run for president... ! 1980 I belive he challanged Jimmy Carter for the nomination. Maybe it was 76'.

It was 1980. It was a horribly disorganized campaign. Odd that someone who had campaigned so well for the senate, and from such a politically powerful family would be unable to organize a decent campaign.

I have always agreed with the notion that he did not want to win.
It was 1980. It was a horribly disorganized campaign. Odd that someone who had campaigned so well for the senate, and from such a politically powerful family would be unable to organize a decent campaign.

I have always agreed with the notion that he did not want to win.

Maybe... plenty of people do that for various reasons.
It was 1980. It was a horribly disorganized campaign. Odd that someone who had campaigned so well for the senate, and from such a politically powerful family would be unable to organize a decent campaign.

I have always agreed with the notion that he did not want to win.

It was kind of half hearted. He knew he couldn't ever win president after Chappaquiddick. If that wouldn't have happened, he would've had a good shot at taking 1972.
For those who were around and remember how big a deal was Chappaquiddick at the time? Obviously today something like that would hit the internet and be around the world in a few seconds. When the incident occurred we were obviously in a vastly different time period as far as communications.
For those who were around and remember how big a deal was Chappaquiddick at the time? Obviously today something like that would hit the internet and be around the world in a few seconds. When the incident occurred we were obviously in a vastly different time period as far as communications.
Same year we landed on the moon!
These three men, two were killed in service to America and the other dedicated his life in service to America should be honored!

Thank you Ted Kennedy!

Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia is a military cemetery in the United States...the resting place of heros...
Its a slap in the face to those heros to allow this drunkin sot, Army private, the coward responsible for a young girls death, to pass the gates of this honored place...
Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia is a military cemetery in the United States...the resting place of heros...
Its a slap in the face to those heros to allow this drunkin sot, Army private, the coward responsible for a young girls death, to pass the gates of this honored place...

Anyone who serves in the military, and their children, are entitled to be buried at Arlington. He was sent there to be with his two brothers.
Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia is a military cemetery in the United States...the resting place of heros...
Its a slap in the face to those heros to allow this drunkin sot, Army private, the coward responsible for a young girls death, to pass the gates of this honored place...

If I am not mistaken, as a US Senator, he earned the right to be buried in Arlington.

There are people in that cemetary who don't deserve it, but Ted is not one of those.
Ted Kennedy is an American Hero and he is buried in the place for the burial of American heros. Along with his brothers!
Teddy boy is a American hero only to a few select brain dead lefties who evidently have no "real" heroes in their lives..:)
Whether he is a hero or not does not change whether he is qualified to be buried in Arlington.

There are plenty of war heros that were not buried in Arlington, and plenty of average-joes who served during peacetime that are buried in Arlington.

Being a Hero has no bearing on whether you are buried in Arlington.